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The components of the aircraft control system

Primary controls

Generally, the primary cockpit flight controls are arranged as follows:

· a control yoke (also known as a control column), centre stick or side-stick (the latter two also colloquially known as a control or joystick), governs the aircraft's roll and pitch by moving the ailerons (or activating wing warping on some very early aircraft designs) when turned or deflected left and right, and moves the elevators when moved backwards or forwards

· rudder pedals, or the earlier, pre-1919 "rudder bar", to control yaw, which move the rudder; left foot forward will move the rudder left for instance.

· throttle controls to control engine speed or thrust for powered aircraft.

The control yokes also vary greatly amongst aircraft. There are yokes where roll is controlled by rotating the yoke clockwise/counterclockwise (like steering a car) and pitch is controlled by tilting the control column towards you or away from you, but in others the pitch is controlled by sliding the yoke into and out of the instrument panel (like most Cessnas, such as the 152 and 172), and in some the roll is controlled by sliding the whole yoke to the left and right (like the Cessna 162). Centre sticks also vary between aircraft. Some are directly connected to the control surfaces using cables, others (fly-by-wire airplanes) have a computer in between which then controls the electrical actuators.

Even when an aircraft uses variant flight control surfaces such as a V-tail ruddervator, flaperons, or elevons, to avoid pilot confusion the aircraft's flight control system will still be designed so that the stick or yoke controls pitch and roll conventionally, as will the rudder pedals for yaw. The basic pattern for modern flight controls was pioneered by French aviation figure Robert Esnault-Pelterie, with fellow French aviator Louis Blériot popularizing Esnault-Pelterie's control format initially on Louis' Blériot VIII monoplane in April 1908, and standardizing the format on the July 1909 Channel-crossing Blériot XI. Flight control has long been taught in such fashion for many decades, as popularized in ab initio instructional books such as the 1944 work Stick and Rudder.

In some aircraft, the control surfaces are not manipulated with a linkage. In ultralight aircraft and motorized hang gliders, for example, there is no mechanism at all. Instead, the pilot just grabs the lifting surface by hand (using a rigid frame that hangs from its underside) and moves it.

Secondary controls

In addition to the primary flight controls for roll, pitch, and yaw, there are often secondary controls available to give the pilot finer control over flight or to ease the workload. The most commonly available control is a wheel or other device to control elevator trim, so that the pilot does not have to maintain constant backward or forward pressure to hold a specific pitch attitude (other types of trim, for rudder and ailerons, are common on larger aircraft but may also appear on smaller ones). Many aircraft have wing flaps, controlled by a switch or a mechanical lever or in some cases are fully automatic by computer control, which alter the shape of the wing for improved control at the slower speeds used for takeoff and landing. Other secondary flight control systems may be available, including slats, spoilers, air brakes and variable-sweep wings.


I. Поясніть наступні терміни:

1. control column

2. fly-by-wire airplane

3. ruddervator

4. flaperon

5. elevon

6. pattern

7. ultralight aircraft

8. elevator trim

9. slat

10. air brake

II. Опишіть систему управління літаком, користуючись схемою:




Практичне заняття 8

Лексичні одиниці:

Flight deck - кабіна екіпажу

crew - екіпаж

replacement - заміна

available - доступний

installation - установка

to vary - мінятися

to equip - обладнати

sequence - послідовність

data processor - процесор обробки даних

facility - засіб

altitude - висота

heading - курс

attitude - позиція

data - дані

awareness - поінформованість

hazardous condition - небезпечна умова

rate - швидкість

descent - спуск

alert - тривога

to simplify - спростити

centerpiece - центральне місце

to render - надавати

to superimpose - накладати

terrain - місцевість

gauge - масштаб

warning - попередження

remedial action - заходи щодо виправлення



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