Who takes her daughter to school? 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Who takes her daughter to school?

Кто берет ее дочь в школу? - Nikki

Who goes to the gym?

Кто ходит в спортзал? - Ellie and JC

Who works a lot?

Кто много работает? -Scott

Who watches television?

Кто смотрит телевизор? - JC

Who eats unhealthy food?

Кто ест нездоровую пищу? - Ellie

Who uses the computer a lot?

Кто много пользуется компьютером? - JC

Who has a cat?

У кого есть кошка? - Nikki

Задание №2.

Tell your neighbour about your daily routine, then talk to your classmates. (Расскажите своим соседом о вашей повседневной жизни, тогда поговори со своими одноклассниками.)

Find out … (узнайте…)

Who goes to bed earliest/latest? (кто ложится спать раннюю/позднюю?)

My son and I sleep pretty late. (Я и мой сын ложимся очень поздно)

Who gets up earliest/latest? (Кто встает ранняя/поздняя?)

My husband gets up very early, as he for a long time to get to work. (Мой муж встает очень рано, так как ему долго добираться до работы.)

Who is the busiest? (Кто является самым загруженным?)

Busiest my husband and I will be on the same level. (По загруженности мы с мужем будем на одинаковом уровне)

Who is online the most? (Кто на сайте больше всего?)

Of course, the more I. (Конечно, на сайте нахожусь больше я.)

Who goes out the most? (Кто выходит больше всего?)

Most of all, I. (Больше всего я.)

Who works/studies hardest? (Кто работает/учится изо всех сил?)

Of course my husband works hard, as I sit at home. (Конечно муж работает изо всех сил, так как сижу дома.)

Задание №3.

Tell your teacher What is the typical daily routine for … (Скажи своей учительнице, что типичный распорядок дня для...)

… a working mother (... работающая мать):1. to Wake the family, a morning shower (разбудить семью, утренний душ)

Family Breakfast (семейный завтрак)

3.to get one's husband to work, and of children in educational institutions (собрать мужа на работу, а детей в учебные учреждения)

4. take the children to the school (отвести детей в учебные учреждения)

To go to work (пойти на работу)

In the evening to pick up the kids (вечером забрать детей)

To do the homework with children, play (7 сделать уроки с детьми, поиграть)

Family dinner (семейный ужин)

Evening shower (вечерний душ)

Sleep (сон)

… a student (... студент):1. a morning shower (утренний душ)

Breakfast (завтрак)

3. classes in educational institution (занятия в учебном учреждении)

4.выполнение домашнего задания (homework)

Прогулки (walking)

Ужин (dinner)

Вечерний душ (evening shower)

Сон (sleep)

… a working man (... рабочий человек):1.the rise of the clock (.подъем по будильнику)

A morning shower (утренний душ)

Breakfast (завтрак)

Run to work (бегом на работу)

Dinner (ужин)

Evening shower (вечерний душ)

Sleep (сон)

Контрольная работа №2

Задание №1:

What do you think they mean? Match the word with the definition. Use the TRANSCRIPT to help you if you need. (Что вы думаете они означают? Матч слово с определением. Используйте расшифровку, чтобы помочь вам, если вам нужно.)

a potter around (поттер вокруг) i to go to bed (ложиться спать)

B skip (пропустить) ii to spend time doing nice things that are not important (тратить время, делая приятные вещи, которые не важны)

c turn in (в свою очередь) iii to relax (для отдыха)

D keeping up with (ногу с) iv someone who gets up early (кто рано стает)

e early riser (ранняя пташка) v time goes very quickly (время идет лчень быстро)

F chill out (остынь) vi to stay in contact (остаться в контакте)

G flashes by (мелькает) vii to miss, not have (пропустить, нет)

Задание №2.

Me and my mobile
Police in Britain have been cracking down on drivers who use mobile phones. But while talking and driving is not allowed, it seems you can talk while doing anything else, anywhere, any time.

It often seems that everyone in Britain has a mobile phone. We use them as alarm clocks, calculators,

To help with exam revision, to pay city congestion charges, to send photos of ourselves on holiday

with our new 3G phone - and even to talk with other people. And that's where the problems can start.

Firstly when do you use them? The etiquette of using mobiles is changing. Originally people turned

away when speaking with someone. Now they'll just talk about anything from work to romance to

when they'll be home -at the top of their voices - without anyone minding. Or not minding much.

Or - OK - being too polite to say they can't stand the fact that person sitting next to them on the train

is talking about last night's party while they're trying to read the paper.
Secondly, when do you not use them? In Britain, the answer to that is simple. You don't use a mobile

phone - except with a fixed hands free set - while you're driving. A new law came into force at the

end of 2003. Anyone caught using a hand-held mobile while driving risks a fixed penalty of £30

or a fine of up to £1,000 if convicted plus three points on their licence.
However, not everyone takes note of the law and the police have been prosecuting drivers for

breaking it. The worst offenders are people living in South West Scotland. BBC transport

correspondent Tom Symonds says that over 800 have been caught in Strathclyde compared to just

17 in Suffolk. (It's not clear whether that means that Scots have more friends or are just worse drivers!)
Finally, do try not to lose your mobile. It's not the phone itself which matters - it's easy enough to

Replace a handset. But your SIM card is another matter. It has all your contacts stored on it.

And without your contacts list - well, who could you phone?



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