Which of the listed below statements are true/false. Specify your answer using the text. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Which of the listed below statements are true/false. Specify your answer using the text.

1) When computers were first introduced in 40's and 50's programmers had to write programs to instruct CD-ROMs, laser printers and scanners.

2) The operational system controls and manages the use of the hardware and the memory.

3) There are no commands available in operating systems, they are only in word processors.

4) Microsoft developed MS-DOS to compete with IBM's PC-DOS.

5) NT requires computers with 486 CPU and 16 M random access memory.

6) OS/2 is DOS compatible because it was developed by Microsoft.

7) Traditionally, UNIX was run by many users simultaneously.

8) Windows 95 and Windows 98 are DOS compatible and have very «friendly» and convenient interface.


7. Translate into English:

1. Сучасні операційні системи контролюють використання системного обладнання, наприклад принтера і миші.

2. З точки зору користувача, операційні системи PC-DOS і MS-DOS ідентичні, з однаковими можливостями і набором системних команд.

3. OS/2 є DOS -сумісною операційною системою, що дозволяє запускати програми за допомогою графічного інтерфейса користувача.

4. Додаткові програми для роботи з приладами системного обладнання були дуже складними і займали багато часу.

5. Операційна система дозволяє запускати програми, такі як найпростіший текстовий редактор.

6. DOS-найпоширеніша операційна система для персонального комп’ютера.


8. Questions for group discussion:

1) Why do you think Bill Gates, President of Microsoft Company is one of the richest people on the Earth?

2) Judging from your experience tell if UNIX is used nowadays? What about OS/2?

3) Ask the students in your group who have experience working with Windows 95 and Windows 98 about the advantages and disadvantages of these operational systems.


Is it possible to imagine our life without computers? How useful are they?



Alice and Paul are talking in the University coffee-bar. Read their conversation and name the advantages of computers.

Alice: Paul, what are you going to do at your laboratory classes

today? Paul: I'm going to work on a computer. Alice: And do you often work at the computer centre? Paul: Not very often. But I like to work on a computer. It does the

work of many human beings at fantastically high speeds. Alice: Well, if I'm not mistaken it's primarily a calculating

machine. Paul: Oh, I believe that it's almost a human machine with "brains".

A computer usually replaces people in dull, routine tasks. It

works according to the instructions. Alice: Well, I see. In my opinion, it's a fascinating machine. Paul: Exactly.


Complete the dialogue.

Б I'm going to work on my project. What about you? A:...

A: Do you often work in the Internet centre? B:...

A-As far as I'm concerned, a computer is almost a human machine!



Give the opposite to the following sentences.

1. A computer doesn't usually make different types of decisions.

2. A computer stores information in its "memory".

3. The new calculating machine does many kinds of calculations.

4. Modern personal computers don't perform work at high speeds.

5. The electronic machines receive and store information.


Correct mistakes in the following sentences.

1. He often work on a computer.

2. My friends doesn't learn any programming language.

3. What operations a modern computer performs?

4. Do you often employ1 minicomputers? - No, we doesn't.

5. Alex have a new computer-notebook.

6. Always computers help people solve difficult tasks.


Translate the sentences into English using your active vocabulary.

1.Які операції виконує комп’ютер?

2.Комп’ютер не думає, чи не так?

3.Комп’ютер виконує багато видів розрахунків швидко і точно.

4.Студенти технічних вузів часто виконують математичні операції за допомогою комп’ютера.

5.Комп’ютер отримує, зберігає і обробляє інформацію.





1. Learn the new words and put them into your vocabularies:

to interact — взаимодействовать

to accomplish — выполнять, достигать

weapon — оружие

to replace — замещать

Recycle Bin — корзина

to crash — ломаться, давать сбои

to remove — удалять

co-workers — коллеги, сослуживцы

rarely — редко

to plug — подключать

frequently — часто

support — поддержка

necessity — необходимость

flash — вспышка, зд. in a flash — моментально

to give smth. a thought — подумать о чем- либо

brand-name — торговая марка

calm — спокойный

shortcut — кратчайший путь

to sacrifice — жертвовать

advancement — прогресс, продвижение



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