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Замените слово, данное в скобках, английским эквивалентом


Mrs. Smith (управляет) her house very well.

Adeals B works C manages D does


Uncle Lack visited us about a (двух недель) ago.

A fortnight B long time C two nights D two weekends


I haven't any (сомнение) about the result.

A regret B sorry C happiness D doubt


This dog (принадлежит) to my cousin.

A gets B has C shouts D belongs


(Конечно) I'll visit him on Saturday.

A of course B practically C eventually D finally

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Jane thinks that Ben is _______ man in the world.

A handsome B more handsome C most handsome D the most handsome


The patient looks much _______ today.

Abest B good C better Dthe best

Замените модальный глагол эквивалентом


Horses can sleep standing.

A have to B is able to C are allowed to D are able to

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There was a lot of snow on the _________.

A roofs B rooves C roofes D roovs

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They ________ the translation by five o'clock.

A finished B had finished C are finishing D finish


Be careful! You _______ too fast now.

А drive B drives C are driving D is driving


He is a man who _________ a remarkable life.

A lived В have lived C was living D is living



We are going for a walk. Who ______ to go with us.

A is wanting В want C wants D does want


You _______ a lovely song when I entered the room. What was it?

Ahad sung В sang C was singing D were singing


When I saw the girl I was sure I ________ her before.

A meet B met have met D had met


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A Many people who first come to the USA say that Americans are open, friendly and easy-going, but after living in the country for a while, they change their minds. One foreign student explained that when he first came, people helped him get settled, took him shopping, invited him for dinner, and called to see how he was. After two or three weeks, however, they stopped doing these things, and he was confused and disappointed.

B The thing is Americans try to do what is necessary to help people when they first arrive. They do many things to help these people get settled and often make the new arrivals feel like a part of the family. Newcomers expect this new hospitality to continue in the form of a solid friendship. However Americans expect that once people are settled and have been there for a few weeks, they will begin to do things for themselves and become independent.

C In the United States time is exact. People plan activities and arrange their lives around specific time. For example in the United States, one should always arrive on time for dinner, a date, or a business appointment. If other people are expected for dinner or for a meeting and you are late, everyone else will have to wait until you arrive to begin.

D Americans are fond of greeting cards. They are printed not only for birthdays and anniversaries, Christmas but also for graduation, Valentine's Day, and many other events. Some business people send cards to clients to maintain good-will.


Выберите ответ, соответствующий содержанию текста


1. How do Americans treat newcomers?

A They never help them. C They become friends forever.
B They help them when they first come. D They never stop helping


2. The passage B is about

A the people that come to the US for the first time

B the American manner to treat newcomers

C the solid friendship between Americans and the new arrivals

D about the life of Americans in general

Определите, в каком абзаце сообщается

3. о том, что американцы любят посылать друг другу открытки


4. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста.

A When you visit people in America you must always be on time.

B After living in the USA for some time many people think that Americans are open, friendly and easy-going.

C Businessmen never send postcards to their clients.

D Americans are the best friends for their neighbors.

Прочитайте начало предложения и выберите его продолжение

5. If somebody is late for dinner Americans

A …will never wait for him C … will have to wait for him
B …will wait for a few minutes D …will start their dinner without him

Соотнесите данные утверждения с соответствующими абзацами текста( A, B, C или D )

6. The judgement of newcomer on Americans change after living in America for a fortnight or so.

7. There are a lot of reasons for Americans to send a postcard.

8. It is extremely impolite to be late.

9. In the US people hope that a newcomer will soon become independent.

10. Americans don't like to waste their time.

Замените слово, данное в скобках, английским эквивалентом.

11. He has a very strong character but he is thoughtful and (спокойный).

Agay B laughable C practical D quiet


12. Mr. White came (поприветствовать) me.

Ato meet B to see C to greet D to speak to


13. I (надеюсь) the weather will be very good tomorrow

А trust B hope C am sure D am busy


14. There is a wholesale (рынок) in Covent Garden.

А yard B market C shop D farm


15. (В самом деле) I enjoyed my stay in England very much.

Afrankly speaking Bnaturally C indeed D no doubt

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16. This really is ________ food I've ever eaten.

А bad B the worst C worst D the bad


17. London is ________ than New York.

A older B the oldest C more old D old


Замените модальный глагол эквивалентом

18. They must go there next week.

A are able to B are allowed to C has to D have to

Выберите подходящую форму множественного числа

19. _______ are much common at school.

A woman-teacher B women-teachers C woman-teachers D women-teacher

Выберите форму сказуемого


20. The professor ______ five foreign languages.

A is speaking B has spoken C spoken D speaks


21. I_______ a report in the library at this time yesterday.

Аwritten B is writing C was writing D wrote


22. The doorbell rang as he ________ the house.

A has left В left C was leaving D leaves


23. After it _______ raining we went out.

A has stopped В stopped C had stopped D would stop


24. Excuse me, I _______ for a post office.

A looks В am looking Clook D is looking


25. I ________ Karelia last year.

A had visited Bvisited Cvisit D was visiting


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Wales and the Welsh

A Wales is a lovely country. Though, there is no "frontier", no Customs officers, no armed guard at the boundary between England and Wales, you know immediately that you are in Wales; you soon hear Welsh being spoken and see long Welsh names on sign-posts and railway stations, most often beginning with "Llan" – Llanderis, Llandudno, Llanfair, etc.

B The countryside is lovely with great mountains, some of them beautiful and green, others are bare and wild. There are gentle valleys with little farmhouses or cottages scattered on the slopes of the mountains and quiet lakes or rivers running down to the coast which is only twenty or thirty miles away, in some places the mountains run right down into the sea.

C The Welsh people are almost purely Celtic, who escaped intermixture with the invaders and they love their country dearly. Unlike the Englishman, who has spread his empire to the four corners of the Earth, the Welshman has never been an empire-builder – in fact, he hasn't been able even to unite his own country and until 1956 there was no even the capital of Wales, as London is the capital of England, Edinburgh of Scotland and Belfast of (North) Ireland.

D The Welsh are countrymen not townsmen, they always preferred to live in small groupings. The family is the center of Welsh life, and his village is just an extended family and he doesn't generally go far away from his home. When a Welshman is away from his home he feels deep passionate homesickness for his home. Perhaps, it isn't for "Wales", it is for some small part of it, a tiny village, a hillside, where his family lives.


customs таможня
boundary граница
invaders завоеватели
scattered on the slopes разбросанные по склонам
run right down into круто обрываются
fed deep passionate homesickness испытывать глубокую ностальгию
beat down победить
spirit дух


Выберите ответ, соответствующий содержанию текста

1. How do you know that you are in Wales?

А … hear Welsh speech, see Welsh names on sign-posts

B … cross the boundary

C … go through Customs

D … show your passport


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