Because she was a Negro woman 

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Because she was a Negro woman

Balashyan arrived in New Orleans on Sunday morning on his way to....

Complete the sentence:This story arises the problem of... C) Racism.

Complete the sentence:The young woman was going to Baltimore to.... B) See her husband.

Fill in the blanks according to the content of the text:Soon everybody knew about Balashyan and began asking... questions. D)Him.

Choose the right answer:What did Balashyan’s neighbour get interested in? His nationality.

Fill in the blanks according to the content of the text:At a small station the train stopped and a group of young... entered the car. C)Men.

Choose the right answer:What colour was the woman’s hair? A) Black.

Choose the right answer:What language did a young officer address to Balashian? C) French.

Complete the sentence:The tall officer was standing in front of the young woman and..... D) Shouting at her.

Choose the right answer:Where was Balashyan going? A) To Baltimore.

Choose the right answer:Where was a young woman sitting? D) At the window in the next compartment.

Fill in the blanks according to the content of the text:I can recognize... from a distance. E) Niggers.

Choose the right answer:What did a tall officer want to know of the woman in the next compartment? C) Whether she was a Negress.

Fill in the blanks according to the content of the text:A group of young men in... entered the car at a small station. B) Military uniform.

Fill in the blanks according to the content of the text:The conversation was suddenly interrupted by... coming from the next compartment. A) A woman’s scream.

The Problems of Inventors

Many of the modem world’s most famous discoveries and inventions.....

Armstrong spent the whole life trying: D) to protect his invention

Birdseye sold his patents for a total of: E) 22 million dollars

By the end of his life Birdseye had: D) 100 patents

Gerhardt’s invention appeared in: A.) 1853

In business, it is sometimes better to be: B) second

The recipe of Coca-Cola was sold for: C) 2300 dollars

What did he start? C) Birdseye Seafoods, Inc

What dil he try to freeze first? D) fish

What is the greatest problem of successful inventions?B) to convince people to try something different

When did German company find out that aspirin could possibly be useful? D) fifty years after its invention

Who discovered that aspirin was a painkiller? D) German company

Who invented frozen foods? C) Clarence Birdseye

Why did Birdseye’s first company go bankrupt? D) people didn’t believe frozen fish could be good

Boom Towns

Cities usually have a logical reason for being where they are, like a nearby port or river.....

How many people out of the first 20.000 became rich? A)4000

he text gives us information about: The boom of Dawson city

How many people were killed on the trail? E)63

What is the chief industry of Dawson City now?

What is the current population of Dawson? E) 462

What kind of necessities were very expensive in Dawson? A) food and wood

What kind of towns appeared in the West? A) boom towns

What made the trip to Dawson City difficult? E) snow-covered mountains and icy rivers

What sort of town was Dawson during the period of Canadian gold Rush? C) city of tents and cabins

What was the population of Dawson two years later? D) 30.000

When did people find out gold? D)in 1897

Wher is New York City situated? A) at the month of the Hudson River

Where was the new gold discovered? D) in Alaska

Which Canadian town in 1896 was unmapped wilderness? E) Dawson

Why did people leave Dawson City? C) all gold had been found

Why do rivers and ports often attract people? E) easy to get to and suited to communications and trade

We Can Help

The variety of choices that modem life offers can create problems.....

Why do people need special kinds of services? E) people get too hurried, have trouble communicating

According to the text. What services does «Let Millie Do It” provide? A) meet relatives at the airport, water plants, pay bills

Where does Millie live? A) in New York

What is Millie? A) a professional timesaver

What is the name of a bigger cleaning company? C) «Disaster Masters”

What do they specialize in cleaning up? C) household mess after fires and floods

Which service helps people with a communication problem? E) «Lipservice”

The company can tell «I love you” in.... A) seven languages

Who may be invited for offbeat entertainment? A) professional wrestler

Where do disorganized people go? A) a «time-entertainment clerk”

What finn makes fantasies come true? C) «Fairy Fulfillment”

How much does it cost to invite the firm? C)for $250 and up

What school helps to deal effectively with all the people who want to help out for a price? E) «School of Thinking”

TextRead the text and find the right answers:

The World Wide Web (WWW, or Web for short) has taken over the Internet.....

What does the abbreviation WWW mean? C) World Wide Web.

Why do people put their products onto a computer? C) To make customer shop.

What has the WWW become for Big Business? D)A new way of selling around the globe.

What does the word «browser” mean? C) A program.

What is the most necessary item required for access to the WWW? D) A computer.

What have browsers taken away? B) Collection of commands.

What is Modem? B) A piece of equipment.

What has the arrival of browsers opened to everybody? D) The Internet.

How can we get info on any subject by? B) Simple lifting one finger.

What was the WWW originally made of? C) Academics and military types.

What was needed for accessing information? B) A password.

What captured the imagination of educators? C) Internet.

How did ‘ordinary’ people use the Web? E) As a pastime.

When can we access necessary information on the WWW? E) At any time.

Modern Sun Worshippers

People travel for a lot of reasons. Some tourists go to see battlefields or......

According to the text. People don’t travel: B) to work

According to the text by the Mediterranean records? C) they all come for the sun

Residents of what cities spend a lot of their winter in the dark? B) London, Copenhagen and Amsterdam

What is the advantage of tourism for Mediterranean countries? D) lots of money for the economies

How many people travel to Mediterranean resorts and beaches? A) more than 25 million

How many italy’s hotels are booked every summer? E) 30.000

French beaches are camped out by... C) 13 million people

What is the biggest disadvantage in the Mediterranean sea? B) pollution

Why don’t tourists mind pollution arid crowded beaches? B) they all come for the sun

What is the most polluted place in France? B) St. Tropez

What city besides Berlin and London is considered rainy? E)Oslo

What do tourists have to tolerate? C) traffic jams

What looks still beautiful...? B) the coastline

In many places, swimming is dangerous..... D) because of pollution

Some Statistics

The English are the best workers and the Greeks are the heaviest smokers....

Who can be considered the best workers? C) The English.

Where is the largest amount of strong drinks sold? E) Luxembourg.

What country takes the first place on the continent in the number of illegitimate children? B) Sweden.

One of the factors explaining the high diligence of inhabitants of the Foggy Island is.... B)The very high rent.

In what country are the largest families? D)Ireland.

Who consumes the largest amount of strong drinks sold in Luxembourg? A)The visitors.

Where the smallest number of children is registered? C) Spain.

What country takes the last place on the continent in the number of illegitimate children? B) Greece.

What country has the highest tax on the drinks? E) Sweden.

Who can be considered as the heaviest smokers? C) The Greeks.

Who is most inclined to suicide? A) The Finns.

Who consumes the least of alcohol? B) The Swedes.

What is the average duration of the working week of the British? D) 44 hours.

What people are the bigest consumers of alcohol? A) The French.

Businessmen Outside the Law

The era of easy money that the gold rush brought to the western part of........

When did the era of the gold rush end? E) around 1851

What did the most prospectors do? E)sett1ed down in routine jobs

Why did outlaws turn to robbing? E) a meager wage wasn’t enough

Where did Black Bait start his career? D) in a mine

According to the text Black Bait became an outlaw because A) he had expensive tastes

How many stagecoaches were robbed by Black Bart? C) 27

How much money did he earn? E) $40.000

What did people think of Henry Plummer? C) handsome, friendly and honest

Where did he serve as sheriff? A) in Virginia City

How did he finish his career? C) was caught and thrown in his own jail

Who were the members of a gang led by Jesse James? B) the richest men

Where was Jesse James’s gang organized? C) in Missouri

How much money did they earn in 10 years? B) over 200. 000 dollars

Who was Jesse James’s father? E) a minister

New Zealand

New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator.....

New Zealand is a.... E)South Pacific country.

How many peaks do the Southern Alps include? E)19

When was New Zealand discovered? E) A thousand years ago.

What part of the Pacific ocean did the Maori people migrate from? E) Southern

Whatis the nationality of the navigator who saw the land first? D) Dutch

Where are New Caledonia, Fiji and Gonga situated from New Zealand? A)To the North

When did A.Tasman see the island ?B) 1642

New Zealand is a country located approximately.... east of Australia. C)1600

What’s the nationality of James Cook? A)English

There are the.....islands separated by Cook Strait D) North and South

When did James Cook see the land? A)1769

The country has no part more than....kilometres from the surrounding ocean. B)120.

What land area makes New Zealand similar size to Japan and Britain? C)268,105


Looking To the Future

When a magazine for high- school students asked its readers what life....

According to the students, how would 1978 be different from 1958? A) Machines would be run by solar power

According to the text of forecasting should be accurate in D) economic

After leaving the airbus how would a person travel A) he could drive a car equipped with radar

How do someteims professionals sound? B) like high-school students

How many passengers these airbuses would carry? B) 200 passengers

What did the expert on cities predict for cities in 1982? C) People would travel to work in «airbuses”

What happened to the investors who had put their faith in financial foreseers? C) their investments were ruined

What month was marked with the worst losses A) October

What was the subject of expert’s article? B) The city of 1982

What would be advantage of using the radar equipment of cars? D) would make traffic accidents «almost unheard of”

When did H.J.Rand write his article? D) in 1957

When did the most forecasters see an excellent future for the stock market A) in early 1929

Who was asked about the year 2000 D) H.J. Rand of the Rand Corporation

Why do people ask experts to make predictions? D) the future is very important

Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria succeeded to the throne at the age of 18 on the death of her uncle........

When did Queen Victoria succeed to the throne? D) At the age of 18.

What’s the reason that Victoria wore funeral black for the rest of her B) Her husband’s death.

Victoria’s father, Edward had died when she was. E)8monthes old

When did Queen Victoria’s uncle die? A) In 1837.

What’s the name of her husband? A) Albert.

Who did she receive support from? A) Prince Albert.

When did she marry? In 1840.

When did Albert die? B) In 1861.

How many children did Queen Victoria give birth to between 1840 and 1857? A)9

She emerged from mourning in 1874 encouraged by her family, friends and the newly-elected Prime Minister....? E)Disraeli.

How many of Queen’s children died before her? D)3

When did hir elder daughter die? A)In July 1901.

What title did her Prime Minister get? B) Earl of Beaconsfield.

What’s the name of her last surviving child? C)Beatrice

Press in Britain

Probable in no other country are there such great differences between......

What «quality” newspapers do you know? E) The Times, The Independent.

What «popular” newspapers do you know? E) The Daily Express.

How many national papers are published on Sundays’?) A)Nine.

What are the editors of papers usually allowed? A) Freedom of expression.

It is often said that the aim of the popular press is to entertain its readers than inform them.

What kind of materials do these newspapers concentrate on? D) The Royal Family.

What is the difference between various national daily newspapers? D) In the type of news they report.

Are «quality” papers more popular than «tabloids”? D) Less popular.

What are newspapers owned in Britain by? A) By publishing companies.

What kind of newspapers are called as «populars and tabloids”? B) Small-sized newspapers.

What’s the difference between daily newspapers and «Sundays”? E) Includes colour supplement.

What does a «colour supplement” mean? C) Separate magazine which contains feature articles.

Which type of readers are the British? D) They are fond of reading newspapers.

What is an important tradition in many British households? D) A big Sunday lunch.

Different Kinds of Money

What makes money valuable? Why is a piece of paper marked $10 worth....

What is the real reason that money is valuable? D) everyone believes it is

What was used as money on the Pacific Island of Yap? A) large stone discs

Ancient Greeks measured wealth in.... A) tools and cattle

How many purposes did this kind of money have? A) two

Why were tools and cattle used as money? C)could be used for farming

What was the value of the house? a certain number of tools or cattle

What did American Indians use as money? A)wampum

What is wampum made of? A) from seashells

What did the ancient economies use instead of coins? C) barter

According to the text gold and silver wereuseful as a kind of money? B) they were easier to carry around

This text is about: D) types of money

When was the paper money introduced? E)In the sixteenth centry

According to the text people: C)Were suspicious of paper money

Why did ancient types of money die out? E) more practical forms of money were invented

What does everyone believe? C) a $10 bill is worth $10

Market Women

When Hugh Clapperton, a British explorer, visited Nigeria in the.....

Who visited Nigeria? E) Hugh Clapperton

When did he visit Nigeria? A) in the 1830s

Where did he come from? E)Great Britain

What kind of goods did he find at a Nigerian market B)silks from Cairo, salt from the Sahara, clay water jars

Why do Nigerian women go to the markets? D) to meet their friends, learn about the newest fashions

What is the percentage of women in the Nigerian market D) over 80%

How do traders keep their markets organized? B) they occupy the same general area

Who is the head of each guild? A) a woman

What do «market masters” do? D) make decisions about the day-to-day running of the market

What do they also see? E) market law is enforced

What are the market women in Onitsha famous for? E) for their skill at making large amounts of money

Where is Onitsha situated? C) on the eastern banks of the Niger River

How do market women spend their money? B) in high style

Where do market women send their children? B) to universities overseas

What is buisiness for the Nigerian women? A) a natural part of life


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