Section A (Grammar reference) 

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Section A (Grammar reference)


Section A (Grammar reference)

The Past Continuous Tense (Прошедшее продолженное время)

Past Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в прошедшем времени (was, were) и причастия настоящего времени (Present Participle) смыслового глагола.

I was speaking on the phone.

They were working on the computer.

Past Continuous употребляется для выражения длительного незаконченного действия, происходившего в определенный момент в прошлом.

Момент действия может быть обозначен:

  • точным указанием времени (или периода времени):

Не was visiting a client at 3 o’clock yesterday.

Mrs. Smith was waiting for you from 2 till 5 on Monday.

Tom and Jane were working on the report all day long on Sunday.

  • другим действием, выраженным глаголом в Past Simple:

When I entered the room they were discussing the price.


Утвердительная форма He was swimming They were swimming
Вопросительная форма Was he swimming? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t. Were they swimming? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.
Отрицательная форма   He was not (wasn’t) swimming. They were not (weren’t) swimming.




I. Образуйте общие вопросы и отрицательные предложения в Past Continuous.


1. Cathy was talking on the phone.

2. The sellers were calling the clients.

3. I was looking through a new catalogue.

4. Nick and Charlie were leaving the bank.

5. The manger was organizing the work.

6. John was having coffee in the canteen.

7. The customers were discussing the prices.

8. He was working on the computer.

9. The secretary was making the appointment.

10. We were singing the contract.


II. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Past Continuous.

A. What was happening (happen) at the time of the robbery?

B. Well, I ____ (sit) in my office. I __________________ (talk) to an employee. Mary ______ (put) food onto the shelves. Several customers ______ (do) the shopping and a cashier ______ (stand) behind the till.

A. Can you tell me anything about the robbers?

B. Yes. They _____ (wear) black masks and they (hold) guns. They ______ (shout).

A. How did they get away?

B. They drove off in a car which ______________________ (wait) outside.

III. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. We went/were going out last night.

2. He slept/was sleeping at 10 o clock this morning.

3. I have/was having breakfast when the phone rang/was ringing.

4. They went/ were going home when it started/was starting to rain.

6. He met/was meeting the clients yesterday.

7. When I checked/was checking the sales reports I found/was finding a mistake there.

8. When I studied/was studying the market I found/was finding the most reliable company.

9. When I was entering/entered the room, the secretary was worked / working on the computer.

10. I saw/was seeing my old friend when I left/was leaving the plant.

IV. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. While I (do) the washing-up, I (break) a glass.

2. When I (wait) for the flight at the airport I (meet) my colleague who (go) on business too.

3. Tina (type) the letter when the computer (break down).

4. We (discuss) the terms when the manager (come) into the room.

5. Peter (get) an urgent phone call when he (drive) to the airport.

6. We (see) the machines when we (visit) the plant.

7. I (have) my lunch when the customer (arrive).

8. The secretary (drop) the kettle when she (make) some tea.

9. The accident (happen) when Mrs.Bason (return) home from work.

10. We (see) their stand when we (visit) the exhibition.


Section B




David’scolleague Jack (who doesn’t have enough work to do) has tried to phone him several times without success.

JACK I rang you at 9.30 but the phone was engaged. Who were you talking to?
DAVID Oh, I was calling some clients.
JACK And I tried again at 10.15, but there was no reply.
DAVID At 10.15? I think I was discussing the new catalogue with Sue Tims.
JACK And then I rang back again at 11.10.
DAVID Yes, I was out. I was having coffee in the canteen.
JACK I thought so, so I rang again at 11.30.
DAVID I was out again. The new designer and I were organizing the artwork for some adverts.
JACK What were you doing at 1.30, then? I called again, and tried to leave a message, but the answering machine was not working!
DAVID I’d better have a look at it, but the designer and I were having lunch. Anyway, what did you want to talk about?
JACK Oh, nothing special. I just wanted to try out my new mobile phone.



advert (advertisement) n – рекламное объявление

answering machine – автоответчик

artwork n(зд.) иллюстрация

canteen n – столовая

engage v – занимать

message n – сообщение

leave a message – оставить сообщение

reply n – ответ

ring v – звонить

ring back – перезванивать

try out v – испытывать, проверять

without prep – без




I. Answer the following questions.

1. Why couldn’t Jack talk to David at 9.30?

2. What was David doing at the moment?

3. What was David busy with at 10.15?

4. When was David having coffee?

5. What was David doing at 11.30?

6. Why couldn’t Jack leave a message at 1.30?

7. What was David doing at 1.30?

8. What did Jack want to talk with David about?



II. Agree or disagree. Give your reasons.

1. Jack phoned David seven times.

2. At 9.30 David didn’t answer the phone.

3. At 10.15 David was talking to Sue Tims.

4. At 11.10 David was in the office.

5. David was discussing some advertisements at 11.30.

6. Jack left a message at 1.00 p.m.

7. David was having lunch with his manager at 1.30.

8. Jack wanted to discuss an important business matter with David.


III. Arrange the words in suitable pairs.

1. answering 2. mobile 3. to call 4. to leave 5. to ring a message back clients machine phone


IV. Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.

1. Have you signed the contract ___ ABC? – No, we met their manager twice ____ last month, but ____success.

2. I rang ___ Mr. Darrel yesterday, but I didn’t manage to talk ___ him.

3. What were you doing ___ 9.30 yesterday? – I was having lunch ___ the canteen.

4. Ms. Still isn’t in at the moment. Could you ring ___ her ___ later ___ the afternoon, please?

5. Can I speak ___ Mr. King, please? – I’m afraid he is ___. Would you lake to leave a message?

6. The company always tries ____ new machines before selling them ___ their customers.



V. Fill each gap with a suitable word.

Advert engaged ring back message try out

1. Can I speak to Mr. Brown? – Hold on, please. I’m sorry, the line is _______.

2. Can I speak to Mrs. Bell, please? – I’m afraid she’s out at the moment. Could you _______ in an hour?

3. We must _______ this new model before we order it.

4. Have you talked to Managing Director yet? – I phoned him, but he was at the talks. I had to leave a_______.

5. Let’s place an _______for our new model in a newspaper.



Section A (Grammar reference)


I. Образуйте общие вопросы и отрицательные предложения в Future Simple.

1. She will meet the customer after lunch.

2. The company will produce new goods next year.

3. Mrs. White will contact you tomorrow morning.

4. It will be possible to buy these goods on-line soon.

5. They will be back from a business trip next Friday.

6. The company will expand in the future.

5. They will sign the contract in a week.

6. He will start the business soon.

10. We will send you the catalogue tomorrow.


II. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Continuous или Future Simple.

1. I probably (go) to the manufacturing plant on Wednesday.

2. I’m sure our partners (accept) our terms.

3. I’m too tired to look through all the documents. – Don’t worry. I (help) you.

4. We (meet) the Chinese delegation at the airport tomorrow at 10.00 a.m.

5. Have you faxed the contract? - Oh, sorry. I’ve forgotten. I (fax) it in a minute.

6. We (introduce) a new model into the world market next week.

7. I think we (establish) good relations with your company in the future.

8. Did you phone Mr. Bell? - Oh, no. The line was busy. I (phone) him a bit later.

9. The manager (leave) for Ottawa in a day.

10. I (meet) my customers in the office at 2 o’clock.

11. I hope our business relations (change) for the better.

12. The repairman (come) to fix the fax machine tomorrow

13. I’m afraid I (not have) enough time to check the orders.

14. I hope we (sign) the contract tomorrow.


Section B

Text A


access n – доступ

beauty n – красота

believe v – верить, считать, думать

own-brand – торговая марка розничной сети

choice n – выбор

commercial a – коммерческий

create v – создавать

digital a – цифровой

e-business n – Интернет-бизнес

expand v – расширяться, развиваться

get v – получать

health n – здоровье

laptop n - ноутбук

leading a – ведущий

medicine n – лекарство

one in three – один из трех, каждый третий

outside prep – вне, за пределами

overseas adv – за границей

pharmacy n – аптека

product n – продукт, товар

production company – производящая компания, производственная фирма

retailer n – розничный торговец

second-largest a – второй по величине

shop v – покупать

store n – магазин

department store – универсальный магазин

toiletry n – туалетные принадлежности

two-way a – двусторонний



I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What kind of goods does Boots sell?

2. How many stores does the company have in Britain?

3. What types of stores are they?

4. Do many people in Britain buy goods at Boots?

5. How many own-brand products does Boots sell?

6. In what countries does Boots have stores?

7. Why do they hope to expand in Japan?

8. How does Boots use modern technologies?

9. What services will the Internet company offer?


Text B



Annelise Schmidt gets through to James Cassidy and arranges to meet him.

CASSIDY James Cassidy.
SCHMIDT Hello. This is Annalise Schmidt. Do you remember we met at the Frankfurt Book Fair last month?
CASSIDY Yes, how are you?
SCHMIDT Fine, thanks. I ’m going to be in London on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. How about meeting up to discuss how Megabook and Sprenger will work together?
CASSIDY I’ll just check my diary. I won’t be able to see you on Tuesday. I’m going to Manchester. Will Wednesday suit you? How about lunch?
SCHMIDT Sounds good. Shall we meet at your office? I’ve got the address.
CASSIDY Yes. Will you come round here at about 12.30? Ask me at the reception and I’ll come down.
SCHMIDT Yes, that’s fine.
CASSIDY OK. See you on Wednesday at 12.30, then.
SCHMIDT Look forward to seeing you then. Bye.
CASSIDY Goodbye.



arrange v - устраивать, организовывать, подготавливать

arrange to do smth – договариваться сделать что-л.

come round v – заходить, приходить

diary n – дневник, ежедневник

get through v – дозвониться

How about….? – Как насчет…?

look forward to… v – ждать (с нетерпением)

reception v – приемная

remember v – помнить




I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Why is Ms. Schmidt calling Mr. Cassidy?

2. When did they meet before?

3. When is Ms. Schmidt going to London?

4. Why does she want to meet Mr. Cassidy?

5. Why can’t Mr. Cassidy meet her on Tuesday?

6. What time are they going to meet on Wednesday?

7. Where are Ms. Schmidt and Mr. Cassidy going to meet?


III. Закончите предложения.

1. We will start the talks as soon as …

2. What are you going to do when …

3. If you are not busy next week …

4. I’ll wait for you until you ….

5. When I come to the office tomorrow…

6. Will you be here when …

7. If you don’t like this product …

8. Before I go on business to London ….

9. If you need money …

10.If we have time tomorrow ….


Section B




Mr. Petrov has come to London to continue talks with Mr. Black. He contacts Mr Black and at 10 o’clock he is in Mr. Black’s office.


BLACK Good morning, Mr Petrov.
PETROV Good morning, Mr. Black.
BLACK How are you?
PETROV Just fine, thank you. And how are you?
BLACK Very well, thank you. Are you enjoying your stay in London?
PETROV Yes, my stay here is very pleasant. The weather is fine.
BLACK We have a few matters to discuss. First comes the problem of delivery terms. As far as I remember you prefer FOB terms.
PETROV You’re quite right.
BLACK These terms are acceptable to us.
PETROV What’s your idea of FOB price?
BLACK It’s £1,200 per unit. If you buy on CIF terms, the price will be £1,500.
PETROV Well, I suppose FOB terms suit us. But will you give a discount if we buy, say, 50 machines?
BLACK In this case we can give you a 10% discount.
PETROV So, the problem has been settled. When can you deliver the machines?
BLACK Well, we can dispatch the machines in two equal lots of 25 machines each. We can promise to deliver the first lot in April.
PETROV And can the second lot be delivered in July?
BLACK Yes, I think we can meet these delivery dates.
PETROV Fine. It seems to me we have settled all the problems and we can sign the contract now.
BLACK We’ll do it as soon as the secretary types it. You’ll have to wait a little...


acceptable a – приемлемый

case n – случай

In this case – В этом случае

CIF – СИФ; стоимость, страхование, фрахт; (условие внешнеторгового контракта, означающее, что экспортер несет расходы по доставке товара в порт отгрузки, страхованию товара, погрузке и фрахту до порта назначения; импортер оплачивает оговоренную цену товара после предъявления через банк документов (коносамента, страхового полиса, счета-фактуры)

contact smb v – связаться с к.-л.

deliver v – поставлять

discount n – скидка

dispatch v – отправлять

enjoy v – любить, получать удовольствие

equal a – равный, одинаковый

FOB – ФОБ; франко-борт судна, (условие внешнеторгового контракта, согласно которому экспортер (продавец) несет транспортные, страховые и погрузочные расходы до завершения погрузки товара; право собственности и все риски переходят к покупателю с момента завершения погрузки)

lot n – партия (товара)

machine n – машина, механизм, станок

meet delivery dates – поставлять вовремя, укладываться в сроки поставки

promise v – обещать

settle v – урегулировать, решить

suppose v – полагать

type v – печатать

unit n – единица товара, штука

per unit – за единицу, за штуку

wait v – ждать




I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Why is Mr. Petrov in London now?

2. What problems does Mr. Black want to discuss?

3. What delivery terms does the Russian company prefer?

4. What price does Mr. Black quote?

5. What does Mr. Petrov ask Mr. Black for?

6. What discount does Mr. Black offer?

7. When will Mr. Black deliver the first lot of machines?

8. When does Mr. Petrov want to get the second lot?

9. When will they sign the contract?



Прилагательное Наречие

bad badly

slow slowly

nice nicely

careful carefully

beautiful beautifully

easy easily

heavy heavily

Некоторые наречия и прилагательные совпадают по форме: fast, far, much, little, early, long и др.

Степени сравнения наречий образуются так же, как степени сравнения прилагательных.

Односложные наречия, а также наречие early образуют сравнительную и превосходную степени путем прибавления суффиксов - er и - est к положительной степени:

soon – sooner – soonest

early – earlier – earliest.

Степени сравнения двусложных и многосложных наречий образуются при помощи слов more и most:

carefully – more carefully – most carefully.

Определенный артикль the с наречиями превосходной степени не употребляется.

Ряд наречий образуют степени сравнения не по общему правилу:

well – better – best

badly – worse – worst

much – more – most

little – less – least



I. Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму прилагательного

1. Your goods are (expensive) than the goods of other companies.

2. Old model is (cheap) than a new one.

3. This offer is (attractive) than that one.

4. This is (interesting) exhibition I have ever visited.

5. Chinese is (difficult) than English.

6. Asia is the (large) continent in the world.

7. The Arctic Ocean is (deep) than the Indian Ocean.

8. Which is the (hot) month of the year?

9. She speaks French (good) than English.

10. January is the (cold) month of the year.

II. Образуйте нужную форму прилагательных. Вставьте than или the где необходимо.

1. Living in a flat is ______________ living in a cottage (cheap).

2. My brother is ___________ my sister (young).

3. This students is ______________ (clever) of all in the group.

4. That is _______________ book I’ve ever read (boring).

5. The piano is ____________ the guitar (heavy).

6. It is ___________ restaurant in the city (big).

7. Old paintings are __________(expensive) modern ones.

8. This test is _____________(easy) the last one.

9. It is __________ product we have ever bought. (bad)

10. Buying on line is __________ going shopping. (easy)

Section B



INTERVIWER Now, in your survey of prices around the world, you compare the costs of a short holiday in major cities. Which city is the most expensive for a tourist to visit?
TRAVEL CONSULTANT Well, it’s useful to know first that the average cost of a short stay is $460. In London the cost is $670 and that makes London the most expensive of all the cities in the survey.
INTERVIWER $670? Yes, that is expensive! Is that because hotels in London cost more than in a lot of other cities?
TRAVEL CONSULTANT That’s one of the reasons. New York is cheaper than London. The cost there is $510. Paris is more expensive than New York - $550.
INTERVIWER So there is not a big difference between them.
TRAVEL CONSULTANT That’s right. Milan is cheaper – the cost there is $470.
INTERVIWER Which cities are the cheapest for a short stay?
TRAVEL CONSULTANT Well, prices in cities like Prague and Budapest are lower. In Budapest, for example, the cost is $400 and in Prague just a little higher, $410. And the lowest cost for a short stay is in Berlin - $340.
INTERVIWER $340? Almost half the cost of a stay in London?
TRAVEL CONSULTANT That’s right. There really are very big differences between major cities.



average a – средний

cheap a – дешевый

compare v – сравнивать

cost n – стоимость

difference n – различие

expensive a – дорогой

half n – половина

high a – высокий

low a – низкий

major a – главный, основной

reason n – причина

survey n – исследование


I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What prices does the travel consultant compare in his survey?

2. What is the average cost?

3. What is the most expensive city?

4. How much does it cost to stay there?

5. Why is London so expensive?

6. Which city is cheaper – Paris or New York?

7. Which city is more expensive – Prague or Budapest?

8. Which country is the cheapest?

9. What is the cost of the stay there?





Модальные глаголы выражают не действие, а отношение говорящего к действию, выраженному инфинитивом смыслового глагола.

Инфинитив смыслового глагола употребляется без частицы to.

I can swim. She may take the book. You must tell the truth.

Модальные глаголы не имеют формы инфинитива (т.е. никогда не употребляются с частицей to).

Модальные глаголы не изменяются по лицам и числам. Они не имеют окончания «-s» в 3-м лице единственного числа настоящего времени.

Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с модальными глаголами образуются без вспомогательных глаголов.


CAN – мочь, быть в состоянии.

Употребляется для выражения:

· умения или физической возможности совершения действия:

He can play tennis. Он может (умеет) играть в теннис.

I cannot lift this box. It’s too heavy. Я не могу поднять эту коробку. Она слишком


· возможности совершения действия в определенных условиях:

If you are free we can Если вы свободны, мы можем

go for a walk. пойти на прогулку.

I couldn’t phone you yesterday. Я не смог позвонить Вам вчера.


· просьбы:

Can you help me? Вы можете помочь мне?

Could you help me, please? Не могли бы Вы помочь мне?

Помогите мне, пожалуйста.

Модальный глагол can имеет форму прошедшего времени could.

В будущем времени он не употребляется. Вместо него употребляется его эквивалент to be able to (do smth) - «быть в состоянии что-либо сделать».

I’ll be able to help you when I am free. Я смогу помочь тебе, когда освобожусь.


  Утвердительная форма   Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
Present Simple He can swim Can he swim? Yes, he can. No he can’t. He cannot (can’t) swim.
Past Simple He could swim Could he swim? Yes, he could. No, he couldn’t He could not swim.
Future Simple He will be able to swim 100 metres in a minute Will he be able to swim 100 metres in a minute? Yes, he will. No, he won’t. He won’t be able to swim 100 metres in a minute.


To be able to как и глагол can, выражает возможность, способность совершения действия, но, в отличие от can, может употребляться в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем временах.

To be able to

Present Simple I am able … Я могу (в состоянии) I’m sure I am able to climb this mountain.
Past Simple I was able … Я мог бы (был в состоянии) It was so noisy at the hotel last night. We were not able to sleep.
Future Simple I will be able … Я смог (буду в состоянии) Ask Tom about your problem. He will be able to help you.

MAY ( MIGHT ) – иметь возможность, получить разрешение делать что-либо.

Употребляется для выражения просьбы, разрешения или запрещения:

- May I use your phone? Могу я воспользоваться Вашим телефоном?

- Yes, you may. Да, можно.

- No, you may not. Нет. (Я не разрешаю).

- No, you mustn’t (для выражения Нет. (Нельзя).

категорического запрещения).


Might может употребляться:

· в прошедшем времени в косвенной речи:

He said he might call us Он сказал, что он, возможно, позвонит.

· в значении упрека:

You might help me! The bag is too heavy. Ты мог бы и помочь мне. Сумка очень тяжелая.

You might wait for me! There is a lot of time. Ты мог бы и подождать меня. Еще много времени.


May/might могут также употребляться для выражения вероятности совершения действия:

Нe may/might be busy. Возможно, он занят.

She may/might want to be alone. Возможно, ей хочется побыть одной.


MUST и его эквиваленты TO HAVE TO, TO BE TO.

Глагол, эквиваленты Значение Present Past Future
must   необходимость совершения действия must - -
to have to необходимость совершения действия в зависимости от обстоятельств have to has to had to will/shall have to
to be to необходимость совершения действия, заранее запланированного или по договоренности или по приказу am to is to are to was to were to вместо будущего используется настоящее

MUST (должен, обязан) употребляется для выражения приказания, настоятельного совета и запрещения (в отрицательных предложениях):

- Must I do it now? Я должен сделать это сейчас?

- Yes, you must. Да (должен, обязан).

- No, you mustn’t. Нет (не должен).

- No, you needn’t. Нет, не нужно (в этом нет необходимости).


- You mustn’t smoke. Вам нельзя курить.

Поскольку глагол must употребляется только в настоящем времени, в прошедшем и будущем времени используется его эквивалент to have to:

Jane broke her leg last week and На прошлой неделе Джейн сломала ногу

had to go to hospital. и была вынуждена лечь в больницу.

Tom needs this book badly. He Тому очень нужна эта книга. Ему

will have to go to the library. придется пойти в библиотеку.


Однако have to, выражая необходимость совершения действия в силу сложившихся обстоятельств (как правило, это вынужденная необходимость) может употребляться во всех временах Simple. Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола do.


He has to wear glasses for reading. Он вынужден носить очки для чтения.

Does he have to wear glasses?

He doesn’t have to wear glasses.


She had to go to the hospital. Она была вынуждена лечь в больницу.

Did she have to go to hospital?

She didn’t have to go to hospital.



You are to pay cash. Вы должны заплатить наличными.

Our partners are to arrive on Monday. Наши партнеры должны приехать в понедельник.

You were to finish he report yesterday. Вы должны были завершить отчет вчера.


Все модальные глаголы (must, can, may) также обозначают различную степень вероятности совершения действия.

He must be in the office now. Должно быть, он в офисе сейчас.

Sony company can't sell these goods. Не может быть, чтобы компания «Сони»

продавала такие товары.

She may come, I am not sure. Может быть, она и придет, я не уверен.



I. Выберите правильный ответ

1. I … hear you very well. Please, speak louder.

a) am able to; b) can; c) can’t

2. We arrived at the plant too late, so we … see the tests.

a) will be able to; b) can; c) couldn’t

3. We … make payment now. We have some cash problems.

a) can; b) can’ t; c) couldn’t

4. The manager was ill last week so he … go on business.

a) couldn’t; b) can’ t; c) can

5. If you place a big order, we …. give you a discount.

a) can’t; b) could; c) will be able to

6. I … give my final reply next week.

a) will be able to; b) can; c) could

7. We … see new computers at the exhibition last week.

a) can’t; b) can; c) could

8. I hope we … have talks next week

a) can; b) will be able to; c) could

9. The only thing we… do was to phone Mr. Bell.

a) can; b) couldn’t; c) could

10. I am sorry, we …deliver the goods in 2 months.

a) can; b) can’t; c) will be able to


II. Вставьте must, may или can.

1. We haven't got any money. We … go to the bank today.

2. I … go to work today. I feel better.

3. The contract is very important. You …study it closely before you sign it.

4. As you are our new customer we … give you a 5% discount.

7. The manager is having talks now. He … be very busy.

8. Where is Paul? I am not sure. He … be in the conference room.

9. Ann … come home late tonight. She’s got a lot of work in the office.

8. I … discuss the matter with my colleagues and see what we … do for you.

9. … I gave your name, please?

10. … I come in? -No, wait a minute, please, the manager is busy.


III. Вставьте mustn’t или needn’t.

1. Regular customers …. pay for the goods in advance.

2. You … send the fax. I have already done it.

3. We … interrupt the general manager when he speaks.

4. You … go by taxi. I can give you a lift.

5. Employees … be late for work.

6. The clients … smoke in our office. It is against the rules.

7. They … make appointments, the secretary can do it.

8. You … translate the contract. We have a copy of it in English.

9. The representative of the company … sign the contract if it is not profitable for us.

10. We … buy these products, we have already a lot of them.


IV. Вставьте don’t/doesn’t have to, didn't have to.

1. I’ve already finished my project, so I …do it on holidays.

2. We bought a pizza last night, so we … cook dinner.

3. Sally is very rich, so she … work.

4. We have agreed on the prices, so we … discuss them again.

5. They gave us a lift to the hotel, so we … hire a taxi.

6. I have already studied the terms of the contract, so I …. read it again.

7. He … rent a room at a hotel, he always stays with us.

8. The manager … go on a trip last month, the representative of the customer came to our company himself.

9. We … pay extra, the luggage was only 15 kg.

10. You … give tips to the waiter, the service is included in the bill.


V. Задайте специальные вопросы

1. He sometimes has to stay in the office till late at night. (why?)

2. You have to do a lot of work in the office. (what?)

3. They have to come to work at 8 a.m.. (when?)

4. Sally has to study Italian at weekends. (why?)

5. We had to go on a business trip to Germany. (where?)

6. I have to go to work by bus. (why?)

7. Sally has to get up early in the morning. (who?)

8. We have to study the terms before signing the contract. (what?)

9. John has to go to the plants. (where?)

10. The manager had to agree to the price. (who?)

Section B




BLAKE: Good morning, Mr. Smirnov.
SMIRNOV: Good morning, Mr. Blake. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?
BLAKE: I haven’t been very well lately, you know. I’ve caught a cold.
SMIRNOV: I’m sorry to hear that. I do hope you get well again soon. How long have you been here, Mr. Blake?
BLAKE: Since Monday.
SMIRNOV: Where are you staying?
BLAKE: We’re staying at the Cosmos Hotel. We’re very comfortable there.
SMIRNOV: And how long are you going to stay in Moscow?
BLAKE: It will depend on our talks. Mr. Smirnov, I think we can get down to business. We’ve studied your offer and your draft contract for the delivery of complete equipment very carefully.
SMIRNOV: What do you think of it?
BLAKE: The equipment suits us, we need it very much. We are ready to place a big order.
SMIRNOV: Glad to hear that, Mr. Blake.
BLAKE: But we’d like to clear up several points first.
SMIRNOV: Well, what shall we take up?
BLAKE: You see, Mr. Smirnov, your prices are too high, I’m afraid. Can you reduce them?
SMIRNOV: I don’t think we can. Our equipment is in great demand. We’ve sold the equipment at these prices to many customers this year.
BLAKE: We know that the prices on the world market have recently gone up. But still your prices are too high.
SMIRNOV: Well, Mr. Blake, we must think it over and see what we can do.
BLAKE: Thank you, Mr. Smirnov. We’ve done business with you for more than 10 years and I hope you’ll be able to meet our request.



carefully adv – внимательно

clear up v – выяснять, прояснять

comfortable a – удобный

complete a – полный, укомплектованный

complete equipment – комплектное оборудование

depend on v – зависеть от

draft n – проект, черновой вариант

draft contract – проект договора

get down to business – перейти к делу

offer n – предложение

recently adv – недавно

reduce v – снижать, уменьшать

request n – просьба

meet smb’s request – отвечать требованиям

sorry a – сожалеющий

I’m sorry to hear that – Мне жаль это слышать

study v – изучать

suit v – подходить, устраивать

take up v – обсуждать

think over v – обдумывать




I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. How long has Mr. Blake been in Moscow?

2. Which hotel is he staying at?

3. How long is he going to stay in Russia?

4. What documents are they discussing?

5. Is Mr. Blake going to buy Russian equipment?

6. What does Mr. Blake think of the price?

7. Why can’t Mr. Smirnov reduce the price?

8. Is Mr. Blake’s firm a regular customer of the Russian company?

9. Why does Mr. Blake hope that Mr. Smirnov can reduce the price?


Упражнение №1


Передайте смысл нижеследующих предложений, используя подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол


1.I advise you to stop being late for talks. You ___stop being late for talks.

2. I insist that you supervise day-to-day management.You ___ supervise day-to-day management.

3. Will you let me talk to Mr Green, please? ___ I talk to Mr Green, please?

4. They understand you well enough. You ___not repeat it again.

5. Talking is not allowed during the talks. You ____ not talk during the talks.

6. It is not possible for the manager to be present at the talks. He ___ not be present at the talks.

7. The personnel is forbidden to leave the workplace before 6 p.m. The personnel ___ to leave the workplace before 6 p.m.

8. It is not right to take up this matter without the Sales Manager. You ___ take up this matter without the Sales Manager.

9. Perhaps, the accountant will agree to do this job. The accountant ___ agree to do this job.

10. She is obliged to report to the Director every week. She ___ report to the Director every week.



Упражнение № 2


Выберите правильную форму глагола Present Continuous или Future Simple

1. When will he go on business? -He will go / is going next Monday.

2. Who will make a report? - I think, I will make / am making it.

3. Who will have a holiday in June?-Probably, Kate will have /is having it.

4. When will she translate their order? - We suppose, she will translate / is translating it in two days.

6. When will he finish his work?- He will finish / is finishing it tomorrow morning.

7. When will you report to the Finance Department? -1 am reporting / will report this Tuesday.

8. When will he take up our offer?-He will take it up /is taking it up this afternoon.

9. When will their company reduce the prices? - They will reduce them / are reducing them this week.

10. Who will be in charge of corporate finance? - The parent company is being / will be in charge of it.


Упражнение № 3

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме. Выберите правильную форму глагола Present Simple или Future Simple

  1. If you (reduce) your price, we (place) a big order with your company.
  2. When the secretary (type) the letters, she (send) them to the customers.
  3. Our prices depend on the market situation. If it (change) they (go up or down).
  4. We (start) deliveries as soon as we (clear up) delivery dates.
  5. They (show) the customer's representatives round the office when the chief engineer (arrive).
  6. We (go) to the test department until you (invite) us.
  7. Before you (buy)this equipment, you (study) the terms of payment.
  8. The engineers (get in touch) with you as soon as they (arrive) in London.
  9. If I (need) your help, I (ask) you.
  10. The contract (be) valid after the director (sign) it.


Упражнение № 4

Выберите нужную форму прилагательного или наречия.

  1. I am busier / more busy than our engineer.
  2. Please, speak louder / more louder. I can’t hear you good / well.
  3. Their computers are more expensive / the most expensive on the market.
  4. They would like to expand e-business later / more late.
  5. You should study our terms more attentively / less attentively.
  6. Our office is more far / farther than yours.
  7. This is the worst / the most bad retailer I have ever seen!
  8. Remember, we have more little / less time than we had before.
  9. You have to look through the draft contract closely /closer.
  10. His accounting skills were not so perfect / perfectly as I expected.


Упражнение № 5

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме. Выберите правильную форму глагола Past Simple или Past Continuous.


1. When the manager (arrive) the secretary (type) the contract.

2. The director (receive) the customers while the engineers (get through) the draft


3. At this time yesterday Mr. Brown (report) to the Human Resources Department

about the survey results.

4. When we (deliver) these goods, Mrs. Grey from the Finance Department (be in

charge of) accounting.

5. What you (take up) at yesterday’s meeting when I (phone) you?

6. While they (dispatch) their products, the Buyers (ask) them about urgent


7. The inspectors (examine) the equipment at the plant from 10 till 12 a.m..last Monday.

8. When a representative of our parent company (come) to the talks, we (discuss) the


9. While the Research and Development Department (think over) the expansion of

e-business, we (explore) the e-market.

10. I (wait for) the retailer at 5 p.m. yesterday, but he (not come).



Упражнение № 6

Выполните упражнение, выбрав правильный вариант.

  1. We’ll have lunch after they … discussing the discount matter.

a) are finishing b) finish c) will finish

2. Must he study French as soon as possible? No, she ….

a) mustn’t b) doesn’t c) needn’t

3. We won’t go to the test department until you … us.

a) invite b) don’t invite c) will invite

4. This is … attractive offer I have ever received.

a) the most b) the more c) the less

5. … he go to London? -Yes, he … tomorrow.

a) Is, will leave b) does, is leaving c) will, is leaving

6. They … e-business constantly.

a)are expanding b)were expanding c)expand

7. … she send the order last week? -Yes, she … it last week.

a)does, will send b) did, sent c)will, will sent

8. They train their staff … than we do.

a) better b) best c) good

9. When you …check the equipment? –We… it in an hour.

a) do, check b) will, will check c)did, checked

10. Don’t ask him to contact Mr Grey. He … to do it as he will be very busy.

a) can’t b) won’t be able c) mustn’t

11. She is a … manager. She does her job very …

a) badly, slow b) bad, slow c) bad, slowly

12. I … get in touch with Mr Bell yesterday, as I was very busy.

a) couldn’t b) mightn’t c) needn’t

13.When you… into the matter? – Probably, I … it in two days.

a) are looking, am doing b) will look, do c) will look, will do

14. He … as soon as the manager … him instructions.

a) will leave, gives b) leaves, gives c) is leaving, is giving.

15. If you … to his office, he … you all the documents.

a) will go, will give b) go, will give c) goes, gives.

16. If they … to me carefully, they … the idea.

a) don’t listen, won’t understand b) won’t listen, didn’t understand c) doesn’t listen, won’t understand

17. She is … attentive to details than Mr. Petrov.

a) least b) the less c) less

18. Our partners were pleased as we … the goods without any delay.

a) dispatched b) dispatch c) will dispatch

19. Excuse me… I phone you later? – Yes, certainly.

a) may b) must c) need

20. Engineers study new catalogues ….

a) regular b) regularly c) more regular


Контрольная работа №2

Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы вам необходимо проработать следующие разделы грамматики:

1. Past continuous

2. Модальные глаголы

3. Future Simple

4. Сравнительные степени прилагательных и наречий



Задание 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

  1. When the phone rang, I (answered / was answering) it.
  2. They (are discussing/ were discussing) the terms of payment when Mr. Dunbar arrived.
  3. Every day at 8 a.m. the Sales Manager (instructs/ is instructing) the employees.
  4. The Sales Manager (is instructing/ was instructing) the employees at 8.10 yesterday.
  5. Mr. Jefferson (was looking/ were looking) through the draft contract at 3.30.
  6. I (tried/ was trying) to get through to Ms. Churchill from 1 to 2 yesterday.
  7. When I saw the manager yesterday, he (was getting/ got) ready for the meeting.
  8. When the phone (rang/ was ringing), I (talked/ was talking) to the client.
  9. Last week the Managing Director (received/ was receiving) some French businessmen and (was discussing/ discussed) the terms of the future contract with them.
  10. The Director is busy now: he (was receiving/ is receiving) the businessmen from France.


Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

  1. When Mr. Takashi (arrive), I (have) lunch in the café.
  2. The sales Manager (study) the price-lists from 3 till 5 yesterday.
  3. Mrs. Kingston (meet) the clients when I (see) her yesterday.
  4. Amélie (write) a report, when her boss (ask) her to bring him the catalogue.
  5. I (ring) Mr. Stewart from 6 till 7, but I (can/ not) get through.
  6. When I (leave), they (discuss) the terms of delivery.
  7. You (be) busy yesterday, … you? – Yes, I (translate) all day long.
  8. Mr. Rodriguez (study) catalogues at 12 p.m. yesterday.
  9. What (you/ do) at 3 p.m.?
  10. I (not/ be) in the office at 2 p.m. last Monday, I (have) talks with our suppliers at their plant.



Задание 3. Заполните пропуски глаголами can, can’t, couldn’t, could, was/were able to


  1. I like this hotel, you … see the sea from the window.
  2. You are speaking very quietly, I … hear you.
  3. Nobody disturbed me so I … to finish the work.
  4. I wanted to speak to the manger yesterday but I … find him.
  5. Paula …come to the meeting last week. She was ill.
  6. Sue wasn’t at home when I phoned but I … to contact her in the office.
  7. I’m afraid I …go to the party next week.
  8. We have plenty of time, we … wait.
  9. You look tired. - Yes, I … sleep well last night.
  10. They didn't want to buy our goods but we … to persuade them.



Задание 4. Заполните пропуски глаголами must, had to, mustn’t, needn’t, should, shouldn’t


  1. Keep these documents in a safe place, you … lose them.
  2. We … write the letter now, we can do it tomorrow.
  3. I think everybody … learn a foreign language.
  4. We have lots of time, we … hurry up.
  5. He doesn’t usually work on Saturdays but last Saturday he … work.
  6. John is our potential customer. You … meet him.
  7. You … tell Marilyn what happened. I don’t want her to know.
  8. I … go to the post office, I need some stamps.
  9. If this hotel is too expensive for you, you … stay there.
  10. I … go to the bank yesterday to get some money.



Задание 5. Выберите правильную форму глагола (Present Simple или Future Simple)


  1. I wait/will wait here until you come/will come.
  2. I go/will go home when I finish my work.
  3. Do you go/will you go to the restaurant if they invite/will invite you?
  4. We come/will come to see you when we are/we’ll be in England again.
  5. When I see/will see you tomorrow I show/will show the catalogue.
  6. Would you like something to drink before you go/will go?
  7. It will be difficult to find a hotel if we arrive/will arrive late.
  8. I’m going to Paris next month. While I’m /I’ll be there, I visit/will visit the international exhibition.
  9. Don’t forget to give me your address. OK, I give/will give it to you before I go /will go.
  10. If I don’t see/won’t see you tomorrow I phone/will phone you.



Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в Present Simple или Future Simple


  1. I’ll try to be on time for the talks but don’t worry if I (be) late.
  2. Ann (be) surprised when she (find out) the price.
  3. I don’t know how to use this equipment. OK, I (show) you.
  4. You can sign the contract if you (be) happy with conditions.
  5. Don’t throw the price list away. You will never know when you (need) it again.
  6. What time the train (leave) tomorrow?
  7. I (meet) you outside the hotel in half an hour.
  8. Please, report to the reception when you (arrive) at the hotel.
  9. Don’t phone me unless it (be) something important.
  10. I think Jane (get) the job, she has a lot of experience.



Задание 7. Закончите предложения, используя сравнительную степень прилагательных и наречий


  1. The hotels in London are (expensive) than the hotels in New York.
  2. Your work is not very good. I’m sure you can do (good).
  3. The equipment often breaks down. I'd like to have (reliable) one.
  4. We wanted to arrive at the station (early) not to miss the train.
  5. We were (busy) than usual at work today.
  6. It takes (long) to get to the plant by car than by train.
  7. The goods were (bad) than we expected.
  8. Your instructions are very difficult. Could they be (simple)?
  9. Let me know if you have any (far) information.
  10. The latest model is (easy) to operate than the previous one.


Задание 8. Закончите предложения, используя превосходную степень прилагател


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