Text 6a Moscow, the capital of Russia 

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Text 6a Moscow, the capital of Russia


Practise introducing opinions using phrases from list number 1. Try to use appropriate phrases from lists number 3,4,5,6 for expressing agreement, doubt, reservations, partial agreement and disagreement.


1. Nikolay Karamzin said that if you wanted to know Russia you should go to Moscow, wouldn’t you agree?

2. Moscow was founded in 1147 by the Prince of Vladimir, Jury Dolgoruky, wasn’t it?

3. 1812 was the year when Moscow was first mentioned in the written records, don’t you think so?

4. Moscow was founded und built very- very inconveniently (неудобно), it wasn’t protected by rivers and a fortress, don’t you think so?

5. Many scientists think the city will never lose its significance and the leading role in the development of the country, don’t you think so?

6. Moscow, like ancient Rome, stands on seven hills, doesn’t it?

7. The larger part of the city was occupied by private houses made of stone and concrete (бетон), wasn’t it?

8. But such city’s structures as fortress walls, bridges, churches and cathedrals were made of wood decorated with steel figures, weren’t they?

9. Don’t you think that large- scale stone construction was performed during the reign (царствование) of Peter I?

10. Several first- class foreign architects were invited from China, India to build a number of architectural monuments in Eastern style, weren’t they?

11. A real housing boom was promted by the fact, that more than 7,000 buildings were destroyed (были разрушены) and the city’s central area was completely gone during Napoleon’s invasion, wouldn’t you agree on that?

12. To facilitate (содействовать, способствовать) rapid restoration of the city and preserve (сохранить)the city’s architectural uniformity super high technological projects had to be used, don’t you think so?

13. As a result a great number of stone houses with much better facilities appeared in the city, wouldn’t you agree?

14. After considerable expanding (расширение) of the city’s boundaries new dwelling districts (жилые районы) and industrial enterprises (предприятия) were built on the outskirts of the city, weren’t they?

15. Muscovites move from one district to another, when they get new flats and for other reasons, don’t they?

16. There is permanent need for new and more comfortable means of transport, don’t you think so?

17. Don’t you think that instead of the traditional monocentric system the city gets polycentric planning according to which Moscow complex zones are united by a system of general city centre?


Thank you!


Reading Comprehension Test



Practise introducing opinions using phrases from list number 1. Try to use appropriate phrases from lists number 3, 4, 5, 6 for expressing agreement, doubt, reservations, partial agreement and disagreement.


1. The kind of house the man built depended upon the air pressure, didn’t it?

2. The first houses in many parts of the world were made of flowers and stone, weren’t they? If not, so why?

3. In other regions the most convenient building material was clay, wasn’t it?

4. The most ancient homes on the territory of Greece were eathenhouses, weren’t they?

5. One such home was discovered near Athen in 1927, couldn’t you agree on that?

6. Don’t you think that it was created as a deep hole of ring shape with the floor covered with leaves and grass? As far as I know the roof had been conical and stood on poles (столб) covered by skins of silver fox, would’t you agree?

7. The ancient Egyptians built very complicated and expensive houses, didn’t they?

8. The Egyptian art of building was ugly (безобразный), don’t you think so?

9. Their pyramids and monuments, palaces and sphinxes arouse our indignation (негодование, возмущение) to this day, don’t they?

10. The Egypt learned much from the Greeks, wouldn’t you agree on that?

11. A slanting roof was borrowed by the Greeks because they liked rolling on the roof, don’t you think so?

12. It was ancient Egypt that gave the world its first lessons in the art of making arch, couldn’t you agree on that?

13. The famous Cathedral of St. Sophia has remained, don’t you think so? Its cornerstone was laid in 1037 in Kiev in commemoration of the victory over the Pechenegs, couldn’t you agree on that?

14. The churches of that time were strong buildings with thick walls and huge windows, weren’t they?

15. The churches were often used as fortresses against enemy invasions, weren’t they?

16. Buildings of the 19th century are not characterized by the use of new materials and by a great diversity of architectural styles, don’t you think so?

17. Architecture of the 20th century is characterized by very high buildings, wouldn’t you agree?


Thank you!


Reading Comprehension Test



Practise introducing opinions using phrases from list number 1. Try to use appropriate phrases from lists number 3, 4, 5, 6 for expressing agreement, doubt, reservations, partial agreement and disagreement.


1. The word transport means to carry people or freights from place to place, doesn't it?

2. And it is also used for the vehicles that carry people or goods, isn't it?

3. Motor transport includes buses, lorries, motor coaches and supersonic airplanes, doesn't it?

4. In New Zealand there is a word transportation for the same thing, isn’t it?

5. The remark "transportation is civilization " was made by an aristocrat, businessman Charles Rolls, who was especially interested in cars, and lived in Great Britain, would not you agree on that?

6. And now it is time to draw you attention to the history of transport. There are two stages, aren't they?

7. The 1 st stage began with the development of the steam engine, didn't it? The 2 nd stage depended on the development of the electricity, electric motor and the internal combustion engine, as the main sources of power for transport, didn't it?

8. As to the ancient people, the most of them were good builders and they had never left their places where they lived in, wouldn’t you agree? They lived in the good built settled homes, didn’t they?

9. At that time the men had two, three or more wives, they had to provide two or more families and moved from place to place, don't you agree?

10. As they moved from place to place the men were followed by the women who carried their goods and had to be ready to give advice concerning housekeeping, kids education, wouldn't you agree on that?

11. Then pack animals were used for carrying goods, weren’t they?

12. The dog was one of the first transport animals used for carrying freights because it is too small to carry much, don’t you think so?

13. With the invention of the wheel a new headache to be solved appeared: a system of roads was necessary, couldn’t you agree?

14. The first long- distance paved roads in Britain and also over much Europe were made by the Gipsy wandering tribes, wouldn't you agree on that?

15. When the Roman Empire collapsed, the first new road called Autobahn was built, wasn't it?

16. There were two problems to be solved – first, how to make good roads, and, second, to decide who was to pay for them, don’t you think so?

17. In Great Britain these problems were solved in the 19 th century, could you agree?

18. A cabriolet is a heavy four – wheeled carriage introduced from France in the 19 th century, isn’t it?

19. The word taxi is short for taxi cab which in turn comes from the words taximeter and cabriolet, don’t you think so?

Thank you!

Библиографический список


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