BA Lecture: Forensic Linguistics: Language in Evidence, 1 ECTS 

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BA Lecture: Forensic Linguistics: Language in Evidence, 1 ECTS

61. BA Lecture: “Self As Narrative”: Pragmatic Theories of Subjectivity, 1 ECTS

62. Didactics of English Teaching 1, 2 ECTS

63. Didactics of English Teaching 3, 2 ECTS

64. Integrated Skills – Module 1M (A and B), 6 ECTS

65. Integrated Skills – Module 3M (A and B), 7 ECTS

66. MA Seminar: Drama and Film Adaptations, 6 ECTS

67. MA Seminar, 6 ECTS

68. MA Seminar: British Culture and Society since 1960, 6 ECTS

69. MA Seminar: Literature of English-Speaking Countries, 6 ECTS

70. MA Seminar: Photography in American Literature, 6 ECTS

71. MA Seminar: Belief and Self-Creation In The American Literary Culture, 6 ECTS

72. MA Seminar: Sociolinguistics Across Time and Space, 6 ECTS

73. MA Seminar: Second/Foreign Language Acquisition Processes and Approaches to Language Pedagogy, 6 ECTS

74. MA Seminar: Pragmatics and Interdisciplinary Discourse Analysis, 6 ECTS

75. MA Seminar: Translation, 6 ECTS

76. MA Seminar: English Language and Applied Linguistics – Translation, Language Analysis, Cognitive Linguistics and Applications, 6 ECTS

77. MA Seminar: Language, Mind, and Culture, 6 ECTS

78. Specialisation Seminar: Selected Topics in Morphology and Word-Formation, 6 ECTS

79. Specialisation Seminar: Phraseology: Patterns and Meaning, 6 ECTS

80. Specialisation Seminar: Perspectives and Theories in Literary Studies, 6 ECTS

81. Specialisation Seminar: British Literature, 6 ECTS

82. Specialisation Seminar: American Modernism, 6 ECTS

83. Specialisation Course: Corpus Linguistics, 6 ECTS

84. Specialisation Course: Pragmatics: Political Discourse, 5 ECTS

85. Specialisation Course: World Englishes, 5 ECTS

86. Specialisation Course: Culture and Non-Verbal Communication, 1 ECTS

87. Specialisation Course, 3 ECTS

88. S pecialisation Course: Pragmatic Theories and Notions via Entertainment Discourse, 6 ECTS

89. Specialisation Course: Pragmatic and Cognitive Approaches to the Discourse of Media Entertainment, 6 ECTS

90. Specialisation Course: Contemporary American Literature and Its Contexts, 5 ECTS

91. Specialisation Course: Introduction to Journalism and Documentary Writing, 5 ECTS

92. Specialisation Course: Theatre or Film Project, 5 ECTS

93. Specialisation Course: Understanding Movies: Introduction to Film History, Theory and Interpretation, 5 ECTS

94. Specialisation Course: Creative Writing, 5 ECTS

95. Specialisation Course: Television Comedy, 6 ECTS

96. Specialisation Course: Linguistic Creativity, 5 ECTS

97. Specialisation Course: Form and Meaning: Blending Theory, 6 ECTS.

Department of Journalism at the Faculty of Philology – 01

Summer and Winter semester

List of courses:

1. Press Market and Internet Journalism in Poland, 3 ECTS

2. Journalism and Press Journalist’s Profession, 5 ECTS

3. Advertising – Trends and Production, 5 ECTS.


Institute of Russian Studies at the Faculty of Philology – 01

Summer and Winter semester

List of courses in Russian:

1. Актуальные проблемы современной России

2. Анализ литературного произведения

3. Bведение в лингвистику

4. Bведение в теорию коммуникации

5. Вступление в теорию и методологию перевода

6. Избранные вопросы современного русского языка

7. Избранные вопросы теории перевода

8. Из истории русского кинематографа

9. История русской литературы XI – нач. XIX вв.

10. История русской литературы второй половины XIX – начала XX вв. (1855 – 1917)

11. Kультурный ландшафт современной Rоссии

12. Новейшая русская литература конца XX - начала XXI века

13. Описательная грамматика русского языка – морфология

14. Описательная грамматика русского языка - pазделы: морфемика, морфонология, словообразование, лексикология, фразеология

15. Основы межкультурной коммуникации

16. Поэтика

17. Польско-русское сопоставительное языкознание

18. Практика русской речи - Семестр 1-10

19. Русская культура с элементами истории 1

20. Русская культура с элементами истории 2

21. Русская литература после 1917 года

22. Русский язык в сфере бизнеса

23. Русский язык в сфере туризма

24. Современная русская лексикография

25. Современный русский язык в функциональном аспекте.1

26. Современный русский язык в функциональном аспекте 2

Разделы: морфемика, морфонология, словообразование, лексикология, фразеология

27. Современный русский язык в функциональном аспекте 3 (Moрфология)

28. Современный русский язык в функциональном аспекте 4 (Синтаксис)

29. Страноведение

30. Стратегии коммуникативного поведения

31. Сценические и фильмовые адаптации русских литературных произведений

32. Филологический анализ текста 1

33. Филологический анализ текста 2.



Institute of German Studies at the Faculty of Philology – 01

Summer semester

List of courses:

1. Weimarer Republik bis ca. 1968, 4 ECTS

2. Interkulturelles Training, 3 ECTS

3. Klassik Romantik, 4 ECTS

4. Journalistisches Schreiben, 4 ECTS

5. Deutsche Publizistik, 4 ECTS

6. Deutsches Mediensystem, 4 ECTS

7. Gegenwartsliteratur, 4 ECTS

8. Musik-Motive im deutschsprachigen Film, 4 ECTS

9. Realismus, Naturalismus, 4 ECTS

10. Meisterwerke der deutschen Journalistik, 4 ECTS

11. Deutsche und jüdische Kultur in Lodz, 4 ECTS

12. Lodzer Presse bis 1945, 4 ECTS

13. Aktuelle Tendenzen im Fremdsprachendidaktik, 4 ECTS.

Winter semester

List of courses:

1. Das deutsche Mediensystem, 4 ECTS

2. Die deutsche Publizistik, 4 ECTS

3. Journalistische Texte, 4 ECTS

4. Der deutsche Film: der genaue Titel wird im Dezember formuliert, 4 ECTS

5. Literatur der ersten Halfte des 20. Jahrhunderts: der genaue Titel wird im Dezember formuliert, 4 ECTS

6. Der interkulturelle Training: der genaue Titel wird im Dezember formuliert, 4 ECTS

7. Aktuelle Tendenzen im Fremdsprachendidaktik, 4 ECTS.

Department of Spanish Philology at the Faculty of Philology – 01

Summer semester

List of courses in Spanish:

1. Historia de la lengua española, 4 ECTS

2. Literatura hispanoamericana, 5 ECTS

3. Estilística de la Lengua Española, 6 ECTS

4. Problemas de la literatura hispanoamericana actual, 9 ECTS.


List of courses in English:

1. Introduction to American Culture, 3 ECTS

2. Latin American literature in the USA, 4 ECTS.


Institute of South Slavic Philology at the Faculty of Philology - 01
Summer and Winter semester

List of courses in Slovenian:

1. Praktyczna nauka języka B II, Praktyczna nauka języka B III (słoweńskiego), 7 ECTS

2. Praktyczna nauka języka B (słoweńskiego), 5 ECTS

3. Praktyczna nauka języka B I, Praktyczna nauka języka B II (słoweńskiego), 5 ECTS

4. Praktyczna nauka języka B III, Praktyczna nauka języka B IV (słoweńskiego), 5 ECTS.


List of courses in Bulgarian:

1. Praktyczna nauka języka A III, Praktyczna nauka języka A IV (bułgarskiego), 7 ECTS

2. Praktyczna nauka języka A (bułgarskiego), 9 ECTS

3. Praktyczna nauka języka A I, Praktyczna nauka języka A II (bułgarskiego), 5 ECTS

4. Praktyczna nauka języka A III, Praktyczna nauka języka A IV (bułgarskiego), 7 ECTS.


List of courses in Serbian:

1. Praktyczna nauka języka A (serbskiego), 9 ECTS

2. Praktyczna nauka języka A I, Praktyczna nauka języka A II (serbskiego), 5 ECTS

3. Praktyczna nauka języka A III, Praktyczna nauka języka A IV (serbskiego), 7 ECTS

4. Praktyczna nauka języka B III, Praktyczna nauka języka B IV (serbskiego), 5 ECTS.



Faculty of Philosophy and History – 02

Summer semester

List of courses:

1. The Middle East and Greece in Antiquity, 6 ECTS

2. Historians & Historiography in the service of Rome and Constantinople, 6 ECTS

3. History of the Nineteenth Century (1789-1918), 6 ECTS

4. History of the European Political Thought in 19-20th Centuries, 6 ECTS

5. The visual anthropology – considering advertising and social communication in Poland, 6 ECTS

6. The history of Portuguese anthropology – the examples of selected researchers, 6 ECTS

7. Tadeusz Kantor as a performer, 6 ECTS

8. History of Architecture 15th – 18th century and Polish Art History 16th – 18th century, 6 ECTS

9. History of Art 17th – 18th century – Europe and South America, 6 ECTS

10. History of XX Century Polish Art: Avant-Garde, Neo-Avant–Garde, Postmodernism, 6 ECTS

11. The history of Polish architecture – 20th century, 6 ECTS

12. Early Modern Iconography, 6 ECTS

13. Łódź – a City of Modern Art, 6 ECTS

14. Aesthetic of jazz, 6 ECTS

15. Ancient and Medieval Metamorphoses of the Concept of Nature, 6 ECTS

16. Cognitive Science. Selected Topics II, 6 ECTS

17. Epistemology 1: A History, 6 ECTS

18. General logic, 6 ECTS

19. Logic II, 6 ECTS

20. Many-valuedness, 6 ECTS

21. Philosophy of Language I, 6 ECTS

22. Philosophy of Language II, 6 ECTS

23. Philosophy of Transition: Medieval Arabic Thought, 6 ECTS.

Winter semester

List of courses:

1. Cognitive Science, 5 ECTS

2. Ethics in Literature, 5 ECTS

3. Is Science Enough? 5 ECTS

4. Jewish history, culture and art in Łódź against a background of social phenomena in Poland of the end of 19th century and the first half of 20th century, 6 ECTS

5. The Non-European Cultures, 6 ECTS

6. Theory of Metaphor, 5 ECTS.


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