Advantages and disadvantages of advertising 

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Advantages and disadvantages of advertising



Text A

Advertising, as a tool of marketing, is used to increase the sale of goods or services of an organization. Public relations uses advertising as a tool to help sell the policies and actions of an organization. Success in marketing is shown by increased income. Success in public relations, which indirectly affects the economic success of an organization, is shown by increased public regard for the organization. There are five basic types of public relations advertising.

Image-building advertising is designed to convince the public that the organization a good citizen and a desirable part of the community.

Financial advertising may be placed to convince investors that the company's management is sound and that the stock is a good invest­ed

Public service advertising supplies information that helps or assists the public in some way.

Advocacy advertising allows an organization to explain its stand on a particular issue and to try to change public opinion.

Announcement advertising focuses on distributing important news promptly so that the public has current information.



tool - средство, путь, орудие, инструмент

goods (мн.ч.) - товар, товары

increase - увеличивать, повышать

services - услуги

success - успех

income - доход

indirectly - косвенно

affect - оказывать воздействие, влиять

public regard for - отношение общества к к.-л.

image-building advertising - формирование благоприятного имиджа; престижная реклама; пропагандистская кампания (реклама по созданию репутации органи­зации, партии, политическому деятелю)

financial advertising - реклама по привлечению спонсоров, финансовая реклама;

public service advertising - реклама по распространению информации, могущей заинтересовать население в той или иной мере; реклама типа «обращение к об­щественности»

advocacy advertising - разъяснительно-пропагандистская реклама; реклама, помещаемая организациями о своей позиции, продукции и т.д. в связи с критикой определенной части населения, например, экологов

announcement advertising - реклама по быстрому распространению важной ин­формации в пользу фирмы

be designed - быть предназначенным

community - общество

place - размещать

the stock – фонды

a particular issue - отдельный вопрос

focus on - сосредоточивать(ся) на

stand - точка зрения, позиция

distribute – распределять

promptly - быстро, немедленно, тотчас

current - текущий, современный

meet requirements - отвечать требованиям

sound - крепкий, здоровый; здравомыслящий

supply - предоставлять, обеспечивать


1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. который косвенно влияет на экономический успех организации

2. предназначена убедить общественность в том, что...

3. реклама может быть помещена

4. отвечать требованиям

5. администрация компании

6. дает сведения, которые

7. объяснить свою позицию по

8. сосредоточивается на

9. быстрое распространение важных сообщений

10. текущая информация

2) Translate the following word-combinations into Russian. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. a tool of marketing; success in marketing; to do the marketing

2. increased public regard for; increased income

3. public relations advertising; image-building advertising; public service

advertising; advocacy advertising; announcement advertising.

4. to require (money, patience, time, calmness) to meet smb's requirement;

daily requirements.

5. to inform smb. about / of smth.; to supply information; to gather information; a piece of information; further / additional information; current information; inside / outside information; for your information.


3) Match the words, some of them can be used more than once:

favorable relations
public requirements
to meet information
to supply news
to distribute opinion
social welfare
financial advancement


4) Match the words which are close in the meaning:

promptly position
to design to account for
to focus progress
sound to influence
to explain quickly
success to persuade
stand stable
to convince to concentrate
to affect to aim


5) Match the words having the opposite meaning:

increase commercial
sale decrease
success purchase
nonprofit failure


6 ) Make the words negative by using prefixes (un; in; dis):

regard; desirable; sound; important; applicable; favorable; competence


7) Complete the sentences with the following words (supplies; income; financial advertising; distributing; the organization; public opinion; information):

1. Public relations uses___as a tool to help sell the policies and actions of an


2. Public relations advertising___information that helps the public in some


3. Announcement advertising focuses on___important news promptly.

4. Success in marketing is shown by increased___.

5. ___advertising may be placed to convince investors that the company's

management is sound.

6. Success in public relations is shown by increased public regard for___.

7. Announcement advertising focuses on distributing important news promptly so that the public has current___.

8. Advocacy advertising allows an organization to explain its stand on a particular issue and to try to change____.


8) Answer the following questions:

1. How is advertising used in public relations?

2. In what way does the success in public relations affect the economic success of the organization?

3. What are the five types of public relations advertising?

4. What is image-building advertising designed for?

5. What can you say about financial advertising?

6. What sort of information does public service advertising supply?

7. What is the purpose of advocacy advertising?

8.What does announcement advertising focus on?


Sum up the contents of the text in one or two sentences.

10) Render the following item in English:

Функции рекламы

1. Маркетинговая (продвижение товара к потребителю).

2. Информационная (информирует потребителей о товарах).

3. Экономическая (стимулирует продажу).

4. Образовательная (ускоряет темпы научно-технического прогресса).

5. Социальная (аппелирует к общечеловеческим ценностям: сохранению окру­жающей среды, здоровью, заботе о ближних и т.п.).

6. Политическая.

Общие требования к рекламе

1. Реклама должна быть распознаваема без специальных знаний или без применения технических средств.

2. Реклама на территории Российской Федерации распространяется на рус­ском языке и по усмотрению рекламодателей дополнительно на государ­ственных языках республик и родных языках народов Российской Федерации.

3. He допускается реклама товаров, запрещенных к производству и реали­зации.

4. Реклама о самом рекламодателе, не имеющем специального разрешения (лицензии) на деятельность, не допускается.

5. Реклама товаров, подлежащих обязательной сертификации, должна сопро­вождаться пометкой «подлежит обязательной сертификации».

6. Использование в рекламе объектов интеллектуальной собственности до­пускается в порядке, предусмотренном законодательством.

7. Реклама не должна побуждать граждан к насилию, агрессии, возбуждать панику а также побуждать к опасным действиям.

8.Реклама не должна побуждать к действиям, нарушающим природоохранное законодательство.

Text В

The American National Advertisers and Publishers Information Bureau suggests several characteristics that distinguish public relations advertising. The following list uses the word "company", but the concept is applicable to any organization, including nonprofit, voluntary, and trade groups.

1. It must educate or inform the public regarding the company's policies, functions, facilities, objectives, ideals, and standards.

2. It must create a climate of favorable opinion about the company by stressing the competence of the company's management, accumulated scientific knowledge, manu­facturing skills, technological progress, and contribution to socialadvancement and public welfare.

3. It must build up the investment qualities of the company's securities or improve the financial structure of the company.

4. It must sell the company as a good place in which to work, often in a way designed to appeal to graduates or people with certain skills.

□ Notes:

The American National Advertisers and Publishers Information Bureau - Бюро инфор­мации американских национальных рекламодателей и издателей.


□ Vocabulary:

distinguish - отличать, различать

concept - понятие, идея

applicable - применимый.

nonprofit - некоммерческий, нерентабельный, общественный

voluntary - добровольный

trade - торговый, коммерческий

regarding- относительно, касательно

facilities - условия,удобства, средства обслуживания

objectives - цели

create - создавать

favorable opinion - благоприятное мнение

stress - подчеркивать, выделять

competence – компетентность

manufacturing skills - навыки производства

contribution to - вклад в

social advancement - социальный прогресс

public welfare - благосостояние общества

build up - создавать, повышать, наращивать

securities - ценные бумаги

appeal to - привлекать, нравиться к.-л., импонировать

graduate – выпускник




1) Find the English equivalents in the text:

1. это понятие применимо к

2. информировать общественность, принимая во внимание политику фирмы

3. создать климат благоприятного мнения о фирме

4. вклад в социальный прогресс и благосостояние населения

5. улучшать финансовую структуру фирмы


2) Translate the following words and word-combinations into Russian and use them in sentences of your own:

1. voluntary organizations; trade organizations; non-governmental organizations; non-profit organizations

2. company's policies, functions, facilities, objectives, ideals, and standards

3. build up the investment qualities of the company's securities

4. designed to appeal to graduates

5. to invest one's money (in stocks, in bonds, in land); the stock is a good investment; investment bank; short-term / long- term investment; investment qualities; investor

6. to sell (dear, cheap; at a loss; well, badly; off, out) sale of services/goods;

goods on sale; cash sale; winter/summer sale

3) Match the words having the opposite meaning:

national to damage
to improve to spend
voluntary negative
favorable poverty
to accumulate global
welfare forcible
to create to worsen


4) Complete the sentences with the following words (place; regarding; distinguish; favorable; applicable):

1. The concept is___to any organization.

2. Public relations advertising must sell the company as a good___in which

to work.

3. It must create a climate of___opinion about the company.

4. It must educate the public___the company's policy, functions, facilities,

objectives, ideals, and standards.

5. The Bureau suggests several characteristics that ____public relations



5) Insert prepositions where necessary (of; by; with; in; up; about; to; -):

1. It must build___the investment qualities___the company s securities.

2. It must create a climate___favorable opinion___the company

___stressing___the competence___the company's management.

3. It must sell the company as a good place___which to work, often___

a way designed to appeal___graduates or people___certain skills.


6)Answer the following questions:

1. What are the characteristics distinguishing public relations advertising?

2. What's your opinion on them?

3. Can you add any other ideas?


Advantages of Advertising

Advertising is paid and controlled mass communication. This means that the organ­ization completely bypasses the newsroom gatekeepers and places its messages, exact­ly as written and formatted, with the medium's advertising department. Thus a pri­mary reason for using advertising as a communications tool is that control of the mes­sage remains with the sender.

Some other advantages of advertising are its selectivity and the advertiser's control of the impact and timing.

Audience Selection

With advertising, you can reach a very specific audience. For example, commercial on stations can be fine-tuned to the audience with little regard for any other people. Advertisements in specialized publications can reach their readers with very little exposure to others. Different ideas can be conveyed to different groups, and efforts can be concentrated in the most important areas.

For any public relations program, certain groups or publics are more important the others. Reaching them may be imperative, while reaching others may be optional. To be sure of reaching your key publics, you can rely on advertising.


□ Vocabulary:

advantages - сильные стороны; преимущества

mass communication - средство массовой коммуникации

bypass - обходить, объезжать игнорировать

gatekeeper - цензор

format - форматировать; производить разметку текста

medium (pl. media) - среда; средство, способ

the medium - средство распространения рекламы (например, радиостанция, журнал, газета)

primary - первостепенный, главный, первый

selectivity - отобранность, отбор; избирательность

impact - воздействие рекламы (на аудиторию)

timing - согласованное действие; срок, выбор времени, расчет времени

audience selection - отбор / подбор аудитории

commercials - рекламные ролики; рекламные вставки, передачи

reach - добираться до; достигать; охватывать, завоевывать (аудиторию рек

ным сообщением по меньшей мере один раз за определенный период времен

exposure - воздействие, контакт

convey - передавать

effort - усилие

imperative - императивный; обязательный; настоятельный

optional - необязательный, произвольный

publics - группы аудитории

rely on - полагаться на; доверять



1) Find the English equivalents in the text:

1. платное и контролируемое средство связи

2. размещать свои сообщения

3. отдел рекламы

4. (очень)своеобразная аудитория

5. завоевать, охватить аудиторию

2) Translate the following word-combinations into Russian. Use them in sentences of your own:

to bypass the newsroom gatekeepers;

written and formatted messages;

a primary reason for...;

a communications tool;

control remains with the sender;

the advertisor's control of the impact and timing;

commercials can be fine-tuned to the audience;

with little regard for any other people.


3) Match the words which are close in the meaning:

primary necessary
to remain to win
to reach to stay behind
key important
different voluntary
optional various
imperative main


4) Match the words having the opposite meaning:

imperative worthless
paid to distrust
to expose partially
important voluntary
to rely on to be doubtful
to be sure of roughly
completely to conceal
exactly free

5) Insert prepositions where necessary (with; in):

1. The organization places its messages___the medium's advertising


2. Control of the message remains___the sender.

3._ advertising you can reach____a very specific audience.

4. Advertisements___specialized publications can reach___their

readers____very little exposure to others.


6) Complete the sentences with the following words (advantages; reach; exposure; advertising; imperative; publics; commercials):

1._is paid and controlled mass communication.

2. Some other___of advertising are its selectivity and the advertiser's

control of the impact and timing.

3. With advertising, you can___a very specific audience.

4.___on stations can be fine-tuned to the audience with little regard for

other people.

5. To be sure of reaching your key___, you can rely on advertising.

6. Reaching certain groups or publics may be___.

7. Advertisements in specialized publications can reach their readers with very little___to others.


7) Make up questions for these answers:

1....................................................................? Advertising is paid and controlled ma:


2....................................................................? A primary reason for using advertising as

communications tool is that control of the message remains with the sender.

3....................................................................? Some other advantages of advertising are i

selectivity and the advertiser's control of the impact and timing.

4....................................................................? Advertisements in specialized publications

can reach their readers with very little exposure to others.

5....................................................................? To be sure of reaching your key publics, у

can rely on advertising.


Text D

Control of the Message

Gatekeepers frequently alter or truncate the news or features they receive. Sometimes the changes do little harm, but occasionally the blue pencil ruins an idea or eliminates an important point. Your communications plan may involve informing the public about subject A before you say anything about subject B, but if a gatekeeper changes the order or eliminates one story, the sequence is destroyed. With advertising, however, you can be sure that your message is reproduced in the exact words you choose and in the sequence you have planned.


Control of Impact

With advertising, you can make your messages as big, frequent, and powerful as you choose. The gatekeeper may think your message is worth a 4-inch space on page 9, but if you think it deserves major treatment, you can buy a whole page. And if you the idea repeated, you can buy as many ads as the budget permits. The broadcast present similar problems and opportunities. Your news item or features idea m be used - or, if used, may be cut to a few words - but your advertisement will t without alteration.

Control of Timing

If timing is an important factor, advertising can guarantee that your message timely. Prompt response to a public issue, a fixed sequence of messages, continuity communication - all can be maintained through advertising. To the gatekeeper message may be just as usable on Tuesday as on Wednesday; but for your pi Tuesday may be a day too early or Wednesday a day too late. You can't be sure you pay for it. To a magazine editor, May can be as timely as June, but to you, May can be premature. If you want your message presented in June, you can guarantee the date by buying an advertisement.


□ Vocabulary:

alter - менять, изменять

truncate (the news) - использовать часть целого (новостей, сообщение), сокращать

do harm - наносить вред

feature - занимательная статья; занимательный очерк; рубрика (в газете, журнале)

eliminate - уничтожить, разрушить, отменить

sequence - последовательность, порядок

frequent - частый, периодичный

treatment - обращение, обхождение; трактовка, подход

be worth - стоить

ads=advertisements - рекламные объявления

item - газетная заметка, статья deserve - заслуживать

permit - позволять

present problems - представлять собой проблемы

cut to - сокращать, урезать до...

timely - своевременный

prompt response to - быстрый ответ на

issue - проблема, вопрос

fixed - неизменный, установленный, постоянный

continuity - последовательность, непрерывность, преемственность

maintain - поддерживать, сохранять

editor - редактор

premature - преждевременный

present a message - зд. поместить сообщение


1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

1.изменять или использовать часть сообщения;

2. причинять небольшой вред;

3. последовательность нарушена;

4. так, как Вам это надо;

5. столько объявлений, насколько позволяет бюджет;

6. может быть сокращено до нескольких слов;

7. быстрый ответ на;

8. может быть преждевременным;

9. можно обеспечить дату, купив.


2) Match the words which are close in the meaning:

frequently to remove
to alter to be worthy of
harm alike
occasionally to submit
to eliminate appropriate
to deserve regularly
to guarantee from time to time
similar to secure
timely wrong
to present to change

3) Match the words having the opposite meaning:

prompt overdue
powerful to refuse
to maintain incorrect
to involve impotent
harm to exclude
major mess
premature insignificant
to permit to neglect
order tardy
exact good

4) Make up 5 questions to the text, beginning with:

why; what; where; how; when.


5) Insert prepositions where necessary (to; in; by; without):

1. You can be sure that your message is reproduced___the exact words you

choose and___the sequence you have planned.

2. Your item news may be cut___a few words.

3. The broadcast media present___similar problems and opportunities.

4.Your news item or feature idea may or may not be used - but your advertisement will be used___alteration.

5. If you want your message presented in June, you can guarantee the date___buying an advertisement.


6) Complete the sentences from the text with the following words (gatekeeper; message; eliminates; guarantee; ads; present);

1....occasionally the blue pencil rums an idea or___an important point.

2. If a___changes the order or eliminates one story, the sequence is


Ъ. If you think your___deserves major treatment, you can buy a whole page.

4. If you want the idea repeated, you can buy as many___as the budget


5. The broadcast media___similar problems and opportunities.

6. If timing is an important factor, advertising can___that your message will

be timely.



Paid space is expensive. Ads in multiple media outlets, which are necessary sage penetration, can cost thousands of dollars in the trade press and million consumer press. The most extreme example is the annual Super Bowl football during which a 30-second television commercial costs about $900,000.

The high cost of buying space for advertising has led many companies to shift of their marketing communications budgets to product publicity, direct mail, a marketing.


□ Notes:

Super Bowl - Суперкубок (встреча команд американского футбола-победительниц Национальной и Американской конференций после окончания сезон Игры на Суперкубок проводятся с 1967 г.


□ Vocabulary:

disadvantages - слабые стороны, недостатки

institutional - казенный, скучный, холодный

paid space - оплаченное место (в СМИ)

multiple - множественный, многократный, многочисленный

outlet - рынок сбыта, рыночный канал, канал реализации

penetration - проникновение

consumer - потребитель

annual - ежегодный

to shift - передвинуть, сместить, сдвинуть, переместить

product publicity - пропаганда товара

direct mail - прямая почтовая рассылка рекламы, директ-мейл

telemarketing - телемаркетинг, телефонный маркетинг

1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. недостатки рекламы;

2. действенный;

3. важные сообщения;

4. платное место;

5. ежегодный футбольный матч на Суперкубок;

6. телевизионный рекламный ролик.


Text F


Public relations executives are fond of saying, "Advertising raises awareness, but publicity published as news stories creates credibility".

Because they are controlled messages, advertisements are generally less believable than publicity that appears in the news columns or on broadcast news shows. The pub­lic perceives that news reports have more credibility because purportedly objective journalists, who are independent of the organization, have evaluated the information on the basis of truth and accuracy.

Indeed, a major value of publicity is the concept that a third party, the medium, has endorsed the information by printing or broadcasting it. Advertisements have no such third-party endorsement because anyone with enough money can place an advertise­ment, provided that it meets the acceptance standards of the medium.



credibility - доверие; достоверность; репутации

be fond of - любить кого-либо, что-либо

publicity - пропаганда, реклама, гласность

awareness - осведомленность, знание

news story - газетное сообщение; информационный материал

news column - раздел новостей; рубрика, колонка

broadcast - вещать; распространять, вести радиопередачу

news show - программа новостей; новости

perceive - понимать; чувствовать, ощущать

news report - газетное сообщение

purportedly - намеренно, с целью, нарочно

objective - объективный

evaluate - оценить

truth - правда; истина

accuracy - точность, правильность; тщательность

major - крупный; главный, основной

endorse - подтвердить, одобрить; утвердить

endorsement - одобрение, подтверждение

provided that - при условии, что

meet - удовлетворять, отвечать

acceptance - принятие, одобрение; приемка; акцепт


1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. специалист по паблик рилейшнз;

2. создавать репутацию;

3. менее достоверный;

4. объективный журналист;

5. на основе чего-либо;

6. подтвердить достоверность информации;

7. поместить рекламное объявление;

8. при условии, что;

9. отвечать нормам приемлемости.


2) Translate the following words into Russian and use them in sentences of your own:

1. to set new standards for smth.

to maintain high standards of smth.

to be up to standard

to meet a standard

to raise / to lower a standard

above / below standard

2. a major value of publicity a publicity campaign


3) Match the words which are close in the meaning:

to believe idea
credibility to approve
objective to trust
to endorse free
concept confidence
independent disinterested

4) Match the words having the opposite meaning:

to believe to ban
credibility percept
objective biased
to endorse subordinate
concept to doubt
independent mistrust

5) Complete the sentences from the text with the following words (truth; publicity; endorsement; concept; credibility; independent):

1. Advertising raises awarness, but publicity published as news stories creates____.

2. Advertisements are usually less believable than___that appears in the

news columns.

3. Purportedly objective journalists... have evaluated the information on the basis of____and accuracy.

4. Purportedly objective journalists... are___of the organization.

5. A major value of publicity is the___that a third party, the medium, has

endorsed the information by printing or broadcasting it.

6. Advertisements have no such third-party___because anyone with

enough money can place an advertisement.


6) Insert prepositions where necessary (—; by; with; on; of):

1. A major value of publicity is the concept that a third party has endorsed the information__printing or broadcasting it.

2. Public relations executives are fond___saying it.

3. Purportedly objective journalists are independent___the organization.

4. They have evaluated____the information___the basis of truth and


5. Anyone___enough money can place an advertisement.


Timing and Context

"Let's run an ad in the newspaper" is a frequent reaction to a crisis. This approach has one major fault. It is usually too late.

This is particularly true when the crisis has already been reported by the media and the public has already developed strong opinions on the subject. For example, an organization accused of wrongdoing rarely does a good job of defending itself byspending a lot of money on advertisements denying responsibility.

After the Valdez oil spill in Alaska, Exxon placed several ads defending itself against charges of doing too little to contain the oil spill, but the public perceived the ads as insincere.


□ Notes:

the Valdez oil spill in Alaska - одна из крупнейших экологических катастроф -авария нефтеналивного супертанкера «Эксон Валдиз» (Exxon Valdez) компании «Эксон» (Exxon Corp.) 24 марта 1989 г. у берегов залива Принс Уильям-Саун, (Prince William Sound) недалеко от порта Валдиз на Аляске. Из цистерн танкер вытекло 41,6 млн литров нефти, которая уничтожила все живое на сотни киле метров вокруг.


□ Vocabulary:

approach - подход

fault - недостаток; ошибка, промах

develop opinions on - составлять мнения о

accuse smb. of - обвинять кого-либо в

wrongdoing - правонарушение

rarely - редко

defend – защищать

deny - отрицать, отказываться, отпираться

responsibility - ответственность

place an ad /to run an ad - поместить объявление

charge - обвинение

contain - укрощать; сдерживать (от распространения)

oil spill - разлив нефти

insincere – неискренний


1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. поместить объявление;

2. составить мнение о;

3. крупная ошибка;

4. обвинить к.-л. в ч.-л.;

5. тратить деньги на;

6. отказываться от несения ответственности.


2) Translate the following words and word-combinations into Russian. Use them in sentences of your own:

a frequent reaction to;

it's usually too late;

the crisis has already been reported;

to develop strong opinions on;

to accuse smb. of;

to do a good job of;

to deny smth.;

to run / to place an ad;

to perceive smth./smb. as


3) Match the words:

to do responsibility
to run a good job
to develop of wrongdoing
to deny strong opinions
to accuse an ad


4) Match the words which are close in the meaning:

frequent to charge
to develop repeated
to accuse authority
to defend to work out
sincere to protect
responsibility genuine

5) Match the words having the opposite meaning:

to develop to attack
to accuse immunity
to defend dishonest
sincere rare
responsibility to praise
frequent to confine

6) Insert prepositions (on; of; by; in; for):

1. Let's run an ad___the newspaper.

2.___example, an organization accused___wrong doing rarely does

good job____defending itself_____spending a lot___money

__ advertisements denying__responsibility.

3. This is particularly true when the crisis has already been reported___

the media and the public has already developed strong opinions___the




7) Answer the following questions:

1. How do people frequently react to a crisis? Why is this approach wrong?

2. Can you prove that it is usually too late?

3. What do you know about the Valdez oil spill in Alaska?


8) Agree or disagree:

This approach has one major fault. It is usually too late.

Text A

The largest percentage of public relations advertising is done in magazines, with net­work television and newspapers and Sunday supplements in second and third place, respectively. The trend is increasingly to target niche audiences. Magazines, which are already very specialized, will probably continue to get the lion's share of "image" advertising, and network television will lose ground to cable networks.

There are several types of public relations advertising. At times, the distinctions between categories can become blurred; however, we will deal with five basic types: image-building, investor and financial relations programs, public service messages, advocacy, and announcements.


□ Vocabulary:

percentage - процентное отношение

do the advertising - заниматься рекламой; помещать рекламные объявления

supplements - приложения; спец. выпуски

respectively - соответственно

trend - тенденция

increasingly - в основном

target - иметь целью; нацелиться

niche audiences - нужные (для фирмы) / «свои» аудитории

the lion's share - львиная доля

lose ground to smb. - отставать от к.-л.

distinctions - различия

become blurred - стираться; стать размытым, неясным; принять неясные очертания

deal with - рассматривать; иметь дело с

public service - коммунальные услуги, коммунальное обслуживание; государ­ственная служба



1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. престижная реклама

2. воскресные приложения

3. нужные аудитории

4. сеть телевидения

5. кабельное телевидение

6. иметь дело с; рассматривать


2) Translate the following words into Russian and use them in sentences of your own:

1. public service messages

2. to target niche audiences

3. Sunday supplements

4. to lose ground to

5. to become blurred

6. at times

7. public relations advertising


3) Match the words which are close in meaning:

largest to carry on
basic difference
to continue biggest
blurred to miss
distinction cloudy
to lose fundamental


4) Match the words having the opposite meaning:

largest clear
basic to win
to continue inessential
blurred similarity
distinction smallest
to lose to cease

5) Insert prepositions (to; of; in; with; between):

1. The largest percentage___public relations advertising is done____magazines.

2. Magazines will probably continue to get the lion's share___ advertising, and network television will lose ground___ cable networks.

3. At times, the distinctions__ categories can become blurred.

4. We will deal___ five basic types.


6) Answer the following questions:

1. In what order is public relations advertising done?

2. What is this trend increasingly to target?

3. Will network television or magazines continue to get the lion's share of "image" advertising?

4. What are the basic types of public relations advertising?



Not only can advertising strengthen an organization's reputation and image, but it can also contribute to consumer and client acceptance of the organization's products and services. Consumers don't just buy a product; they also buy the company if it is perceived as being well managed, socially responsible, environmentally conscious, and willing to stand behind its products.

A good example of an image-building campaign is one by NYNEX, the telephone company serving New York State and New England. The company decided to put a human face on high technology with a series of ads that focused on its employees work­ing for and with customers to solve their telephone problems.

The attempt to humanize and personalize the company came after research indicat­ed that people were turned off by advertisements that emphasized the cold, imperson­al imagery of fiber-optic networks, microchips, and other high-technology hardware. Indeed, companies too often emphasize the wonders of technology without really pay­ing attention to showing how it improves the quality of life for the consumer.

The NYNEX campaign had an internal component as well. By featuring typical employees and distributing glossy brochures about the campaign to the entire staff, it improved morale among employees.


□ Vocabulary:

strengthen - укреплять; усиливать

contribute to smth. - вносить вклад в, способствовать acceptance - принятие, одобрение consumer - потребитель

perceive - воспринимать, понимать, осознавать

well managed - хорошо управляемый

responsible – ответственный

be conscious - сознавать, понимать, ощущать

environment - окружающая среда; условия, обстановка

be willing - желать, очень хотеть что-то делать

stand behind - зд. поддерживать, не отказываться от t

o put a human face on - придать человеческий вид чему-либо

high technology - передовая технология; высокая технология

focus on - сосредоточивать внимание на

solve - решать, разрешать (проблемы)

an attempt - попытка

humanize - очеловечивать; смягчать

personalize – олицетворять

turn off - отвлекать внимание

emphasize - подчеркивать; придавать особое значение

impersonal - беспристрастный, объективный, безличный

imagery - образность, образ

fiber-optic - светопроводный

hardware - технические средства, оборудование

wonders - чудеса

internal - внутренний; сокровенный

feature - изображать; показывать

entire - весь, полный, целый

morale - моральное состояние; боевой дух



1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. репутация и престиж организации

2. товары и услуги организации

3. принятие (товара) потребителями и клиентами

4. понимать обстановку

5. передовая технология

6. решать проблемы

7. холодный безликий образ

8. и другое оборудование высоких технологий

9. улучшить качество


2) Translate the following words into Russian. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. acceptance standards

2. to find market acceptance

3. to gain public acceptance

4. consumer acceptance

5. trade acceptance

6. to have a good/bad reputation

7. to gain a reputation as something

8. to live up to one's reputation

9. to improve (the) morale

10. to undermine (the) morale


3) Match the words which are close in the meaning:

to strengthen aware
impersonal consumer
conscious to deal with
customer impartial
to solve effort
attempt to make firm
4) Match the words having the opposite meaning:
to strengthen ignorant
impersonal to question
conscious certainty
customer to weaken
to solve seller
attempt friendly

5) Match the words:

to buy the quality of life
to solve a human face
a series of attention to
to put a product
to be environmentally responsible
to be socially a problem
to improve conscious
to pay ads

6) Complete the sentences with the following words (acceptance; face; imagery; company; attention):

1. Consumers don't just buy a product, they also buy the_.

2. The company decided to put a human___ on high technology with a series

of ads.

3. Advertising can also contribute to consumer and client____ of the organi­zation's products and services.

4.... people were turned off by advertisements that emphasized the cold, imper­sonal _of fiber-optic networks, microchips, and other high-technology hard­ware.

5. Companies too often emphasize the wonders of technology without really paying _to showing how it improves the quality of life for the consumer.


Text D

Sears* had to reassure the financial community after its stock prices dropped follow­ing charges by several state regulatory agencies that the company defrauded customers at its auto repair centers. In a full-page Wall Street Journal ad, Sears laid out the steps it was taking to restore consumer confidence in the company: eliminating incentive compensation and goal-setting systems for employees, upgrading the company's qual­ity control program, cooperating with state attorneys to investigate the charges, and helping organize a joint industry-government-consumer effort to establish uniform car repair industry standards. The Sears ad, like many of these announcements, was written in the form of a letter signed by the corporation's chief executive officer.

Other forms of financial advertising are more routine. You can use an ad to announce the appointment of a key executive, the acquisition of another company, or a new stock offering. Some announcements are required by govern­ment regulatory bodies. Releasing news to the media may be adequate, but many cor­porations also use advertising to make sure that there can be no question about dis­closure.


□ Notes:

*Sears="Sears Rent-A-Car" - компания по прокату автомобилей торговой фирмы "Sears, Roebuck and Co." Имеет филиалы во многих городах Америки.


□ Vocabulary:

reassure - вновь подтвердить

drop - резко снижаться, падать

following - вслед за, после

defraud - обманывать

auto repair center - центр по ремонту автомобилей

lay out - планировать

take steps - принимать меры

restore - восстанавливать

confidence - доверие

eliminate - уничтожить, отменить

incentive - побуждение; прогрессивная система ч.-л.

compensation - жалование, заработная плата (в Америке)

upgrade - повышать, завышать

an attorney - прокурор (ам)

establish - учредить, установить

uniform - единый, единообразный

executive - (adj) исполнительный; (п) руководитель, администратор

routine - установившийся, шаблонный, рутинный

acquisition – принятие

offering – предложение

release - выпускать, выходить (в новостях)

adequate – соответствующий

make sure - убедиться, удостовериться

disclosure - раскрытие, разоблачение

question – сомнение



Text E

Public Service

Public service advertisements provide information, tips, and how-to suggestions. A number of nonprofit and charitable organizations use such advertising for public education, for example:

• The American Cancer Society gives information about vegetables and fruits that can reduce the risk of cancer.

• The American Heart Association informs people about the warning signs of a heart attack.

• The American Red Cross gives a list of don'ts to prevent the spread of AIDS.

• The American Lung Association warns people about the dangers of smoking.

Business also do public service advertising, to generate goodwill. In most cases, it is related to their products and services, for example:

• The Pacific Gas and Electric Company provides helpful hints on how to reduce energy costs during the winter months.

• The Shell Oil Company gives motorists hints on how to get better gasoline mileage.

□ Notes:

the American Cancer Society - Американское общество борьбы с раковыми забо­леваниями

the American Heart Association - Американская ассоциация борьбы с болезнями сердца

the American Red Cross - Американское общество Красного Креста

AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficience Syndrome - СПИД = синдром приобретен­ного иммунодефицита

the American Lung Association - Американская ассоциация борьбы с легочными заболеваниями

the Pacific Gas and Electric Company - Тихоокеанская топливная компания

the Shell Oil Company - «Шел Ойл» - Нефтехимическая компания, одна из

крупнейших в мире

□ Vocabulary:

provide - предоставить, снабдить

tip - хороший, надежный совет

how-to - практический

nonprofit - нерентабельный, невыгодный, некоммерческий

charitable - благотворительный

education - образование

reduce - сократить, снизить, уменьшить

cancer - рак (болезнь)

warning - предупредительный

sign - знак, признак

a heart attack - сердечный приступ

don'ts - запреты; то, чего нельзя делать

dos - распоряжения, приказания; то, что следует делать

prevent - преотвратить ч.-л.; помешать ч.-л.

spread – распространение

lung - легкое

warn - предупреждать

generate - порождать

goodwill - добрая воля

case - случай

relate - относить, определять отношение

related - связанный, относящийся, касающийся

helpful - полезный

hint - намек, подсказка, совет

energy costs - топливные расходы

motorist - автомобилист, водитель

gasoline - бензин

mileage - расстояние в милях; число пройденных миль (ср.километраж)



1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

1. предоставить информацию

2. ряд благотворительных организаций

3. снизить риск заболевания раком

4. симптомы сердечного приступа

5. список запретов

6. предупредить кого-либо о

7. это относится к чему-либо

8. сократить топливные расходы


2) Match the words which are close in the meaning:


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