II. Match the questions to their answers (below). 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


II. Match the questions to their answers (below).

1. Why do marketing managers often turn to competitor analysis?

2.What are competitive barriers?

3. Where do Dow Zip Lock bags, Reynold’s aliuminum foil, Saran Wrap, and Tupperware containers compete?

4. What kind of errors can marketing managers make?

5. Why is it so difficult to dislodge a competitor who is already a market leader by attacking with a strategy that has similar strengths?

6. May the information about competitors toe available?

7. Who is an "alert marketing manager"?

8. How much did Keebler Co., Nabisco Brands, and Frito-Lay pay Procter & Gamble for stealing secrets about its Duncan Hines soft cookies?

A. The court ordered them to pay $125 million in damages.

B. Yes, much public information may be available, though most firms try to keep the specifics of their plans secret.

C. They do it because the search for breakthrough opportunities requires an understanding mot only of customers but also of competitors.

D. It is difficult because a market leader can usually defend its position by quickly copying the best parts of what a new competitor is trying to do.

E. These are the conditions that may make it difficult, or even impossible, for a firm to compete in a market.

F. They compete in the same generic market for food storage needs.

G. It's easy to make a mistake of assuming that there won’t be competition in the future — or of discounting how aggressive competition may become.

H. It is a person who can make adjustments quickly.


III. Complete the sentences using the information from the text.

1. Competitive barriers may __________ competitors’ responses to an innovative strategy.

a) limit

b) change

c) block

2. Finding a sustainable competitive advantage requires special attention to competitor’s__________.

a) strengths and weaknesses

b) target market amid marketing mix

c) trade publications and middlemen

3. Right Guard did mot quickly fight back against Old
Spice because__________.

a) they didn’t have: any new strategy

b) they didn’t need it as the company was an established leader.

c) Right Guard wais afraid that it might even help the competitor

IV. Work with a partner' to complete the sentences below with the following words.

to satisfy; too assume; to discount;

to sustain; tоo dislodge; an established leader;

to make adjustments; a middleman; to spy on smb.


1. Don't________ the strengths of current and potential competitors!

2. All famous companies do their best to __________customers’ needs.

3. The use of competitor analysis will help you to a competitive situation.

4. A company which has already won a target market is an __________ there.

5. Trade publications, alert sales reps and _________ are sources of competitor information.

6. If a marketing manager _________that there won't be competition in the future, he will make a big mistake.

7. A market situation changes very quickly, you should __________according to it.

8. Frito-Lay decided to________ Procter & Gamble to obtain trade secrets.

9. It is very difficult to __________a market leader by attacking with a strategy that has similar strengths.

V. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases.

удовлетворять потребности; признанный лидер; постоянно; приспособиться; посредник; предполагать; не принимать в расчет; компенсация за нанесенный ущерб; ограниченный; выдерживать

VI. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the best way to avoid head-on competition?

2. Why should marketing managers use competitor analysis and consider competitive barriers?

3. Can companies offering quite different products be competitors? Why?

4. Where do such companies as Dow Zip Lock and Saran Wrap compete?

5. Is it possible to dislodge an established competitor? When? Give an example.

6. What are the main sources of competitor information?

7. Is it legal to spy on competitors?

8. Why is it very costly to step over the line of ethical behaviour? Give some examples.

VII. Explain to your friend who is not too good at economics
what the following words and phrases mean.

competitor analysis

competitive barriers

an established leader

an alert marketing manager

damage awards


VIII. Split into pairs and act out the following situation.

Student A. You are an experienced marketing manager. Help your niece who is just starting to work in this area. She knows that one of the aspects of her job will be avoiding competition and fighting against it. Give her some reasonable advice and answer all her questions.

Student B. You are very happy because last week you were employed by a big company as a marketing manager. Your boss told you that the company had many competitors and your task was to attack them. Ask your uncle, a good marketing manager, what you should do.



The Presentation of my Firm

1. I would like to present… Я хотел бы представить…

…my firm мою фирму

…my automobile factory мой автозавод

…my watch factory мой часовой завод

…my candy factory мою кондитерскую

2. It produces … Он (она) производит…


…high quality watches of …часы высшего качества

…cakes, candies …торты, пирожные

3. section участок

plant предприятие

shop цех

4. We are interested in the firm’s latest (prospective) developments. Мы заинтересованы в последних

(перспективных) разработках.

5. This is the firm’s own development. Это собственная

разработка компании.

6. That is a company secret. Это секрет фирмы.

7. That is a trade name. Это фирменное название.

8. That is a trade mark. Это торговая марка.

9. This firm (company) was founded in …. Эта компания

была основана в….

10. This plant (factory) was built in …. Этот завод был

построен в….

11. We can see this plant (shop, section, machine-tool, mechanism) in operation. Мы можем увидеть, как

работает предприятие, цех, участок, станок, устройство.

12. New models (designs) of … are planned. Новые модели

(конструкции) … планируются.

13. … people are engaged in our firm. … человек занято

на нашей фирме.

14. The working area is … square meters. Производственная

площадь составляет … кв. метров.

15. The address of our firm is …. Адрес нашей фирмы ….

16. The office of our firm (company) is situated in ….

Контора нашей фирмы располагается ….

17. Our main suppliers are …. Наши главные поставщики

18. Our main buyers are …. Наши главные заказчики ….

19. We export our products to …. Мы экспортируем нашу

продукцию в....

20. Our firm (company) has branch companies in …. Наша

компания имеет дочерние компании в ….

21. Our firm has … 5 departments: the production department, the sales department, the business department, the marketing department, etc. Наша компания имеет несколько

отделов: производственный отдел, отдел продаж,

коммерческий отдел, отдел маркетинга, др.

22. This is our Vice-President.

23. His name is …

24. He works here for 5 years.

25. He is responsible for ….




Критерии Оценки

Мультимедийной Презентации

Студенты______________________________ Дата______


СОЗДАНИЕ СЛАЙДОВ Максимальное количество баллов Оценка группы Оценка учителя
· Титульный слайд с заголовком      
· Минимальное количество – 10 слайдов      
· Использование дополнительных эффектов PowerPoint (смена слайдов, звук, графики)      
· Использование эффектов анимации      
· Вставка графиков и таблиц      
· Выводы, обоснованные с научной точки зрения, основанные на данных      
· Грамотное создание и сохранение документов в папке рабочих материалов      
· Графики, импортированные из Excel      
· Текст хорошо написан и сформированные идеи ясно изложены и структурированы      
· Слайды представлены в логической последовательности      
· Красивое оформление презентации      
· Слайды распечатаны в формате заметок.      
ОБЩИЕ БАЛЛЫ Окончательная оценка:      


Рассмотрено: ________________________________________


Замечание: Каждая работа должна быть рассмотрена группой и учителем.


Список использованных материалов

1. Закоморная Е. А., Яшина С. Л. Английский для экономистов. М.:ИКЦ «МарТ», Ростов-на-Дону: издательский центр «МарТ», 2006. – 160с.

2. Кашаев А. А. Основы делового английского языка. М.: Флинта: МПСИ, 2006. – 176с.

3. Млявая С.В. Деловая жизнь: Английские экономические тексты. Мн.: Амалфея, 2003. – 208с.

4. Шевелева С. А., Стогов В. Е. Основы экономики и бизнеса. М.: ЮНИТИ, 1999. – 515с.


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