Comment on the following quotations. 

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Comment on the following quotations.

2) Work is the grand cure of all maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. (Th. Carlyle)

3) Diligence is the mother of good fortune, and idleness, its opposite, never brought a man to the goal of any of his best wishes. (S. Cervantes)

4) A man’s good work is effected by doing what he does, a woman’s by being what she is. (G. K. Chesteron)

5) In this imperfect world industry is rewarded and giddiness punished. (W. S. Maugham)

6) Employment is a process determined by individual characteristics, job characteristics and appearance. (Unknown)

Use the following proverbs in situations of your own. Give Russian equivalents if possible.

2) A good beginning makes a good ending.

3) Business before pleasure.

4) Jack of all trades and master of none.

5) No pains, no gains.

6) Every man is the architect of his own fortune.

7) Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Solve the problems.

2) You go to an interview for a job but you have no experience. How will you explain to the interviewer why you should have this job?

3) Go to an employment agency. Ask them if they have any jobs that you might be qualified to do.

4) Your boss calls you to his/her office to tell you that you have been replaced by a computer. What would you do?

5) You are President of a company. You would like to hire an economist. You consider these advertisements:

a) Male, University graduate, 22, fluent English, experienced in accounting and banking management, tall, keen on tennis, unmarried. Seeks interesting, well-paid job not far from home.

b) Female, high school graduate, 24, speaks English, German and French, with experience in travel industry, typing, short-hand, and bookkeeping; good-looking and sociable. Seeks worth-while employment. Unmarried.

c) Male, associate degree in accounting and business administration, 23, experience in traveling around the world, married. Seeks part-time work (evenings and weekends).

6) You are looking for a job. You are a university graduate. Decide which job you would choose, considering what each of them would involve in terms of time, money, convenience:

a) a university lecturer;

b) a secretary and a shorthand typist ready to accompany her/his boss in his business trips abroad;

c) a barman at a night club;

7) You are a boss. You have to fire one of your two employees. One is a very efficient worker. The other is not, but he is your brother-in-law. What would you do?

Read the following advice how to make successful career and add some of your own.

1. Set goals and strive to reach them by specific deadline dates.

2. Learn to listen. Instead of rushing headlong into a project be professional enough to listen to instructions carefully and to heed the advice of others.

3. Learn to say “no” without feeling guilty.

4. Instead of punishing yourself for wasting time give yourself reward each time you manage your time wisely.

5. Avoid meeting whenever possible. If you must have a meeting prepare a specific agenda ahead of time and stick to it.

6. Make up a daily schedule before going to bed. Stick to your plan every day.

7. Link errands together. Instead of four trips a day go out just once.

8. Learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them.

9. Anticipate change, prepare for it and adapt quickly when it comes.

10. Learn to make a decision – to lead, to follow or to get out of the way.

11. Use machines that will save your time.

Points to ponder.

1) Russia is moving towards market economy which involves unemployment rate growth.

2) A gardener’s job is better than that of a maid.

3) One chooses one’s career for life.

4) Only men can dream of making a career as President.

5) Few things are impossible to diligence and skill.

6) First come, first hired.

7) Some people live to work, others work to live.

Choosing a right profession for your child is one of the most important decisions for parents. Act out a scene where two young mothers (a father and a mother) discuss the problem. Give some reasons to support your ideas.

Read the advertisements for different vacancies and make a written application for a job. Attach your curriculum vitae to it.




Imagine you are Andrew Foster (ex. 14) and you are looking for a new position. Fill in the job application form below.


Private and Confidential


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