Ex. 1. Study the different meanings of the words and use them to translate the sentences. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Ex. 1. Study the different meanings of the words and use them to translate the sentences.


acceptance n. 1) получение, прием, принятие

2) одобрение, признание

3) принятое значение слова

4) приемка (готовой продукции, выполненных работ, оказанных услуг)


acceptance of goods приемка товаров

acceptance of work by the customer приемка работ клиентом

acceptance tests приемо-сдаточные испытания

to find market acceptance получить признание рынка (о новых товарах)


to accept v. 1) принимать, брать; соглашаться

2) допускать, признавать; принимать, мириться

3) принимать (в определённый круг); относиться благосклонно; считать приемлемым, подходящим (кого-л.)

4) акцептовать (вексель), принимать (к оплате)


to accept a bill акцептовать вексель

to accept a check принимать к оплате или в уплату чек


1. Several shareholders have withdrawn earlier acceptances of the offer.

2. Neither John nor I were sportsmen in the proper acceptance of the word.

3. This theory is steadily gaining acceptance.

4. Eventually Stella persuaded her to accept an offer of marriage.

5. I accept him as the greatest expert in this field.

6. Many men still have difficulty accepting a woman as a business partner.

7. This management style gained acceptance in the 1980s.

8. Acceptance by their peer group is important to most youngsters.

9. He accepted the invitation to stay with us.

10. It often takes years for immigrants to be accepted into the host community.



Ex. 2. Match the words with their definitions.


___ perfect competition a) exclusive control of the market supply of a product or service
___ monopolistic competition b) an enterprise concerned with the provision to the public of essentials, such as electricity or water
___ monopoly c) a market situation in which there exists a homogeneous product, freedom of entry, and a large number of buyers and sellers none of whom individually can affect price
___ oligopoly d) a branch of commercial enterprise concerned with the output of a specified product or service
___ retail e) the form of imperfect competition that exists when there are many producers or sellers of similar but differentiated goods or services
___ wholesale f) a market situation in which control over the supply of a commodity is held by a small number of producers each of whom is able to influence prices and thus directly affect the position of competitors
___ utility company g) the use of money to get a profit or to make a business activity successful, or the money that is used
___ industry h) the sale of goods individually or in small quantities to consumers
___ investment i) the business of selling goods to retailers in larger quantities than they are sold to final consumers but in smaller quantities than they are purchased from manufacturers


Ex. 3. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases.


завоевать признание и лояльность потребителя ____________________________________

отпускная цена ________________________________________________________________

диктовать цену на товар ________________________________________________________

цена устанавливается рынком ___________________________________________________

индивидуализация продукции ___________________________________________________

ключ к успеху ________________________________________________________________

контроль над ценообразованием _________________________________________________

стоить в два раза больше ________________________________________________________

розничная торговля ____________________________________________________________

монополии, регулируемые государством __________________________________________

огромные авансовые инвестиции _________________________________________________

коммунальное предприятие _____________________________________________________

рыночная структура ____________________________________________________________

стартовый капитал _____________________________________________________________

правительственная организация (орган) ___________________________________________



Ex. 4. Word-building. Complete the following table by inserting the missing forms.


Verb Noun Adjective
to alter    
to prevent    
to regulate    



Ex. 5. Make up word combinations.


consumer a. competition
perfect b. business
agricultural c. loyalty
product d. investment
selling e. ability
retailing f. products
huge g. price
financial h. differentiation



Ex. 6. Make up sentences from the jumbled words.


1. is /between / businesses / the battle / competition.

2. can / four / be classified / main / competition / into / categories.

3. the product / is set / the price / by / the market / of.

4. products / found / typically / are / in / business / monopolistic / retailing.

5. each / in / seller / an oligopoly / has / over / control / some / price.

6. usually/ monopolies/ regulate/ governments.

7. few or many /a monopolistic/ there can be /in/ competitors/ industry.




Ex. 7. Say if the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.


  1. Competition is the battle between teachers to win student acceptance and loyalty.
  2. Competition can be classified into four main categories.
  3. In a perfect competition businesses have a great deal of control over the selling price of their product.
  4. There are few competitors in a perfect competition.
  5. Products can be differentiated based on price, quality, image, or some other feature, depending on the product.
  6. It is very easy to enter or leave a monopolistic industry.
  7. Agricultural products are considered to be examples of monopolistic competition.
  8. An oligopoly exists when there are few sellers in a certain industry.
  9. The type of products sold in an oligopoly can be similar or different, but none of the sellers has any control over price.
  10. A monopoly exists when a single seller controls the supply of a good or service and prevents other businesses from entering the field.



Ex. 8. Here are the answers to some questions about the text. What are the questions?


  1. Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly.
  2. When a large number of sellers produce identical products or services.
  3. Because no one seller is large enough to dictate the price of the product.
  4. The result of product differentiation.
  5. Based on price, quality, image, or some other feature, depending on the product.
  6. In retailing business.
  7. Shampoo products, toothpaste, automobile service centres, and fast-food restaurants.
  8. Because a large investment is required to enter the industry.
  9. Utility companies, telephone and cabel TV companies.



Ex. 9. Read this description of a language training market. Answer the questions.


In Paris, 500 organizations offer language training to companies. However, 90 per cent of sales are made by the top five language training organizations. The market is not growing in size overall. Organization A has 35 per cent of the market, and faces stiff competition from B, which has about 25 per cent of the market, and from C, D and E, who each have 10 per cent, but who are trying to grow by charging less for their courses.


1. How many competitors are there in this market?

2. Is competition in the market strong?

3. Who is the market leader?

4. Who are the two key players?

5. Who mainly makes up the competition, from the market leader's point of view?

6. If one competitor increases its market share, can the others keep their market share at the same level?

Text 2



caffeine-free soda – газированный напиток без кофеина

to convince – убеждать, уверять

soft-drink – безалкогольный напиток

research and development –исследования и разработки

competitive advantage – конкурентное преимущество

advanced technology – передовая технология

SWOT – достоинства, недостатки, возможности, угрозы; SWOT –анализ

to stay on top of – быть в курсе чего-л.

in the long run – в конечном счёте, со временем

production line – производственная линия; технологическая линия

to gain consumer acceptance – завоевать расположение потребителя

tough challenge – сложная задача

competitive differentiation – конкурентное отличие

warranty – гарантия качества продаваемого товара

to accomplish – совершать, выполнять; достигать



It is believed that having more than one business competing for the same consumers will cause the products or services to be provided at a better quality and a lower cost than if there were no competitors. In other words, competition should provide the consumers with the best value for their hard-earned dollar.

To be successful in today's very competitive business world, it is important for businesses to be aware of what their competitors are doing and to find a way to compete by matching or improving the competitors' product or service. For example, if Pepsi-Cola offers a new caffeine-free soda, Coca-Cola may offer a new caffeine-free soda with only one calorie. By offering an improvement on the competitor's product, Coca-Cola is trying to convince soft-drink consumers to buy the new coke product because it is an improvement on Pepsi's product.

It is also very important to pay attention to changing consumer wants, needs, and values and to make the needed changes before the competitor does. Doing research and development and being the first to provide a new product or service can give a company a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Once consumers purchase a product or service and are satisfied with it, they will typically purchase the same product again. To have a competitive advantage means that a company does something better than a competitor. It might invent a new product introducing the best quality, the lowest prices, or the best customer service; or having advanced technology. A company must be aware of its Strengths and Weaknesses as well as the Opportunities and Threats (“SWOT”). A SWOT analysis lets the company know in which areas it has a competitive advantage so it can concentrate on those areas in the production and marketing of its products or services.

In addition to staying on top of changing consumer preferences, companies must constantly be looking for ways to cut costs and increase productivity. Companies must provide consumers with the best-quality product at the lowest cost while still making a profit if they are to be successful competitors in the long run. One way to remain competitive is through the use of technology. Technology can help speed up production processes through the use of robots or production lines, move information more accurately and more quickly through the use of computer systems, and assist in research and development.

Global competition has made gaining consumer acceptance a tough challenge for most businesses. Firms in other countries may be able to produce products and provide services at a lower cost than American businesses. In order to compete, American businesses must find other ways to win consumers. One way for businesses to do this is through competitive differentiation. Competitive differentiation occurs when a firm somehow differentiates its product or service from that of competitors. Competitive differentiation may be an actual difference, such as a longer warranty or a lower price, but often the difference is only perceived. Difference in perception is usually accomplished through advertising, the purpose of which is toconvince consumers that one company's product is different from another company's product. Common ways to differentiate a product or service include advertising a better-quality product, better service, better taste, or just a better image.






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