E) The radiator is designed to transfer the heat from the water in the boiler. 

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E) The radiator is designed to transfer the heat from the water in the boiler.

F) The burner serves as a device for heating the water in the boiler.

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1. When the pump is switched on 2. When the temperature of the water in the boiler decreases 3. When the temperature of the water in the boiler reaches the set temperature 4. When the air temperature decreases 5. When the radiator is turned on 6. When the water in the boiler pressure 7. When the boiler pressure is too high the aquastat shuts down the burner the safety valve relieves the pressure the thermostat switches on the burner it flows into the expansion tank the aquastat starts up the burner heat is transferred from the hot water to the air in the room hot water flows through the pipe to the radiators.

Контрольная работа 4

Вариант 2

I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитивные конструкции.

The expansion tank enables the water to expand safely.

In this climate the rooms of houses are expected to have adequate shade and ventilation.

Walls are certain to be very thick and made of heat-storing materials so they hold the heat of the day and give it back to the interior of the house at night.

This pipe allows air to escape from the system and prevents the formation of air locks.

II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на зависимый и независимый причастные обороты.

Usually these houses have compact layouts, so that surfaces being exposed to the sun are reduced as much as possible.

The water being electrically neutral, it passes through this process undisturbed and emerges purified of its salts.

The cycle will be repeated, electricity being produced for 10 hours every day.

When choosing the building materials a building engineer must consider the conditions under which the chosen material is to operate in a built structure.

III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на условные предложения.

If a pipe were taken from a boiler and carried around a room horizontally and back to the boiler, no circulation would take place

If water in the boiler expands, it will flow into the expansion tank.

If the air temperature had decreased, the thermostat would have switched on the burner.

IV. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.


The tropical regions of the earth can be divided into three major climatic zones:

  1. Warm-humid climate are found in a belt near the Equator extending to about

O north and south. There is very little seasonal variation throughout the year.

The air temperature is never excessive, but there is considerable rainfall during

Most of the year.

In this climate the rooms of houses must have adequate shade and ventilation. Usually houses have an open layout so they can gain maximum benefit from the prevailing wind. Walls have less importance here than in other climates. They are used primarily for screening from insects and for their wind penetration qualities.

  1. Hot-dry climates are found in two belts of latitude between approximately

O and 30o north and south of the Equator. Two marked seasons occur: a hot and slightly cooler period. Day-time air temperatures are excessively hot (normally higher than 31oC to 34oC skin temperature), but at night it may fall as much as 35oC. During the day there is too little cloud cover to reduce the high intensity of direct solar radiation. However, at night clear skies permit a considerable amount of heat to reradiated to our space.

In this climate houses must give adequate protection against the excessive heat of the sun. Usually they have compact layouts, so that surfaces exposed to the sun are reduced as much as possible. Walls should be very thick and made of heat-storing materials so they hold the heat of the day and give it back to the interior of the house at night.

Composite or monsoon climates are found in large land masses near the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. Two seasons occur normally. Approximately two-thirds of the year is hot-dry and the other third is warm humid. Consequently, houses designed to be suitable for one season may be unsuitable for the other.

Используя информацию из текста, напишите, какой из описанных домов подходит для сухого климата, а какой для влажного и почему.

Type A. Trees for shade and screening, open layout, overhead sun protection, maximum openings, raised building allows wind to pass under for cooling

Type B. Compact layout, thick insulating roof, thick external walls made of

Heat storing materials with few openings

Закончите предложения, используя следующие слова и выражения. Полученный текст переведите на русский язык.

Hottest, coolest, cool enough, warm enough, excessively, much lighter, inadequately, adequately

In composite climates, houses designed to perform … for one season will perform … for the other. To solve this problem houses are sometimes built two storeys high. The ground floor is built with … thick walls. These retain the heat so that it is … to sleep comfortably on the ground floor during the … part of the year. The first floor structure is built with … materials. This structure cools quickly at night so that it is … to sleep comfortably on the first floor during the … part of the year.

Контрольная работа 4

Вариант 3

I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитивные конструкции.

Because concrete walls tend to be thin and concrete has a low resistance to passage of heat, heat is conducted into the interior.

Heating water causes the dissolved air contained in cold water to be released.

Oil and natural gas are likely to run out in about 100 years.

The denser cold water is expected to displace the heated water.

II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на зависимый и независимый причастные обороты.

Much research being carried out today is aimed at optimizing the production of heat from steam and hot water systems.

The materials being taken next week, we shall be able to build this block of flats in due time.

The investors financed the building of this ventilation system, there being many reasons.

When coupling up radiators in a heating system, it is most efficient to supply hot water at the top.

III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на условные предложения.

If a temperature difference is maintained the process will continue.

If the safety valve were not fitted to the system the boiler could explode.

If it had been floods during the last year it would have destroyed many houses in this


IV. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.


Water in the boiler is heated, and consequently becomes less dense than the cold water in the higher parts of the system. The denser cold water sinks to displace the heated water, which is forced to rise. In this way, a circulation of water is set up – the process known as convection. The water rises up the primary flow (прямой стояк) into the hot-water storage cylinder, or tank, and is replaced by water descending the primary return (обратный стояк). If a temperature difference is maintained between the water in the primary flow and that in the primary return, then the process will continue. This is called the primary circulation and it is made more effective by connecting the primary flow to the upper region of both the boiler and the cylinder, and the primary return to the lower region of each. If a draw-off (сливной кран; спускной кран) point is opened, water will be forced from it because of the height of the water in the feed tank (often this tank is also the building’s main cold-water storage cistern). The hot-water supply is drawn from the top of the storage cylinder, where it collects because its density is lower than that of the colder water.

Heating water causes the dissolved air contained in cold water to be released. Consequently, a vent pipe has to be taken from the top of the storage cylinder and carried up above the level of the water in the feed tank. The pipe allows air to escape from the system and, as a result, prevents the formation of air locks.

A safety valve, set to operate at a certain pressure, is fitted to the system to reduce a pressure in the boiler. Also, a draw-off point is fitted at the lowest part of the system so that it can be drained.

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