Б 74 Город : Методические указания .- Оренбург: ОГУ, 2000.–27с. 

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Б 74 Город : Методические указания .- Оренбург: ОГУ, 2000.–27с.



Данная работа представляет собой подборку текстов по теме «Город» и систему упражнений к ним. Они рассчитаны для студентов всех специальностей I курса. Упражнения рассчитаны на развитие лексических и разговорных умений и навыков, а также на закрепление навыков чтения и перевода.




ã Богомолова А.Ю.,

Терехова Г.В.,2000


ã ОГУ, 2000



Введение ……………………………………………………………………..4

1 Текст I «A Few Facts From the History of Big Cities»…………………….5

2 Речевые ситуации по теме «Город»………………………………………8

3 Текст II «Washington» ………………………………………………..…..10

4 Текст III «Cambridge»…………………………………………………….11

5 Текст IV «Windsor» ……..……………………………………………….13

6 Текст V «London»..………………………………………………………14

7 Текст VI «From the History of Moscow»…………………………………16

8 Текст VII «Sign Language» ………………………………………………19

9 Текст VIII «The Future»…………………………………………………..19

10 Текст IX «New life, new earth, new town»………………………………21

Список использованных источников………………………………………23

Приложение A Карта центра Вашингтона………………….……………..24

Приложение Б Карта центра Лондона……………………………………..25

Приложение В……………………………………………………………….26

Приложение Г……………………………………………………………….27





Данные МУ предназначены для студентов I курса всех специальностей. Они включают в себя подборку текстов и упражнений к ним. Все тексты являются аутентичными; это позволит студентам развить и закрепить полученные в средней школе знания.

Основная цель МУ заключается не только в том, что в процессе работы над предлагаемыми текстами студенты повторяют и закрепляют программный лексический и грамматический материал, а также в том, что в ряде случаев они учатся устанавливать точные соответствия между английскими и русскими понятиями. Таким образом, предлагаемая работа информирует, развивает и обучает студентов.



Текст I A Few Facts From the History of Big Cities

Learn to read the new words

Julius Caesar - Юлий Цезарь

The English Channel - Ла-Манш

The Thames - Темза

B.C. (Before Christ) - до Рождества Христова, до нашей эры

A.D. (Anno-Domim, lat) - после Рождества Христова, нашей эры

The Romans - римляне

Muscovite - москвич

to invade - вторгаться в, напасть на

to settle - (зд.) поселяться

site - (зд.) площадка, место

to surround - окружить

resident - постоянный житель

to replace - заменить

brick - кирпич, кирпичный

to establish - основать, учредить

preliminary - предварительный

construction - строительство

purpose - цель

to take over - (зд.) отвоевать

outlet - (зд.) выход

to require - требовать

effort - усилие

to be in existence - существовать


Read and translate the sentences with new words

1 ) I’m happy to say that the college founded a few years ago has grown into an important research center.

2) The hotel serves meals to residents only.

3) The old equipment was gradually replaced by the most up-to-date.

4) This is only a preliminary plan.

5) Most people learn foreign languages for practical purposes.

6) The reconstruction will require a lot of money and a great effort too.

7) Diplomatic relations between the two countries were established a long time ago.

8) The construction of the hospital will be financed by the state.

9) The site is surrounded by a thick forest.


1.3 Give the equivalents to the underlined words

1) The reconstruction of the factory takes a lot of money.

2) We’ll do out best to fulfill your order soon.

3) What ‘s the aim of your visit? Why are you bothering me?

4) The creation of the palace lasted several years.

5) The first trade contacts were set up between their corporations last year.

6) The town was built on a place which was famous for its location.

Read the text, pay attention to the following words


[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


inside land swampy shore

similar abbey forest forming

exist magnificent

existence establish




Text I Read the text, translate it

A Few Facts from the History of Big Cities

London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the oldest cities in Europe. When Julius Caesar crossed the English Channel and invaded Britain as far as the Thames in the middle of the first century B.C., people had already settled there and were living on both sides of the river.

Like many other very old cities, London was never planned. It grew around two centers – a fort the Romans built on one bank of the Thаmes, and an abbey, founded later on the other bank. As time went by, the place round the Roman fort developed into the City of London the country’s business center, the abbey is now known as Westminster Abbey.

By the middle of the first century A.D. London had already been in existence for about a hundred years. Road leading to other towns had changed into streets market grounds became squares.

At about the same time, in the year 1147, in a part of the world Londoners had never heard of, a town was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky on a site which he chose for its beauty and convenient in the middle of a magnificent forest, on the bank of a river called the Moskva. The river gave its name to the city which later, became the capital of the Russian state. When the first trade contacts were established between England and Russia, the English pronounced the name of the Russian capital their own way Muscovy. From this comes the modern Muscovite, a person living in Moscow.

Like London, Moscow was never planned. It grew up around its center, which had been surrounded by a wooden wall by the first residents. The wooden wall was later replaced by a brick one, and palaces, cathedrals and churches were built inside it, forming what is now known as the Kremlin.

Unlike old cities, such as London or Moscow, that grew by themselves, without any preliminary architectural plans, cities built later were planned by architects before construction started.

The best example of a Russian city built according to a plan is St. Petersburg, founded by Peter the Great. He wanted to found a new capital for his new Russia, and for this purpose chose a territory on the Baltic Sea that had been taken over by Russia after a war with Sweden. It was a swampy land on which it was extremely difficult to build anything, but a convenient place for a port that could give Russia an outlet to the seas and other countries. The city was built in the record time but it required an enormous effort and cost a large number of human lives. The city is famous for its wonderful planning, and its magnificent palaces, monuments, cathedrals, and other places of interest.


Find English equivalents in the text

в середине первого века до нашей эры;

подобно многим другим очень старым городам;

со временем, с течением времени;

деловой центр страны;

то, что известно сейчас, как…;

к середине первого века нашей эры;

примерно в то же самое время;

выбрал это место за его красоту и удобное расположение;

когда были установлены первые торговые связи;

произносим названия по-своему;

без предварительного плана;

с этой целью;

выход к морям;

в рекордные сроки;

это потребовало больших усилий;

славится замечательной планировкой;


Answer the questions

1)When did Julius Caesar invade the British Isles?

2)Were any people already living there at that time?

3)Did the Romans find any human settlement on the Thames?

4)Was London built according to an architectural plan?

5)Did it grow around only one center like most cities?

6)Do you think the Thames played an important part in its development?

7)Which city is older, London or Moscow?

8)How long had London been in existence when Moscow was founded?

9)Who was Moscow founded by?

10)How can you describe the place chosen for the construction of Moscow?

11)When were the first trade and diplomatic contact established between Russia and England?

12)What was built inside the wall and outside?

13)Why did Peter the Great want a new capital for Russia?

14)Why did the construction of St. Petersburg require enormous effort?

15)What can you say about the location of St. Petersburg?

16)What is St. Petersburg famous for?

17)Have you ever been there?


Find the beginnings in the text

1)… people had already settled there and were living on both sides of the river.

2)… the abbey is now known as Westminster Abbey.

3)… on the bank of the river called the Moskva.

4)… which had been surrounded by a wooden wall by the first residents.

5)… is St. Petersburg, founded by Peter the Great.

6)… that could give Russia an outlet to the seas and other countries.


Ask your friend


- if he has been to London;

- whether London grew around two centers;

- if Muscovite is a person living in Moscow;

- if the center of Moscow had been surrounded by a brick wall;

- whether St. Petersburg was built without a preliminary plan;

- whether Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg;


Conversational Exercises



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