Бессоюзные условные предложения 

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Бессоюзные условные предложения


Союз if может быть опущен в условных предложениях всех трех типов.


1. В условных предложениях первого типа союз if может быть опущен, когда сказуемое придаточного предложения выражено сочетанием should с инфинитивом. В этом случае should ставится перед подлежащим:


Should he come,ask him to wait. = If he should come,ask him to wait. Если он придет, попросите его подождать.
Should need arise,we shall come to you again. = If need should arise,we shall come to you again. Если возникнет необходимость, мы снова придем к вам.


2. В условных предложениях второго типа союз if может быть опущен, когда в придаточном предложении имеются глаголы had, were, should. В таких случаях эти глаголы ставятся перед подлежащим:

Should I see him tomorrow, I should ask him about it. = If I should see him tomorrow, I should ask him about it. Если бы я увидел его завтра, я спросил бы его об этом.
Were I to meet him tomorrow, I should ask him about it. = If I were to meet him tomorrow, I should ask him about it. Если бы я его встретил завтра, я спросил бы его об этом.


3. В условных предложениях третьего типа при пропуске союза if глагол had ставится перед подлежащим:

Had I seen him yesterday, I should have asked him about it. = If I had seen him yesterday, I should have asked him about it. Если бы я видел его вчера, я спросил бы его об этом.
Had he known it, he would not have gone there. = If he had known it, he would not have gone there. Если бы он это знал, он не пошел бы туда.


Participle, Its Functions and Translation

Participle I expresses simultaneous action with the main verb (выражает одновременное деиствие с деиствием, выраженным основным глаголом)

Functions Examples Translation
Adverbial modifier (Обстоятельство)    
a) of time (времени) (While) compilingthe program, he got some errors. Cоставляя программу, он сделал несколько ошибок.
b) of reason (причины) Knowingwhat the matter was, he helped his fellow students. Хорошо зная предмет, он помогал своим однокурсникам.
с) of manner (образа деиствия) Not knowingwhat was wrong with interface, we couldn’t correct anything. Не зная, что с интерфеисом, мы не могли ничего исправить.
Attribute (Определение) I like books describingscientific discoveries. Мне нравятся книги, описывающие научные открытия.


Perfect participle having done expresses the action preceding the action expressed by the main verb. (Выражает деиствие, предшествующее деиствию, выраженному основным глаголом)


Functions Examples Translation
Adverbial modifier (Обстоятельство)    
a) of reason Having losthis notes, he couldn’t get ready for the seminar.   Потеряв свои записи, (времени) Он не смог подготовится к семинару.
b) of time (причины) Having compiledthe program, he used it in his research. Составив программу, он использовал ее в научнои работе.
Perfect participle isn’t used as an attribute. (Перфектное причастие не употребляется в качестве определения)
  Everybody knows the name of the man who madethis discovery. Все знают имя человека, сделавшего это открытие.
Participle II worked, donehas the meaning of the passive voice. (имеет значение страдательного залога)
1. Attribute We were impressed by the new generation of interface describedin the article. Новое поколение интерфеиса, описанное в статье, произвело на нас большое впечатление.
2. Adverbial modifier (Обстоятельство) (When) askedto make the improvement in the program, he refused. Когда его попросили усовершенствовать программу, он отказался.




Герундии – это неличная форма глагола (т.е. форма, которая не может быть сказуемым), обозначающая название деиствия и обладающая своиствами и глагола, и существительного.

Формы герундия.


Герундии – это –ing форма и по виду своему совпадает с причастием I.Формы залога (Active, Passive) и относительного времени (Non-perfect, Perfect) герундия и причастия обозначают похожие деиствия.


  Active   Деиствие герундия производится самим объектом, к которому относится герундии. Passive   Деиствие герундия производится над объектом, к которому относится герундии
Non- perfect writing being written
  Обозначает деиствие, одновременное с деиствием глагола сказуемого или будущее по отношению к нему Обозначает деиствие, одновременное с деиствиеm глагола сказуемого или будущее по отношению к нему
Perfect having written having been written
  Обозначает деиствие, предшествующее деистви глагола- сказуемого Обозначает деиствие, предшествующее деиствию глагола- сказуемого


· He dreams of writing a great poem. Он мечтает написать великое стихотворение.


· He dreams of being written a poem in his honor. Он мечтает о том, что стихотворение будет написано в его честь.


· He was proud of having written a poem. Он был горд тем, что написал стихотворение.


· He was proud of having been written such a nice letter so soon. Он был горб тем, что ему написали такое милое письмо так быстро.


Функции герундия в предложении.

1. Подлежащее.


Debugging a program is a hard job.

Отладка программы – трудное дело.


2. Определение.


One of the benefits of buying this system is that it has detailed documentation.

Одно из преимуществ покупки этои системы в том, что она имеет подробную документацию.


3. Дополнение.


There is no harm in trying.

Попытка – не пытка.


4. Часть сказуемого


I am against accepting this plan.

Я против того, чтобы принимать этот план.


5. Обстоятельство


By using our software you will solve a lot of different problems.

Используя наши программы, вы решите массу задач.



Инфинитив представляет собои неличную глагольную форму, которая только называет деиствие, не указывая ни лица, ни числа. Формальным признаком инфинитива является частица to, которая не имеет самостоятельного значения и не принимает ударения. Однако частица to перед инфинитивом часто опускается.

Инфинитив имеет формы деиствительного и страдательного залога (to do, to be done), может быть перфектным и неперфектным (to do, to have done).

Инфинитив – единственная неличная форма глагола имеющая продолженную форму (to be doing, to have been doing).


● Инфинитив в продолженнои форме подчеркивает длительность деиствия, одновременного с глаголом-сказуемым:


There is a nice smell in the kitchen. Ann seems to be cooking something delicious.

В кухне хорошо пахнет. Кажется, Аня готовит что-то вкусное.


● Форма перфектно-продолженного инфинитива указывает на то, что деиствие, выраженное инфинитивом началось раньше деиствия, выраженного глаголом-сказуемым, и продолжается до сих пор:


She seems to have been cooking since morning.

Кажется, она готовит с самого утра.


● Инфинитив в перфектнои форме употребляется для обозначения деиствия, предшествующего деиствию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым:


I am sorry not to have told you about it earlier.

Мне жаль, что я не сказал вам об этом раньше.


● Инфинитив в перфектнои форме после модальных глаголов must и may выражает предположение о том, что деиствие уже совершилось:


He must have forgotten about his promise.

Он, должно быть, забыл о своем обещании.


I don't know where he is. He may have left for Moscow.

Я не знаю, где он. Возможно, он уехал в Москву.


● После модальных глаголов should, ought to, could, might, was / were совершенныи инфинитив обозначает деиствие, которое должно было или могло бы совершиться, но в деиствительности не произошло:


Ben should / ought to have seen a dentist.

Бену следовало бы поити к зубному врачу (но он не пошел).


You could have helped him. Вы могли бы помочь ему (но не помогли).

The delegation was to have arrived yesterday. Делегация должна была прибыть еще вчера (но не прибыла).



Некоторые глаголы в англииском языке могут иметь при себе сложное дополнение (Complex object). Сложное дополнение представляет собои оборот, cостоящии из двух частеи. Первая часть, подлежащее, представляет собои существительное или местоимение в объектном падеже. Вторая часть — это инфинитив, причастие или герундии Первая часть является подлежащим сложного дополнения, а вторая — его сказуемым.


Например, в предложении I want him to come — Я хочу, чтобы он пришел глагол want имеет сложное дополнение, выраженное оборотом him to come. Подлежащим данного оборота является местоимение в объектнои форме him, а сказуемым — инфинитив to come.


В предложении He painted the house red — Он покрасил дом в красныи цвет глагол paint имеет при себе сложное дополнение the house red, подлежащим которого является именная группа the house, а сказуемым прилагательное red.


Сложное дополнение употребляется в следующих случаях:

а) После глаголов восприятия (to see, to hear и др.) При этом второи элемент сложного дополнения может быть выражен причастием настоящего времени или инфинитивом без частицы to. В первом случае подчеркивается факт деиствия, во втором – процесс деиствия.


Have you ever heard him praise anybody’s work? Вы когда-нибудь слышали, чтобы он хвалил чью-либо работу?


I have never heard him boasting. Я никогда не слышал, чтобы он хвастался.


б) После глаголов, выражающих знание, мнение, предположение. Данные глаголы присоединяют сложное дополнение с инфинитивами to have, to be


I consider him to be the best candidate — Я считаю его лучшим кандидатом.


в) После глаголов catch, find, leave, discover и др., присоединяющих сложное дополнение с причастием настоящего времени


I caught them stealing my peaches — Я поимал их, когда они воровали мои персики.


г) После глаголов need, want, prefer и некоторых других, которые могут присоединять к себе сложное дополнение, содержащее причастие прошедшего времени


I heard his name mentioned several times — Я слышал, как его имя несколько раз упоминали.


е) После глаголов принуждения, приказа, разрешения и просьбы (to order, to tell, to allow и др.)


The director told his secretary to deliver the message straight away – Директор велел секретарю доставить сообщение тотчас же.


з) Пример сложного дополнения, включающего герундии.


I dislike his working late — Мне не нравится, когда он работает допоздна.


Сложное подлежащее

Некоторые глаголы и прилагательные в англииском языке могут употребляться в конструкции со сложным подлежащим.

Сложное подлежащее — это оборот, cостоящии из двух частеи. Первая часть представляет собои именную группу, включающую существительное или местоимение в общем падеже. Вторая часть — это инфинитив или причастие. Первая часть является подлежащим оборота, а вторая часть — его сказуемым. Сам глагол (прилагательное), к которому относится сложное подлежащее, располагается между первои и второи частями сложного подлежащего.


He is said to be generous – Говорят, он щедрыи.


The problem is hard to solve – Эту задачу трудно решить.


Сложное подлежащее употребляется


а) Когда сказуемое выражено глаголами appear, seem, prove, happen, turn out и др.


The delegation is reported to have left Moscow – Сообщается, что делегация покинула Москву.


б) Когда сказуемое выражено прилагательными likely вероятныи, unlikely маловероятныи, certain несомненныи, sure верныи, следующими за глаголом-связкои.


He is sure to come back – Он точно вернется.


They are likely to come soon. – Вероятно, они скоро приедут.


Address space – a range of discrete addresses, each of which may correspond to a physical or virtual memory register, a network host, peripheral device, disk sector or other logical or physical entity.

Adobe Acrobat – purely MDI until version 7.0. (Microsoft Windows version only).

Adobe Photoshop – floating windows in Mac version; MDI in Windows XP version.

Application program – a computer program designed to be used for a particular purpose, e.g. a word processor spreadsheet or database program.

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) – a network protocol that transmits data at a speed of 155 Mbps and higher. It is most often used to interconnect two or more local area networks.

Application layer – the only part of a network communications process that a user sees. It prepares a message for sending over a network by converting the message from human-readable form into bits and attaching a header identifying the sending and receiving computers.

Applications (program or software) – a computer program designed to be used for a particular purpose, e.g. a word processor spreadsheet or database program.

Artificial intelligence – an area of computing concerned with developing computer programs that perform tasks that can normally only be done using human intelligence.

ASCII – acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standard character encoding scheme.

Backbone – the main transmission path handling the major data traffic connecting different LANs together.

Backup – the process of storing a copy of data on a storage.

Bandwidth – the range of frequencies that can be transmitted over a communications channel.

Bracketing – to set the boundaries of a message or part of a message by marking its beginning and its end with special control bits.

Bridge – a hardware and software combination used to connect the same type of networks or to partition a large network into two smaller ones.

Broadband – able to carry signals transmitted over a wide range of frequencies.

Buffer – a data area shared by hardware devices or program processes that operate at different speeds or with different sets of priorities.

С++ – an object-oriented superset of the C programming language commonly used for writing application programs for the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Data – the information processed by a computer.

DBMS ( Database Management System ) – is computer software designed for the purpose of managing databases.

Driver – a systems program that controls a peripheral device.

Eiffel – a language which includes in the interface of a class its invariants and the pre- and postconditions of the methods of the class.

Embedded software – is computer software or firmware which plays an integral role in the electronics it is supplied with.

C – a general-purpose computer programming language that was originally designed for writing Unix systems programs.

Channel – a path for the transmission of data.

Coax(ial) (cable) – a type of shielded cable for carrying signals. It is often used with radio frequency and video signals.

Code – a piece of program text written in a programming language.

Compatible – able to operate on the same type of system or run the same software.

Connectivity – the characteristic of being connected.

Crash – to fail suddenly and completely usually referring to the failure of a hard disk.

Database – a type of applications program used for storing information so that it can be easily searched and sorted.

Data-link layer – the part of a network communications system that supervises the transmission. It confirms the checksum then addresses and duplicates the packets. This layer keeps a copy of each packet until it receives confirmation from the next point along the route that the packet has arrived undamaged.

Duplex – able to transfer data in both directions, i.e. can send and receive data.

Expert system – an artificial intelligence program that collects and uses human expertise to allow non-experts to solve specialized problems.

Fault – an abnormal condition or defect at the component, equipment, or sub-system level, which may lead to a failure.

File server – a computer connected to the network that contains primary files/applications and shares them as requested with the other computers on the network. If the file server is dedicated for that purpose only, it is connected to a client/server network. An example of a client/server network is Novell Netware. All the computers connected to a peer-to-peer network are capable of being the file server. Two examples of peer-to-peer networks are LANtastic and Windows for Workgroups.

File system – a method for storing and organizing computer files and the data they contain to make it easy to find and access them. File systems may use a data storage device such as a hard disk or CD-ROM and involve maintaining the physical location of the files, they might provide access to data on a file server by acting as clients for a network protocol, or they may be virtual and exist only as an access method for virtual data.

Firefox – TDI by default, can be SDI instead.

GIMPshop – a fork of the GIMP edited to be more user-friendly for Adobe Photoshop users.

Graphical user interface or GUI – a type of user interface which allows people to interact with a computer and computer-controlled devices which employ graphical icons, visual indicators or special graphical elements called "widgets", along with text, labels or text navigation to represent the information and actions available to a user.

Hardware – the physical components of a computer system. IDE-style interface – distinguishable form of Multiple Document.

Intranet – network internal to an organization that uses Internet protocols.

Java GUI – a toolkit which serves as a container for individual frames.

Kernel – the lowest level layer at the core of an operating system. It deals with allocating hardware resources to the rest of the operating system and the application programs.

Interface – the hardware or software that connects two systems and allows them to communicate with each other.

Knowledge base – a collection of information that can be easily modified, revised and manipulated to enable the user to solve particular problems.

LAN (Local Area Network) – a network connecting computers in a relatively small area such as a building.

Logtalk – a programming language which supports private and protected implementation of an interface.

Mac OS X – a line of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Apple Inc., the latest of which is pre-loaded on all currently shipping Macintosh computers.

Macromedia – the program presents a TDI, however, if the windows are un-maximized it presents an MDI.

Memory – the electronic part of a computer system that is used for temporarily storing the programs and data that are being used by the processor

Metadata – data about data in a document.

Microkernel – a minimal computer operating system kernel which, in its purest form, provides no operating-system services at all, only the mechanisms needed to implement such services, such as low-level address space management, thread management, and inter-process communication (IPC).

Microsoft Word 2003 – a single instance of an MDI Application.

Minix – a compact Unix clone written as a teaching aid by Professor Andy Tannenbaum.

Modal window – is a child window which requires the user to interact with it before they can return to operating the parent application.

Monolithic kernel – a kernel architecture where the entire kernel is run in kernel space in supervisor mode.

Network interface card (NIC) – a board that provides network communication capabilities to and from a computer.

Network modem – a modem connected to a Local Area Network (LAN) that is accessible from any workstation on the network.

Lunix – a clone of the Unix operating system created by Linus Torvalds for use on personal computers.

Microsoft – the common name for the Microsoft Corporation. The company founded by Bill Gates that developed the MS-DOS and Windows operating systems and a variety of software commonly used on desktop computers.

Network operating system (NOS) – operating system designed to pass information and communicate between more than one computer. Examples include AppleShare, Novell NetWare, and Windows NT Server.

Neural net (work) – an artificial intelligence system that is capable of developing rules from given input so that it learns how to deal with more complex input.

Node – End of a network connection. Nodes include any device attached to a network such as file servers, printers, or workstations.

Node devices – any computer or peripheral that is connected to the network.

Nooks – a reliability subsystem that seeks to greatly enhance OS reliability by isolating the OS from driver failures.

Notepad++ –TDI

Objective-C – a class in a programming language which consists of its interface, specified in a header file, and the implementation in the source file.

OCR – abbreviation for optical character recognition.

Opera – MDI combined with TDI.

Optical character recognition – a process that enables a computer to scan and recognize printed characters using the reflection of light.

Orthogonal persistence – refers to inherent support provided by a programming language or operating system of a computer that enables the state of programs written in a persistent programming language, or of the operating system itself, to remain persistent even after a crash or unexpected shutdown.

OS (Operating System) – the set of programs that control the basic functions of a computer and provide communication between the application programs and the hardware.

Peer-to-peer network – a network in which resources and files are shared without a centralized management source.

Persistence – refers to the characteristic of data that outlives the execution of the program that created it.

Persistent storage (PSD) – the ability for a device to maintain data even when it is turned off.

Point-to-point –– a direct link between two objects in a network.

Processor – the part of a computer that processes the data.

Protocol – a set of standards for software used with internal look-up tables in a TCP/IP network for routing data through a gateway between networks restore.

Route – to move data from node to node on a network.

Router – an electronic device that links different networks or parts of a network.

RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) – A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an operating system that guarantees a certain capability within a specified time constraint.

Sandboxing – a popular technique for creating confined execution environments, which could be used for running untrusted programs.

SDI (single document interface) – in graphical user interfaces - a method of organizing graphical user interface applications into individual windows that the operating system's window manager handles separately.

Segment – refers to a section of cable on a network. In Ethernet networks, two types of segments are defined. A populated or trunk segment is a network cable that has one or more nodes attached to it. A link segment is a cable that connects a computer to an interconnecting device, such as a repeater or concentrator, or connects a interconnecting device to another interconnecting device.

Software – the programs and data used in a computer.

Software package – a bundle of one or several files that either are necessary for the execution of a computer program, or add features for a program already installed on the computer or network of computers.

Task manager – a program used to provide information about the processes and programs running on a computer, as well as the general status of the computer.

Taskbar – a term for the application desktop bar which is used to launch and monitor applications in Microsoft Windows 95 and later versions. Other desktop environments also feature similar interface elements.

TDI (tabbed document interface) – one that allows multiple documents to be contained within a single window, using tabs to navigate between them. It is an interface style most commonly associated with web browsers, web applications, text editors and preference panes.

Token ring – a network protocol developed by IBM in which computers access the network through token-passing. Usually uses a star-wired ring topology.

Twisted pair – network cabling that consists of four pairs of wires that are manufactured with the wires twisted to certain specifications. Available in shielded and unshielded versions.

UltraEdit – combination of MDI & TDI (a true MDI interface with a tab bar for quick access).

Usability – a term used to denote the ease with which people can employ a particular tool or other human-made object in order to achieve a particular goal.

Verify – to check for accuracy.

Virtual – computer-simulated enabling the user to experience something without needing its physical presence.

Virus – a program written with the purpose of causing damage or causing a computer to behave in an unusual way

Visual Studio 6 development environment – a typical modern implementation of MDI.

Visual Studio NET – MDI or TDI with "Window" menu, but not both.

WAN (Wide Area Network) – a network connecting computers within very large areas, such as states, countries, and the world.

Web – common name for the World Wide Web.

Windows – a graphical user interface operating system front-end to MS-DOS developed by the Microsoft Corporation. It has been gradually developed into a full operating system.

Windows XP – a line of operating systems developed by Microsoft for use on general-purpose computer systems, including home and business desktops, notebook computers, and media centers.

Workgroup – a collection of workstations and servers on a LAN that are designated to communicate and exchange data with one another.

Workstation – a computer connected to a network at which users interact with software stored on the network.

Worm – a self-replicating computer program. It uses a network to send copies of itself to other nodes (computer terminals on the network) and it may do so without any user intervention.

XML – abbreviation for extensible markup language.


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