Proportion of Tempus funds allocated to each project type 

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Proportion of Tempus funds allocated to each project type

As a general indication, 80% of the Tempus operational budget is allocated to Joint European Projects, 17% to Structural and Complementary Measures and 3% to Individual Mobility Grants. However, the final allocation of funds per type of projects depends on the quantity and quality of demand for the various types of projects, on the Tempus national budget available, so these percentages may vary considerably as a result of the actual selection process.


Project funding ceiling by project type

  • Joint European Projects (JEPs) have a duration of two or three years with a maximum budget of 300 to 500.000? (depending on their duration) that has to be co-funded for at least 5% of its total amount.


  • Structural Measures have a duration of one year with a maximum budget of 150.000? that has to be co-funded for at least 5% of the total amount.


  • Complementary Measures have a duration of one year with a maximum budget of 150.000? that has to be co-funded for at least 5% of the total amount.

Joint European Projects

Joint European Projects aim to increase cooperation and network-building between actors in higher education in EU Member States and partner countries, and help the higher education sector propagate its knowledge outside academic institutions.

Projects can support universities in applying the principles of the 'Bologna Process', for example by implementing the new two-level education system, and the European Credit Transfer System.

JEPs for curriculum development to create new or update existing courses and enhance the skills of teaching staff; develop updated modern teaching and learning materials; provide material aid in purchasing computers and other teaching material.


JEPs for university management focus on the restructuring of universities and their internal management and administration; strengthening of managerial capacities, university governance and finance; strengthening central university services e.g. libraries, human resources management, student services; introducing management information systems; developing quality assurance system; promotion of stronger links between universities and their environment.


JEPs for training courses for institutions building concentrate on developing the administrative and institutional structures of the partner countries through the provision of short-term courses aimed at upgrading the skills of non-academic staff from public and private institutions who may play a key role in the transition process.



Structural and Complementary Measures (SCM)


Structural Measuresare short-term policy advice interventions, aimed at supporting reform processes in higher education, and developing higher education strategic frameworks.

Such projects typically address issues linked to the Bologna process quality assurance, and related accreditation systems, credit systems, and restructuring of the qualification frameworks to create a converging and transparent European system, whereby different national education systems would use a common framework.


Complementary Measures are designed to disseminate and transfer good practice in particular, good quality education programmes or effective management practices.

They provide lower level support in areas that are central to the higher education reform processes.


Individual Mobility Grants (IMGs)


Individual Mobility Grants aim to help academic and administrative staff in participating partner countries travel and take part in training and conferences abroad, and to assist European teachers deliver training courses in partner countries, always within the context of Tempus' objectives.


IMG for preparation of a Joint European Project enables discussion and cooperation between participants in member states and partner countries to physically take place and has a maximum duration of two weeks.


IMG for participation in an event whether a seminar, conference or a training session is also limited to two weeks in duration.

IMG for retraining or study period for example collaboration on a specific academic subject,dissemination of good practice (maximum duration: eight weeks) or providing training.




adj. = adjective – имя прилагательное/ прикметник

adv. = adverb – наречие/ прислівник

pl. = plural – множественное число/ множина

pp. = past participle – причастие прошедшего времени/ дієприкметник

n. = noun – имя существительное/ іменник

v. = verb – глагол/ дієслово


agreement (n) соглашение домовленність
allocate (v) распределять розподіляти
assurance (n) гарантия гарантія
complementary (adj) дополнительный додатковий
converging (adj) концентрический концентричний
depend on (v) зависеть (от) залежність
disseminate (v) распространять розповсюджувати
duration (n) длительность тривалість
enhance (v) усиливать посилювати
framework (n) структура структура
governance (n) управление управління
implement (v) выполнять, осуществлять виконувати, здійснювати
indicative (adj) показанная показники
intervention (n) посредничество, вмешательство посередництво, втручання
network-building (n) создание сети створення мережи
partner country страна партнер країна участник (партнер)
purchase (n) покупка купівля
quality (n) качество якість
quantity (n) количество кількість
relevant (adj) уместный доречний
short-term (adj) кратковременный короткочасний
signature (n) подписание підписання
strengthening (n) укрепление укріплення
two-level education system 2-х уровневая система образования 2-х ступенева система освіти
updated (adj) пересмотренный, модернизированный переглянутий, модернізований

2 Reading

2.1 Scanning. Look through the text and define whether your hypothesis is right. Compare the information from the text with your notes (1.1).


2.2 Skimming. Find in the text the answers to the questions you failed to respond before reading. Add the missing answers to the table (1.3).


2.3 Grammar. State the sense relations between words of the marked sentences by using the proposed algorithm in the Tips.



2.4 Lexis

2.4.1 Tick in the list (1.4) the words and expressions you realized after reading the text without dictionary. Write down their translation in the table and calculate the percentage of your ability to guess the meaning of the words from the context.

2.4.2 Find in the dictionary the words you could not translate. Write down their translation in the table (1.4) and calculate the percentage of new words you should learn.

2.5 Abstracting. Write an abstract using the algorithm proposed in the Tips.













Translate the abstract of the text in italics and write it down in the notes.


3 Summarizing


Review the text according to the proposed scheme and algorithm proposed in Tips







Main issues…………………………………………………...........................................................











Theoretical significance:………………………………………………………………………..…



Practical significance:………………………………………………………………………..……



3.2.1Resume the text in a few sentences


3.2.2 List the information you learnt in the table 1.2 Define the degree of self-descriptiveness.








4 Self-evaluation


4.1Complete the table


# Task Step Complexity VL (velocity) time in minutes EX (exhaustibility) number of tasks AC (accuracy) score Notes
Planned Used Planned Fulfilled Maximum Received
VL max VL i EX max EX i AC max AC i
  1.1   ***              
  1.2 ***              
  1.3 **              
  1.4 *              
  2.1 ***              
  2.2 **              
  2.3   **              
  2.4.1   ***              
  2.4.2 *              
  2.5   *              
  2.6   ***              
  3.1 *****              
  3.2.1 ****              
  3.2.2 ***              


4.2Indicate the results of calculation: VL ____; EX____; AC ____; PSE _____.


4.3Underline your grade: Grade A=120-160; Grade В=80-119; Grade С=40-79; Grade D=0-39.

2.2.2. Researches of my University: “Advanced studies”


1 Introduction

1.1 Read the text title and hypothesize what the text is about. Write down your hypothesis.


1.2 What do you know concerning this issue? List your ideas in the table left column "I know".

I know that... I have learnt that...


1.3 Do you know answers to these questions? Write down your short answers in the space given after each question..

  When was the European University created?
  Who provides the high quality of the research and teaching programmers of the University?
  Where do the researchers come from to the University?
  What programme is aimed to develop the research’s skill, to do independent research?
  What is Robert Schuman Centre?
  What are the research priorities of the Centre?
  What library supports the researches at the Centre?


1.4 Circle in the list the words and expressions you know. Write down their translation in the table and calculate the percentage of your lexical competence.

  support     supervision  
  alumni     dedicate  
  submission     appropriate  
  access     relevant  
  member     admit  
  environment     residency  
  provide     appoint  
  defence     comprise  

The European University Institute was created by the Member States of the founding European Communities and started its activities in 1976. Now, a quarter of a century later, it is one of the largest doctoral programmes in the social sciences in the world. Its alumni are in academic posts all over Europe and occupy leading professional positions internationally.

The high quality of the research and teaching programmes follows from the recruitment of the best scholars from Europe and abroad. The extensive visitors programmes bring leading scholars and policymakers to Florence to participate in numerous conferences, symposia and workshops, open to all members of the Institute. For research students this provides excellent opportunities to access the international network in their disciplines.

More than 800 professors, fellows and research students recruited from more than 30 nations work together in beautiful historical buildings on the hills between Florence and Fiesole, offering a unique multi-cultural and comparative environment. 'A province of the mind', as the former President Patrick Masterson likes to call it.

The European character results from a representative research student population from all the Member States. About 15% of the researchers come from outside the European Union, such as the Americas, Australasia, and Eastern and Central Europe. The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies concentrates on policy research and provides a policy research. The success of the doctoral programme is best illustrated by the following indications. The overall completion rate has now reached 75% across disciplines, with peaks going beyond 80% in economics. The time-to-degree has dropped to a 4.1year median. The quality of our doctorate is best reflected by our new doctors' success in the labour market.


The Doctoral Programme

The four-year structured programme prepares for the submission and defence of a doctoral thesis. It aims to develop the researcher's skill to do independent research. In this process he or she will be guided by the close supervision of an experienced scholar. The programme is structured around taught courses on research methodology and advanced research seminars. The researcher is required to participate actively in workshops, seminars and conferences and is expected to present research in progress on a regular basis.The first year is primarily dedicated to providing a solid background for the doctoral work and the design of the projected research. Each department has developed an appropriate structured programme of taught courses and/or seminars relevant to the disciplinc(s).The second and third year arc dedicated to research, fieldwork, data collection and writing the thesis. Each department defines the content of activities, which will guide the research students in their doctoral research, such as seminar participation and presentation of the research in progress. The supervisor closely follows the work of the research students and assesses progress made.



Once admitted, research students receive a grant for the four years they are at the Institute. There are no tuition or registration fees for students from European Union Member States. EU candidates please take note that national regulations on awards vary from country to country and it is always advisable to check with the national authority, particularly as regards questions on dual nationality or residency.


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