Comprehension and discussion 

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Comprehension and discussion

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the term accounting refer to? What other term is used as an
alternative? What is a person called who specializes in the field?

2. What does bookkeeping refer to?

3. What are the differences between the duties of a bookkeeper and those
of an accountant?

4. What is a certified public accountant? What abbreviation is commonly
used? What is the British equivalent?


5. What does the word fiscal refer to?: 6. What is cash flow? 7. What is the purpose of an organization chart? 8. What is a controller or comptroller? How is each word pronounqed? 9. What is an audit? Who performs it? 10. What are the assets of an organization? What is goodwill? 11. What areas does a governmental and institutional accountant deal with? kind of matters may be involved? 12. What does cost accounting deal with? 13. What does managerial accounting deal with?.-,. -• •:-,...;! II. Fill in the spaces in the following sentences with the appropriate word or phrase from the box. ___________
Ex.4. Use the proper preposition; with /to/for/ ahead /on/ into I of/ at
to move... to advance... to rely... to cope... to consist... to be familiar to be divided


9. The chief accounting officer of an organization is usually called the __orthe_ _. 11. Private and government accountants usually work on a __ _ basis. 12._____ accountants specialize in the preparation of reports, such as budgets or cash-flow projections, that are particularly necessary for the management of a company. III. Look through the text and fill in boxes with the appropriate words and expressions characterising the functions of

Topical vocabulary

direct sale licensing agreement licensing countertrade counterpurchase buyback

to commit oneself middleman tender merchandise market fluctuations warehouse agent agency

Text A



{1} to measure company's performance

(2) to be responsible for maintaining the records of the company

(3) to analyse business transaction

(4) to cope with the complex problems of taxes

(5) to be in charge of protection of the firm's assets

(6) to keep the books of accounts


IV. List some specific jobs that involve bookkeeping skills. What are those skills?
What duties are involved in such jobs?

V. What are some of the qualifications, both technical and personal, that you-
believe an accountant must have in order to achieve success in his or her field?
How do these relate to the duties that are involved in accounting?

VI. What do you consider to be the advantages and disadvantages of a career in\


- продажа, сбыт, торговля, торговая сделка;
распродажа по сниженным ценам

- прямая продажа
-лицензионное соглашение

- предоставление лицензий

- встречная торговля, товарообменные операции

- встречные закупки


- торговля на компенсационной основе; обратная
покупка: форма долгосрочной товарооборотной
операции, при которой поставки машин и
оборудования оплачиваются произведенной с их
помощью продукцией

- принимать на себя обязательства

- посредник

- торги, тендер (предложение, аукцион)

- товар, товары (обычно потребительские)

- коньюнктура рынка

- склад (товарный)

- комиссионер, агент по продаже

- представительство

Patterns of foreign trade

• Foreign firms can participate in Russian market through direct sales, trade through agents, through the signing of licensing agreements and the creation of Joint ventures.

Pirect sales. The most common means of doing business with Russia is through straight sales of foreign goods in exchange for foreign currency or Russian-produced commodities (countertrade). In a countertrade transaction



the Seller agrees to take full or partial payment in goods. Countertrade covers! barter, counterpurchase and buyback.

A barter deal involves an exchange of goods to an equal value. As a rule little or no currency is involved.

Counterpurchase refers to short and medium-term transaction. Thej Western Seller commits himself to purchase an agreed value of the Buyer's products to help finance the original sale. The counterpurchase element of 9 contract may be about 10 per cent of the total contract value.

Buyback refers to long-term contracts and is connected with the development projects supported with huge credits. Buyback involves two phases, one for the delivery of equipment to the Buyer and a second - for the delivery pf the end product to the Seller.

• Foreign trade may be carried on indirectly between foreign firms and
Russian enterprises through middlemen:

1) through associations and firms of the Ministry of Foreign Economic

2) through foreign agency firms and

3) through joint Russian-foreign companies abroad.

Apart from this it may be carried on at Commodity Exchanges, at auctions, fairs and by tenders.

Manufacturing enterprises have the right to sign contracts wi'h foreign companies direct through their import-export departments or they rit^y choose to deal in their goods through intermediaries. It often depends on (He kind of merchandise available. They may deal in raw materials, such @& oil, ores and some foodstuffs and consumer goods as well as carry out all kinds of«:<(instruction work (joint ventures at home and turn-key* factories and works abroad).

Some enterprises and factories team up* with reseach centres to form a consortium. Their final objective is to sell the equipment produced in a package deal.

• When new markets are to be gained, it may be advantageous to use the
services of foreign agents who have a long experience of trading and know the
markets of their countries better.

The manufacturing works may set up joint-stock companies in foreign countries and deal in their goods through them. The advantages of this method of trade are the following:

1) They know the market and market fluctuations better.

2) They have their own warehouses in their countries,

3) They may always have the goods and spare parts In stock.

4) They often have facilities to process the goods additionally if nucessary,
to sort them out and pack.

5) They have a wide well-established* marketing network.

turn-key -сгроящие(ся) «под ключ» team up - объединяться с кем-либо well-established - хорошо налаженная

Vocabulary exercises

Ex.1. Translate groups of derivatives uslnj, a dictionary:

sale - salesclerk - salesman - salesmanship - salespeople licence - licensee - licensing - licensor

direct - direction - directive - director - directorship - directory - indirect - indirectly

manufacture - manufactured goods - manufacturer - manufacturing sign - signature - signatory

contract - contractor - contractual - to contract - contraction merchandise - merchandiser- merchandising - merchant

Ex.2. Match the verbs in A with the nouns in B:

participate business


in market phases

invH^ barter

sign consortium

seil contract

form new market

gain equipment

Ex.3. Complete the ceiumns below with the correct word


Verb Person Activity


to put restrictions on to keep prices down to subject to customs duties imports the country of origin consular invoice clearing agents forwarding agents to handle profit margin

Ex.4. Give English equivalents to the following verbs;

могут участвовать может быть выгодным

могут создавать

может осуществляться могут торговать

Ex.5. Give Russian equivalents to the following words:

to cover, advantage, advantageous, fair, to deal in/with, team up.

Ex.6. Choose the word which best completes each sentence and use it in an appropriate form.

1. Foreign firms can... in Russian market through direct sales and product

a) to participate b) to deal

2. The most common means of... business with Russia is through straight sale
of foreign goods in exchange for foreign currency.

a) to conduct b) to engage

3. Countertrade... barter, counterpurchase, buyback.

a) to provide b) to include

4. Foreign trade may be... indirectly between foreign firms and Russian
enterprises through middlemen.

a) to curry on b) to fulfill

5. The final... of the consortium is to sell the equipment produced in a package

a) aim b) end

6. The... of this method of trade are the following.

a) objectives b) advantages

Ex.7. Supply appropriate prepositions and translate the resultant phrases: to participate... market to participate... sales

the signing... licensing agreement in

to set... joint venture to

to be connected... the development project up

to be supported... huge credits out

to carry... all kinds... for

may be carried... indirectly with

means... doing business as

exchange... goods... an equal value through

to deal... goods (raw materials) of

to do business... staight sales on
... exchange... goods
the delivery... the end product... the seller

Read the texts below and make up five questions to each of them to cover their contents.

Text В Importing / exporting

вводить ограничения на

сдерживать рост цен

устанавливать таможенные пошлины на

импортируемые товары, предметы импорта

зд. страна-экспортёр

консульский счёт-фактура

агенты, осуществляющие клиринговые операции

экспедиторы •заниматься • маржа прибыли

Importing and exporting are the two aspects of foreign trade: a country spends money on goods it imports and gains money through its exports. Foreign trade is for keeping domestic prices down by creating competition at home and providing markets abroad. Governments may have to put restrictions on it, which they usually do by subjecting imports to customs duties or by restricting some types of exports.

Customs authorities must make sure that" imported goods are not sold at a lower price than in their country of origin; to assess the domestic price they require consular invoices or certificates of value and origin.

Large firms may have their own import and export departments, but both large and small firms deal with clearing and forwarding agents who handle all the details of transporting cargo.

When goods are sold abroad, buyers who are stockists will have to pay for stock(s) for which they will not receive payment for some time; they must, therefore, work on a higher profit margin to cover this. Many buyers prefer to become foreign agents who work on commission; they will not then have to pay for goods but they must obtain the highest possible prices when the goods are sold.

So, after careful market research, a manufacturer can sell to a large export Market if he has the right products, of the right quality, and sell them at the right Price.

sure that - следить за тем, чтобы

Text CShipping cargo shipping manifest bill of lading consignment
J: H J: H: J:


отгрузка, отправка



груз, партия товаров; консигнация

(договор о продаже со склада

arrange Customs and Excise authorities to be cleared through the Customs to charge duties to reach ones destination



таможенно-акцизное управление

проходить таможенный досмотр

взимать пошлину

прибыть в пункт назначения

The cargo carried by a ship is listed in the manifest, which is a list of the bills of lading covering all the consignment on that vessel for that voyage. It is. just one of the documents that are involved in the shipping of goods; the insurance policy and commercial invoices are among the others. The Customs and Excise authorities will examine all these.

Clearing and forwarding agents are often used to handle the transportation of goods. They will arrange for the loading and unloading of the goods and arrange all the dock services that are needed.

The shipping marks, which are stencilled on the cases, provide an easy way of identifying the items in a consignment when they are unloaded. The marks are described in the manifest, which is again inspected when the goods are cleared through the Customs on reaching their destination.

I- Agents and agencies

Mr Jones, Sales Director of a steel manufacturing company, is interviewing Mr Hollen, to see whether he would be a suitable agent to represent the company in a European country.

On reading the dialogue between them, make up a list of questions to be considered before appointing an agent/setting up an agency.

J: И: J: H:

We thought we'd appoint an agent to expand our business in Europe.

I expect you were thinking of a comisston basis of, say, ten per cent,

weren't you?

Yes. And we'd send the goods on consignment*.

This would mean that I could hold stocks*, which would make it easier for

me to develop new markets.

Yes, and we hope you could call on potential new customers.

They would be both wholesalers and retailers, wouldn't they? And they

might even become stockists*.

I'm sure you'd like this to be a sole agency, so that you know you needn't

compete with others for our business?

Yes, please. And can you tell me what you have in mind about advertising

and promotion compaigns?

Well, we'd share the costs with you; we can negotiate the details after

we've looked round the factory.

send goods on consignment - отправить товар на консигнацию (владелец товара отправляет его своему агенту /комиссионеру за границу для продажи со склада последнего и от его имени)

to hold stocks - иметь свой склад /запасы товаров

stockist - (Br) фирма, имеющая склад товаров

sole agency - единственное представительство (данной фирмы)

\\.MrRossiofBrevetti, Italy, imports computer equipment from Central Computers U.K. Here are ten stages in the importation process. Put them in the correct order.

a sends fax to check availability of stock

b receives Central Computers' invoice

с bank issues irrevocable letter of credit

d orders the computers

e receives pro-forma invoice

f selects computers from cataloque

g receives confirmation of order

h pays transporters

i receives copy of bill of lading from transporters

j receives merchandise with customs declaration form

"I. Match the following definitions with the words in the box.


consignment consular duty-free freight insurance

'I- An invoice which is certified in the exporting country by the consulate of the

c°untry of destination is a... invoice.

- The charge made for carrying goods from one country to another is the...


3- Goods sent to be sold by an agent at the highest possible price are sent on...

• 'f no duties are charged on imported or exported goods, they are....

lf goods are damaged or lost, their value will be reimbursed by... company.





Бессоюзное подчинение

Правило 1. Если в предложении после подлежащего (или дополне­ния) стоит еще одно подлежащее (то есть личное местоимение или сущест­вительное без предпога) и сказуемое, это значит, что мы имеем делп с бессоюзным определительным придаточным предложением и при переводе его на русский язык перед вторым подлежащим необходимо поставить слово «который».

The problem the author has raised deserves serious attention.

- Проблема, которую поднял автор, заслуживает серьезного внимания.

Правило 2. Если после сказуемого стоит второе подлежащее и еще одно сказуемое, значит мы имеем дело с бессоюзным дополнительным придаточным предложением и при переводе его на русский язык перед вторым подлежащим следует поставить союз «что».

I know he is in London now.

- Я знаю, что он сейчас находится в Лондоне,



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