Armour arrowhead landscapes pottery canvas shields sketches statues watercolours portrait 

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Armour arrowhead landscapes pottery canvas shields sketches statues watercolours portrait

Заняття 13

Тема: Екскурсійне обслуговування, Букінгемський палац, музей природи у Лондоні. Створення рекламних проспектів-буклетів.

Вид заняття: лекція-семінар

Мета: Ознайомлення із професійними навичками проведення екскурсії у музеї історії природознавства у Лондоні та Букінгемського палацу і Лондонського Тауеру. Створення рекламних проспектів-буклетів. Розвиток навичок монологічного, діалогічного та писемного мовлення.

Література: л.12 стор.70-71, 115.


Хід заняття:

1.Вступ. Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та мети заняття. Введення в іншомовне середовище. Відпрацювання вимови окремих слів: majority, division, l anguage, unskilled, experienced, lounge, aptitude, dishwashers, incur charges, chambermaid, semiskilled, upholster, plumber, eliminate, technique, apprentice, intricacy, distinctive feature, division.

Dear students! Today we’ll learn the way of describing exhibitions, made by a tour guide and making advertisememnt prospects-booklets.

2. Перевірка домашнього завдання:

a) Поясніть наступні рекомендації щодо турботливого ставлення до клієнта:

- explain the next recommendations about customer’s care and explain the way of:

· asking questions politely

· Is it a good idea to ask questions politely?

· Is it enough to ask questions politely?

· What advice should you follow to be polite while making a questionnaire?

b) Перекажіть діалог. - Retell the dialogue “Customer care and customer service”.


3. Поставте нижче надані слова і словосполучення і відповідну категорію. – Put the following words and word-combinations into the correct groups:

Armour arrowhead landscapes pottery canvas shields sketches statues watercolours portrait

museum gallery


Can you add two or more words to each list?

4. Введення нового лексичного матеріалу – (Read and learn the following words and word-combinations):

entrance вхід outside зовні
sculpture скульптура architect архітектор
hidden behind захований за … architecture архітектура
hide-hid-hidden заховати to decorate прикрашати
to be decorated бути прикрашеним    


Прочитайте наступний текст екскурсії по Музею історії природи у Лондоні. – Read the guide talk about the Natural History Museum in London.

The Natural History Museum

OK everybody? We are now standing outside the main entrance to the Natural History Museum, which is one of the best examples of London’s 19th century architecture. As you can see, the building looks very much like a cathedral and was designed by the architect Alfred Waterhouse using an iron and steel framework hidden behind arches and columns, which, if you look closely, are decorated with sculptures of animals and plants.

The museum houses a whole host of exhibits of dinosaurs, mammals, as well as insects and plants. There are also displays devoted to human biology and the origin of species.

You can also visit the Earth galleries where you can find out what it’s like to be in the middle of an earthquake or standing next to a volcano.

Entrance to the museum is free and there’s a cafeteria if you get hungry, and a bookshop and a gift shop if you want to buy any souvenirs.


Професійна практика. Опис виставки. – Professional practice. Describing exhibitions.

Look at the text again and complete these useful phrases.

· introduce the sight

First of all, we’re going to visit

We’re now ……………..


· say what its main features are

The palace is the home of ………

The museum / gallery …………..

It was built in (data)


· mention other attractions / benefits

You can also see ……..

There’s a ………….


· mention possible restrictions

Please note that photography is not allowed


· give information about time and prices

The museum closes at (time).

Entrance to the museum …….. / costs.


· invite questions

Does anyone have any questions?


· be enthusiastic and use positive language

It’s …………… examples of 19th century architecture.

Work in pairs. Read the guide story of Buckingham Palace. Use the information below to give a presentation to tourists. Then answer any questions your partner has.

Buckingham Palace

The Palace is the London home of the Queen and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, and other family members also have their own rooms. About 50 domestic staff live there. John Nash started converting the original Buckingham House into a palace for George IV (reigned 1820-30), but Queen Victoria became the first monarch to live there in 1837.

The rooms include the state ballroom used for banquets, the music room where state guests are presented and the picture gallery containing a selection of the Queen’s paintings. There is also a swimming pool, a private cinema and a post office!

During the summer the palace guard, which consists of three officers and forty men, is changed to the sound of martial music.


Work in pairs. Read the information below and the Professional Practice above, give a presentation to tourists. Then ask any questions your partner has.

Tower of London

The Tower was built in 1078 and enlarged over the next few centuries. It has been a prison, a palace, the site of political intrigue, and housed lions, bears, and (to this day) flightless ravens. Forty wardens are known as Beefeaters guard of the Tower and they live there.

It is not known when the ravens settled there but it is said that if they leave the Tower, the kingdom will fall.

The Tower has been a tourist attraction since the reign of Charles II (1660-85) when both the Crown Jewels and the collection of armour were fist shown to the public.

One of the Tower’s darkest mysteries concerns two boy princes, the sons of Eduard IV. They were put in the Tower by their uncle, Richard of Gloucester, when their father died in 1483. Neither was ever seen again and Richard was crowned later that year.

In 1674 the skeletons of two children were founded nearby,

Створення рекламних проспектів-буклетів щодо відвідування визначних місць Лондону, а також поселення до готелів, які запропонує туристичний центр Лондону. – Making advertisement prospects-booklets on visiting London.

London Tourist Center

London Tourist Center is the place to search for tourist information about Great Britain. London does not need introduction. This multi-cultural capital city is a world leading destination. London is a city known for its history, heritage and culture, and is one of the most fast-moving, cosmopolitan cities on the planet. The London Tourist Office is very near to the Trafalgar Square. To reach it one needs to take Piccadilly line from the Heathrow Airport and stop at Piccadilly Circus. The Piccadilly line is the easiest way to reach the Tourist center, there is no presence of Tourist Information Center at the airport. offers you a great choice of London hotels from central to greater London or budget to deluxe accommodations. But that’s not all we do! Take a look and check our offers for London theatres and the big shows in the West End including We will rock you, Billy Elliot, The Lion King or Les Miserables. Want to visit London’s major attractions? No need to look further. Buy here your entrance tickets for the London Eye, Madame Tussauds, The Tower of London and many more. Stonehenge and Windsor Castle tours are also available. If you fancy a Thames river cruise you will find it here! Additional services such as restaurants and airport transfers can also be arranged. Start browsing now!

Заняття 13

Тема: Екскурсійне обслуговування, Букінгемський палац, музей природи у Лондоні. Створення рекламних проспектів-буклетів.

Вид заняття: лекція-семінар

Мета: Ознайомлення із професійними навичками проведення екскурсії у музеї історії природознавства у Лондоні та Букінгемського палацу і Лондонського Тауеру. Створення рекламних проспектів-буклетів. Розвиток навичок монологічного, діалогічного та писемного мовлення.

Література: л.12 стор.70-71, 115.


Хід заняття:

1.Вступ. Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та мети заняття. Введення в іншомовне середовище. Відпрацювання вимови окремих слів: majority, division, l anguage, unskilled, experienced, lounge, aptitude, dishwashers, incur charges, chambermaid, semiskilled, upholster, plumber, eliminate, technique, apprentice, intricacy, distinctive feature, division.

Dear students! Today we’ll learn the way of describing exhibitions, made by a tour guide and making advertisememnt prospects-booklets.

2. Перевірка домашнього завдання:

a) Поясніть наступні рекомендації щодо турботливого ставлення до клієнта:

- explain the next recommendations about customer’s care and explain the way of:

· asking questions politely

· Is it a good idea to ask questions politely?

· Is it enough to ask questions politely?

· What advice should you follow to be polite while making a questionnaire?

b) Перекажіть діалог. - Retell the dialogue “Customer care and customer service”.


3. Поставте нижче надані слова і словосполучення і відповідну категорію. – Put the following words and word-combinations into the correct groups:

Armour arrowhead landscapes pottery canvas shields sketches statues watercolours portrait

museum gallery



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