Grammar: Non-finite form of the verb : Participle II. 

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Grammar: Non-finite form of the verb : Participle II.


The form of Participle II is regular verbs by adding –ed or –d to the Infinitive and the past participle of irregular verbs

It uses:

· As an adjective; stolen money

· To form the perfect tenses/infinitives and participles and the passive voice: he has seen, it was broken, to have loved.

· The participle II can replace a subject + passive verb as the participle I can replace subject + active form: She enters. She is accompanied by her mother./ She enters, accompanied by her mother.

Ex.5. Translate the sentences into English. Use the present participle instead of the italicized verbs.

1. Біз оған жазбахат қалдырып, саябаққа қыдыруға кеттік. 2. Ол кітапты ашып, маған асты сызылған жерді көрсетті. 2. Ол күлді де, бөлмеден шығып кетті. 4. Ол ауыр күрсінді де, өзіне екінші шыны аяқ кофе құйып алды. 5. Біз чемодандарымызды сақтау камерасында қалдырдық та, бөлме іздеуге кеттік. 6. Ол машинкамен бірдеңені баяу теріп отырды да, анда-санда менен қайсыбір сөздің қалай жазылатынын сұрап тұрды.

Ex.6. Translate the sentences from English into Kazakh.

1. Informed of the arrival of the ship, they sent a car to the port.2. She showed the travelers the room reserved for them3. Books read in childhood seem like old friends.4. The answer received from her greatly surprised us.5. The figures mentioned in his article were published in “Izvestia”.6. Having left in that town all his life, he knew it very well.

Ex.7. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Бұл анамыз жиі айтып беріп тұратын оқиғалардың бірі еді. 2. Ол кәрі адам айтып берген сол бір мұңлы оқиғаны ұмыта алмады. 3. Күткен көмек келіп болмады. 4. Мен екі жыл бұрын конференцияға қатысқан студенттердің бірімен сөйлестім. 5. Ертеректе көлге қарай апаратын жол бұл жерде әлдеқашаннан бері жоқ. 6. Маған кіреберісте отырған әйел директорды күтіп отыр деді.

Ex.8. Join each of the following sentences, using either participle I or participle II.

1. I knew that he was poor. I offered to pay his fare.2. She became tired of my complaints about the programme. She turned it off.3. He found no one at home. He left the house in a bad temper.4. He realized that he had missed the last train. He began to walk.5. They found the money. They began quarreling about how to divide it.6. She entered the room suddenly. She found them smoking.7. He fed the dog. He sat down to his own dinner.8. He stole the silver. He looked for a place to hide it.9. I didn’t like to sit down. I knew that there were ants in the grass.10. I had heard that the caves were dangerous. I didn’t like to go any further without a light.

Ex.9. Listening

Follow the link: (History of Mathematics)

БӨЖ тапсырмалар:

Speak on “Computer use and applications” p.36 Information technology. Eric H. Glendenning. Oxford University Press, 2001

Follow the link below and pass the test.

Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:

Text: Linux“ p.43 (Discussion, Writing, Reading) Information technology. Eric H. Glendenning. Oxford University Press, 2001

Unit 13

Theme: Introduction to Physics

Grammar: Compound nouns

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at solving physics problems.

Students should know the rule of Compound nouns.


Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material:: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Physics”.

Discuss in groups “The wonders of physics”. Speak about the Newton’s laws.

Grammar: Introduce and practice Compound nouns. Revise the use ofCompound nouns.


Introduction to Physics.


PHISICS – The science which treats energy and matter and their relations to each other.

MATTER –Anything which occupies space and has weight. The different kinds of matter, such as wood, air, water, coal, etc., are called substance. A limited portion of matter is called a body.

STATES OF MATTER – Matter may exist in three different states: solid, liquid and gaseous.



1.Solid A solid has a wood, coal, iron,

definite shape and a gold.

definite volume and

offers resistance to

any attempt to change



2.Liquid A liquid has a definite water, alcohol,

volume but no definite kerosene

shape. The shape of a

liquid is the same as

that of the containing



3.Gas A gas has neither a hydrogen,oxygen

definite shape nor a chlorine, carbon

definite volume. Both dioxide.

are determined by the

containing vessel.


NOTE: The term «Fluid» includes both liquids and gases.


Physical change – is any change in a substance which does not alter its composition.

Illustrations. The bending of a steel spring, the melting of snow, the freezing of water, etc.

Chemical change – is any change in a substance which alters its composition.

Illustrations. The rusting of iron, the burning of wood, the souring of milk, the explosion of gunpowder, etc.

Law of conservation of matter. Matter can be changed from one form into another, but it can neither be created nor destroyed.

Energy is the ability to do work. There are several kinds of energy, such as mechanical, heat, light, electrical and chemical.

Law of conservation of energy. While energy can be changed from one form into another, it can neither be created nor destroyed.


Topical vocabulary


1. create создавать, производить

2. destroy разрушать

3. ability способность

4. conservation of matter закон сохранения материи

5. treat обрабатывать, очищать

6. matter материя

7. occupy занимать (место)

8. weigh вес

9. state состояние

10. solid твердый

11. liquid жидкий

12. alter изменять, видоизменять

13. rust ржаветь, ржавчина

14. sour / s٨uә/ кислый, окислять

15. substance вещество

16. conservation сохранение

17. destroy разрушать

18.composition состав, структура


Ex.1. Read and the text and answer the following questions:

1. What does Physics study?

2. What is Matter?

3. What is Body?

4. What is the difference between substance and body?

5. In what three states may matter occur? Illustrate.

6. State and illustrate two physical changes and two chemical changes.

7. State and illustrate the law of conservation of energy.


Ex.2. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text.

1. Matter is anything which occupies … and has ….

2. The different kinds of matter, such as wood, air, water, coal, etc., are called ….

3. A limited portion of matter is called a ….

4. A liquid has a definite volume but no definite ….

5. A gas has neither a definite shape nor a definite ….

6. Chemical change is any change in a substance which alters its ….

7. Matter can be changed from one form into another, but it can neither be … nor ….


Ex.3. Write formal definitions for:

matter, energy, physical change.


Ex.4. Choose the words which best completes each sentence:

Substance, fluid, vessel, matter, solid, property, measured, from.


1.Any object or any material is composed of (1)___________. The quantity of matter may be (2)__________ by its mass or its volume or its amount of substance.

2.A substance has properties that can be described, e.g. iron, salt and hemoglobin are all (3) __________.

3.Matter with a definite volume and shape is (4)_________. The solid state is of the states of matter.

4.Matter that does not have a fixed shape is (5)__________. The essential (6)________ of a fluid is its ability to flow along a channel or a tube.

5.A liquid is distinguished (7)_________ a gas by not expanding to fill the containing (8)__________, i.e., it retains its own volume at any given temperature.


Ex.5. Learn word study composition and use them in your speech.

Contain 1.(of a vessel) to hold a substance e.g. the beaker contains three grams of


2. (of a mixture) to possess certain substance e.g. milk contains fat and sugar.

Consist of to be made up of with all the constituents named e.g. water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

Contrast consist of and contain: concrete consists of stones, cement and water (only these substances are used in concrete).

Concrete constrains a small amount of cement (i.e. only some of the constituents are named).

Include to contain as a member of a class or to contain as a part of a whole, e.g.

1) the metals include copper

2) a switch is included in the electrical circuit.

Opposite include.

Comprise to be made up of; to consist of;

To include in a class or category, to contain as parts of a whole, e.g.: The committee comprises men of different views.

Contrast Include and Comprise: When using “Comprise” all members of the class or category must be stated,

When using “Include” one member is shown to be in the class or category.


Ex.6. Learn following families of words and make up your own examples.

Contain container (bottle, box, etc., designed to contain smth).

Content (The amount which is contained e.g. The vitamin content of Soya bean is high).

Consist Consistency (The degree of thickness or solidity e.g. mix flour and milk to the right consistency).

Include Inclusion, Inclusive (Including e.g. a price inclusive of tax). Opposite “Exclusive” (e.g. the category of non-metals is exclusive of arsenic).


Whole – a peace of matter, object or process that is complete in itself.


The whole of the apparatus used for distillation.

Opposite: part, component, constituent, ingredient, item, member.

Component – is a part of structure or system. e.g.

The components of an electrical circuit include cells, resistors, switches and galvanometers.

Ingredient – is one of a number of substance used to make a mixture.

(The substance are called ingredients before mixing. After mixing they are constituents).

Ex.7. Listening

Follow the link: (It's The Mathematics - Beautiful (Official Video))


Grammar: Compound nouns

Do exercises from Units 60-67 (Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in Use” A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English Third Edition. Cambridge).

БӨЖ тапсырмалар:

Divide into few subgroups and prepare questions to the theme of unit. Discuss about the unit by using your questions.

Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:

Unit 14

Theme: Applied mechanics

Grammar: Subordinate clause

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing applied mechanics.

Students should know the rule of Subordinate clause.


Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Applied mechanics”.

Define the subjects of applied. Discuss in groups. Observe the motion of material bodies.

Grammar: Introduce and practice Subordinate clause. Revise the use ofSubordinate clause.


Applied mechanics


Mechanics is a branch of physical science which considers the effect of forces upon the motion or upon the conditions of material bodies.

Applied mechanics is a part of mechanics. It includes the laws of mechanics to be applied to the motions of particles and of rigid bodies as used in problems of engineer­ing. The condition of rest is considered to be the limiting condition of motion.

A particle is a body or a part of a body the dimensions of which are small and neg­ligible when it is compared with its surroundings or with its range of motion, so that the force acting upon it may be localized at a point.

The subject of applied mechanics may be divided into two parts statics and dy­namics, and dynamics may be further divided into kinematics and kinetics. Tt is statics that treats bodies in equilibrium, and dynamics that treats the particles and bodies in mo­tion. Kinematics is the part of dynamics to treat the motion of particles and rigid bodies without reference to the forces that produce or change the motion. Kinetics is the part of dynamics to treat the motion of material bodies which are changed by the application of forces. In order to understand thoroughly such a subject as applied mechanics, it is ne­cessary for the student to solve a number of problems.

There are three common methods of analysis of problems: the graphic method, the trigonometric method and the algebraic one. In the graphic method, the quantities are represented by corresponding lines or areas; the relations between them are represented by the relations of the parts of the diagram.

In the trigonometric method, the quantities are represented by lines or areas as well but they are not necessarily drawn to scale.

In the algebraic method, quantities are represented by symbols; the relations be­tween them are shown by signs indicating the operations; and the solution of the result­ing equations is made by algebra.

Ex.1 Match the English terms with the corresponding Russian ones:

1. applied mechanics а. применять

2. a rigid body b.- частица

3. negligibleс. - отношение

4. constantd. - условие

5. dimensions е. - законымеханики

6. quantities f - движение

7. scaleg. - величины

8. particleh. - масштаб, размер

9. toapplyi. - незначительный

10. lawsofmechanicsj. - теоретическаямеханика

11. relationк. - размеры

12. motion 1. - постоянный

13. conditionт. - твердоетело

Ex.2. Complete the sentences with one possible answer:

1. Mechanics is a branch of physical science which considers...

b) the effect of radiation upon people and animals.

c) the effect of forces upon the motion or upon the conditions of material bodies.

d) the forms of transformation of energy connected with the movement of material systems under the action of force factor.

2.... the quantities are to be represented by corresponding lines or areas; the relations between them are to be represented by the relations of the parts of the diagram.

a) In the algebraic method...

b) In the graphic method...

c) In the trigonometric method...

3.... is the part of dynamics to treat the motion of material bodies which are changed

by the application of forces

a) Kinetics


c) Statics

Ex.3. Insert the preposition wherever necessary:

1. Applied mechanics may be divided... two parts statics and dynamics.

2. Statics treats... bodies... equilibrium.

3. A problem... mechanics consists... a statement... certain known quantities and relations... which certain other unknown quantities or relations are to be deter­mined.

4.... the trigonometric method, the quantities are to be represented... lines or areas.

5. Understanding... applied mechanics depends... the ability... students to solve a number... problems.


Follow the link: (Michio Kaku: Is God a Mathematician?)


Grammar: Subordinate clause

Do exercises from Unit 92-97 p.184-195 ex.:92.1-97.4 (Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in Use” A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English Third Edition. Cambridge).


БӨЖ тапсырмалар:

Study the fundamental fields of Mechanics from different sources. Characterize the problems they deal with.

Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:

Unit 15

Theme: Kinematics.

Grammar: Grammar revision.

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at solving kinematics problems.


Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Kinematics”.

Grammar: Practice and revise grammar themes of previous 7 units.




Kinematics is the branch of physics which describes motion with respect to speed, time and distance, the nature of the particle or object whose motion is under study being not specified. So, in kinematics we concern ourselves primarily with three physical quantities: 1) the distance between two positions; 2) speed, i.e. how fast a continuous change positions takes place; 3) the time it takes to get from one position (point, location) to another. Kinematics is not concerned with either the mass of a moving particle or forces producing change of speed.


Motion is defined in physics as continuous change of position. We describe motion from one position to another in terms of the distance moved and the time it takes to go from one position to another. We describe speed as amount of change of position per unit time, the amount of position being measured in units of length (distance). Generally, the word “per” indicates division, the mathematical definition of speed being х=d/t – or in other words speed is the distance travelled per unit time. The speedometer reads instantaneous velocity of a car in mph (miles per hour).

Constant velocity. A car moving with constant velocity, the distance travelled is directly proportional to the time. For constant velocity х, S=х*t, where S is the distance covered in time t. We may study particular motions by analyzing their graphs. Fig. 1 is an example of a speed-time graph. It shows us values of speed plotted against (vs) values of time. Of the three quantities involved in any study of motion, the speed-time graph relates to two directly. The quantity not shown directly is distance (length). A speed-time graph showing that speed doesn’t change with time, it is a graph of motion at constant speed. If the speed varies from one time period to the next we say it is a graph of a variable or no uniform (noconstant) speed.

Average velocity. Suppose a car in making a 60-mi. trip travels at 20 mph for the first 30-mi. and at 60 mph for the last 30-mi. We are tempted to say that the average velocity defined would be (20+60)/2, or 40 mph. However, this would be wrong because of the convention that average velocity is defined with respect to time and not with respect to distance. If t1 is the time needed to make the first part of the trip (at the velocity х1) and t2 is the time for the second part then average velocity with respect to time is х=(х1t1+х2t2)/(t1+t2) the preceding being an example of what is called a weighted average. We can calculate the average velocity of the car finding t1 and t2 from the relation t=S/х, the result being t1=30 mi/20 mph=1.5 hr and t2=30 mi/60 mph=0.5 hr. Substituting these values into the above equation we obtain х=(20*1.5+60*0.5)/(1.5+0.5) mph.

We then see that the average velocity for this trip is 30 mph rather than 40 mph.


Topical vocabulary


1. motion движение

2. respect расположение, связь

3. particle частица

4. concern отношение

5. primarily в основном, главным образом

6. quantity количество, размер, долгота звука

7. speed скорость

8. division деление, разделение

9. unit единица

10. constant velocity постоянная скорость

11. particular motion движение частиц

12. substitute замена, заместитель

13. plotted нанесенный, вычерчиваемый

14. relate to иметь отношение

15. vary изменяться

16. average средний

17. tempted притягиваемый

18. preceding предшествующий

19. a weighted average среднее взвешенное

20. obtain получать

21. equation уравнение, равенство


Ex.1. Read the text and aanswer the questions.

1. What does kinematics study?

2. Is the nature of the object under study specified?

3. In what units of measurement does the speedometer read the velocity?

4. Does it read the instantaneous or average velocity?

5. What is the relation between distance travelled and time if a car is moving with constant velocity?

6. What type of motion do we call one-dimensional motion? 7. What is the formula for the constant (instantaneous) velocity?


Ex.2. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text.

1. Kinematics is the branch of physics which describes … with respect to …, time and …, the nature of the particle or object whose motion is under study being not specified.

2. In kinematics we concern ourselves primarily with …physical quantities.

3. Kinematics is not concerned with either the … of a moving particle or … producing change of speed.

4. Motion is defined in physics as … … of position.

5. We describe speed as amount of change of position … unit time.

6. The speedometer reads … velocity of a car in mph (miles per hour).

7. A car moving with … …, the distance travelled is directly … to the time.

8. If the speed varies from one time period to the next we say it is a graph of a … or nonuniform (noconstant) speed.


Ex.3. Ask questions using the question-words in brackets.

1. In the kinematics we study position, velocity and acceleration (in what field of physics).

2. The speedometer reads the instantaneous velocity of a car (what velocity).

3. A car moving with constant velocity, the distance travelled is directly proportional to the time (on what condition).

4. The graph shows us values of speed plotted against values of time (what values).

5. This equation will give the wrong answer for the “speedometer reading” unless a very small value of S is used (on what condition).

6. Until we come to compound motion the discussion will be restricted (how long).

7. We shall use the symbol t to stand for the time taken to travel the distance S (what symbol).


Ex.4. Translate the following sentences paying attention to:

with respect to – относительно чего-то, учитывая.

1. The information being given with respect to the new data, it must be made use of in our research.

2. We defined the volume, all the measurements having been done with respect to the instruction.

3. The research having been carried out with no respect to errors, we do not consider it accurate.

rather, adv – довольно, до некоторой степени; скорее

rather than – а не, вместо того, чтобы; скорее, чем.

4. These measurements require rather high accuracy.

5. The speedometer reads the instantaneous velocity of a car rather then the average one.

6. This plot is rather for an object moving with uniform velocity.

7. In this case the magnitude rather than the direction of the velocity may change.

no matter – независимо от того.

8. No matter how accurate the measuring device can be, repeated readings will not be the same. 9. No matter how long it takes, you should make the experiment at least three times.

10. You are to apply the mean value of the voltage no matter which device you use.


Ex.5. Form the verbs from the following nouns according to the model.

Model: distribution – to distribute.

Calculation, displacement, observation, movement, description, production, variation, substitution, equation.


Ex.6. Retell the text using the out line.

1) the definition of kinematics; 2) the three physical quantities considered in kinematics; 3) the definition of motion in physics; 4) explanation of a speed-time graph.


Follow the link: (Computation and the Future of Mathematics)

Grammar: Grammar revision

Do exercises p.313-314 ex.:19-21,p.321 ex.:32-33 (Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in Use” A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English Third Edition. Cambridge)

БӨЖ тапсырмалар:

“Mechanical engineering as future professions” try to remember five things about mechanical engineering. page 1 (КривоноговаО.В.

Mechanical Engineering) Волгоград: ВолГУ, 2004 г.

Follow the link and pass the tests for grammar:


4. Негізгі және қосымша әдебиеттер тізімі

4.1. Негізгі әдебиеттер:

1.Дюсенгалиева А.А. УМКД по дисциплине «Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык» для студентов 2 курса специальностей «Математическое компьютерное моделирование», «Механика» и «Математика».

2. КривоноговаО.В. «Mechanical Engineering».

3. С.А. Мейрамова, М.Р. Муратова «Учебное пособие для студентов физико-математических специальностей» Астана, 2002

4. Basic English for Computing / Eric H. Glendinning, John McEwan. – revised and updated – Oxford University Press, 2003.



4.2. Қосымша әдебиеттер:

1. CliveOxenden, CristinaLatham-Koenig, Paul Seligson New English File / Intermediate Level, 2010

2. БезручкоЕ.Н. «Английскийязык» Ростов-на-ДонуИздательскийцентр «МарТ» 2002

3. Raymand Murphy, English grammar in use, Cambridge university press, 2004

4. Teaching Maths through English – a CLIL approach.


5. Практикалық сабақтарды өткізу жоспары


Тақырыптар аты Практикалық сабақтар тақырыбы Сағат
  Theme:Mass Media Grammar:Infinitive: Infinitive Construction 2 с.
  Theme: What are economic, social and cultural rights Grammar:Infinitive Construction. 2 с.
  Theme: What is mathematics? Grammar:Gerund: Gerundial Constructions 2 с.
  Theme: Probability of occurrence. Grammar:Gerundial Constructions 2 с.
  Theme: The Internet is changing higher education Grammar: Participle I 2 с.
  Theme:The language of computers Grammar: Participle II 2 с.
  Theme: Greek schools of mathematics. Grammar:Grammar revision 2 с.
  Theme: Descartes’s and P. Fermat’s coordinate geometry. Grammar:Conjunctions 2 с.
  Theme:Analysis incarnate—Leonard Euler. Grammar:Prepositions 2 с.
  Theme: The basic and new concepts. Grammar:If and wish 2 с.
  Theme: Mechanical engineering as a future profession Grammar:Pronouns 2 с.
  Theme: Operating Systems Grammar: Linking verbs 2 с.
  Theme: Introduction to Physics Grammar:Compound nouns 2 с.
  Theme: Applied mechanics Grammar: Subordinate clause 2 с.
  Theme: Kinematics. Grammar:Grammar revision 2 с.
Барлығы   30 сағ.

6. Аудиториядан тыс уақытта студенттердің тапсыратын өзіндік жұмыстары


Апта БӨЖ тапсырмалары (есеп берудің формасы), сағат саны Тапсыру уақыты
  Read the text “Mass media” and do ex. 4-8 on pp. 23-24. Summaryofit. (Е.Н. Безручко «Английский язык» Ростов-на-Дону Издательский центр «МарТ» 2002 г.) Read the text “From librarian to a political reporter” and do ex.4 a-e on pp. 79. Give a short summary of it. (Clive Oxenden, Cristina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson New English File / Intermediate Level, 2010.) Follow the link and past the test for grammar: 4 сағат 1-апта    
  Making comparisons and describing features. Read the text “Culture shock” and do ex.1-4 on pp.67. Give a short summary of it. (Clive Oxenden, Cristina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson New English File / Intermediate Level, 2010.) Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: 4 сағат 2-апта  
  Write an essay or be ready to speak about “What is mathematics?”. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: 4 сағат 3-апта  
  Retell the text “Probability of occurrence.”. Find out new words and translate them. Give a short summary of the text. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: 4 сағат 4-апта  
  Follow the link below and solve the exercises Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: 4 сағат 5-апта  
  Write an essay about Bill Gates –the rishest man in the world. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: 4 сағат 6-апта  
  Write an essay on Descartes’s early years of life till his becoming the best-known mathematician of the period. Write an article covering the great contribution of Descartes to science. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: 4 сағат 7-апта  
  Read the text and speakabout«LeadingMathematiciansoftheTime»ormakethepresentation.(Учебноепособиедлястудентовфизико-математическихспециальностейRead,learnanddiscussEnglish.Автор:С.А.Мейрамова,М.Р.Муратова,стр.4-6) Follow the link and pass the tests for grammar: 4 сағат 8-апта  
  Read the text and speak about “A modern view of geometry ” or write an essay. (Учебное пособие для студентов физико-математических специальностей Read,learnanddiscussEnglish.Автор:С.А.Мейрамова,М.Р.Муратова,стр.30-31) Follow the link and pass the test: 4 сағат 9-апта  
  Find out information about the great mathematicians in history of the world and make presentation about them. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: 4 сағат 10-апта  
  Write an essay or be ready to speak about “Mechanical engineering as a future profession.”. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: 4 сағат 11-апта  
  Follow the link below and pass the test. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: Text: Linux“ p.43 (Discussion, Writing, Reading) Information technology. Eric H. Glendenning. Oxford University Press, 2001 12-апта  
  Divide into few subgroups and prepare questions to the theme of unit. Discuss about the unit by using your questions. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: 4 сағат 13-апта  
  Study the fundamental fields of Mechanics from different sources. Characterize the problems they deal with. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: 4 сағат 14-апта  
  ““”Mechanical engineering as future professions” try to remember five things about mechanical engineering.Speak about mechanical engineering as a future profession. page 1 (КривоноговаО.В. Mechanical Engineering) Волгоград: ВолГУ, 2004 г. Follow the link and pass the tests for grammar: 4 сағат 15-апта  
Барлығы 60 с.

7. Аралық, ағымдық және қорытынды бақылау тапсырмалары

Аралық бақылау


Өтілген материал бойынша ағымдық бақылау:

- Essay: “Human rights, Unit 2”, “What is mathematics, Unit 3”, “The Internet is changing higher education, unit 5”. (typed, 500 words, about a page and a half, double space, Times New Roman, consist of 3 parts: Introduction, Body and Conclusion.).

- Реферат: “Probability of occurrence”, “Mechanical engineering as a future profession”, “Descartes’s coordinate geometry”. (typed, about 5 -10 pages, double space, Times New Roman, consist of 4 parts: Purpose, Methodology, Results, and Conclusions, include the document’s bibliographic information).

- Слайд-шоу: «Mass Media» (3-апта), «Greek school of Mathematics» (6-апта) - (organize your presentation, design the slides, preparing and practicing the talk, links to other oral presentation advice).


- Өтілген материал бойынша ауызша сұрау түрінде өткізу:

Introduction to Physics ()

Applied mechanics


The basic and new concepts.


Қорытынды бақылау

Блок 1

Variant 1

Choose the right variant

1. George _______to the dentist every month.

a) is going c) will go

b) goes d) has gone


2. Do you think this team_______the match?

a) wins c) shall win

b) won d) will win


3. ____you ever _____a horse?

a) did …..ride c) have…..ride

b) have…..ridden d) rode


4. A cinema is a place where films__________.

a) showed c) are shown

b) shown d) showing


5. I only wear a ____on formal occasions.

a) suit c) dress

b) costume d) custom


6. I am not like my mum and dad; I ________my uncle Josh.

a) take back c) take after

b) take off d) take in


7. Cheese ________frommilk.

a) makes c) made

b) is make d) is made


8. Aizhan _______married next month.

a) gets c) will get

b) got d) get


9. That music is much too loud. Can you please______it____?

a) turn on c) turn out

b) turn back d) turn down


10. How many accidents______by dangerous driving nowadays?

a) is caused c) are caused

b) have been caused d) cause


11. Last night a tree________down.

a) was blown c) blown

b) is blown d) blow


12. If you subtract 32 from 100, what do you get?

a) take after c) turn in

b) take away d) take off


13. Он спросил меня, где я живу

a) He asked me where I lived.

b) He asks me where he lived.

c) He asked where I live.

d) He asked where do I live.


14. He says, “She will come in the evening.”

a) He asked when would she come.

b) He told she will come in the evening.

c) He says that she will come in the evening.

d) She says in the evening he will come.


15. Он писал пьесу вчера весь день.

a) He was writing a play all day yesterday.

b) He wrote a play whole day.

c) He is writing a play yesterday all day.

d) He wrote a play the day before.


16. We____not___from him since June.

a) heard c) didn’t hear

b) hear d) have….. heard


17. It______when I left the house.

a) rained c) raining

b) was raining d) is raining


18. I and my friend Berkutusually______to the cinema.

a) goes c) going

b) went d) go


19. All my family_______a very good time together on our last vacation.

a) spend c) spent

b) have been spending d) is spent


  1. My friend …… where I had been on holiday.

a) asked c) told

b) said d) spoke


21. The most famous work of Abai is “Words of....”

a. edification

b. creation

c. inspiration

d. translation

e. identification

22. Blank verse is.....

A) just like a prose

B) an excellent form for poetic drama

C) monotonous and forced

D) not rhymed verse

E) not so flexible and noble as prose

23. The two chief families in ……were the rich Capulets and the Montagues.

A) Australia

B) China

C) Chicago

D) Verona

E) Manhatten

24. Old Lord Capulet made a great supper, to which many fair ladies and………….. were invited.

a. many seamans

b. many plumbers

c. manyservants

d. many street cleaners

e. many noble guests

25. Martin Luther King was a …….winner whose life was lacking in peace.

a. medal of Lenin

b. medal of Oskar

c. medal oаShaken

d. Nobel Peace Prize

e. brooch

26. The concluding paragraph....

a. introduces the topic by giving general statements

b. gives the specific topic and the main idea of topic sentence of a paragraph

c. gives reasons, examples, explanations

d. explains or supports the main idea

e. restates the main idea of the thesis statement

27. ‘M. Shakhanov in Asia is our voice from the spiritual minaret’ Federico Mayor, General Director of UNESCO (1999). Which of M. Shakhanov’s poems attracted UNESCO’s great attention?

a. The Geometry of Happiness

b. The Errors of Civilization

c. Three Levels of Height

d. Fifth man

e. The accident in the Forest

28. ‘Have one’s hands full’ means......

a. demand that something be done in a particular way

b. make an embarrassing or tactless mistake in speaking

c. be completely occupied

d. get out of control

e. cost an excessive amount; cost much too much

29. Some scholars have suggested that the.... death of Shakespeare’s father (he died in 1601) was another emotional shock that contributed to the.... of Hamlet.

a. approached, written

b. approaching, writing

c. to approach, to write

d. approaching. written

e. have approached, writing

30. He was a symbol for all men who seek ……… and human dignity.

a. slander

b. fraud

c. good nature

d. conscience

e. justice



II variant

Choose the right variant

  1. My friend …… where I had been on holiday.

a) asked c) told

b) said d) spoke


2. Simon said that he would be back at 6.00.

a) Simon says, “I will be back at 6.00”

b) Simon said, “I would be back at 6.00”

c) Simon said, “I will be back at 6.00”

d) Simon told, “He will be back at 6.00”


3. ____you ever _____a horse?

a) did …..ride c) have…..ride

b) have…..ridden d) rode

4. Every morning my cousins________cereal for breakfast.

a) eats c) ate

b) have eaten d) eat


5. That building______ few years ago by the famous constructor.

a) built c) builded

b) was built d) is building


6. When I come back, they______supper.

a) will be having c) had

b) had had d) having


7. When I met John_________him at once.

a) take after c) had taken to

b) took in d) takes off


8. Kazakhstan ________its independence in 1991.

a) takes c) took

b) taken d) take


9. How many accidents______by dangerous driving nowadays?

a) is caused c) are caused

b) have been caused d) cause


10. Do you think this team_______the match?

a) wins c) shall win

b) won d) will win

11. He says, “She will come in the evening.”

a) He says that she will come in the evening.

b) He told she will come in the evening.

c) He asked when would she come.

d) She says in the evening he will come.


12. If you subtract 32 from 100, what do you get?

a) take after c) turn in

b) take away d) take off


13. We____not___from him since June.

a) heard c) didn’t hear

b) hear d) have….. heard


14. Он писал пьесу вчера весь день.

a) He was writing a play all day yesterday.

a) He wrote a play whole day.

b) He is writing a play yesterday all day.

c) He wrote a play the day before.


15. I only wear a ____on formal occasions.

a) suit c) dress

b) costume d) custom


16. He_____French well.

a) is speaking c) spoke

b) speaks d) speak


17. Cheese ________frommilk.

a) makes c) made

b) is make d) is made

18. Every student______to get a scholarship.

a) dream c) have

b) wants d) shall have


19. The test______by a teacher makes me crazy.

a) make c) is made

b) making d) makes


20. My future plans______to visit my aunt.

a) will c) are

b) have d) did

21. He... the letter tomorrow if you.... it off now.

a. got, will send

b. gets, will send

c. will get, send

d. will get, will send

e. has got, send

22. The most remarkable event that... place in this area.... the birth of the Kazakh theatre.

a. have taken, is

b. took, was

c. takes, is

d. has taken, was

e. have taken, was

23. King graduated first in his class at …….

a. saw

b. knife switch

c. scissors

d. hammer

e. Crozer

24. We learn a lot by....

a. to read

b. have read

c. reading

d. read

e. will read

25. He left without…goodbye.

a. to say

b. say

c. said

d. saying

e. says

26. I am tired of … in this manner.

a. working

b. work

c. have worked

d. will work

e. worked

f. looking forward

27. I had a great rest after…that book.

a. read

b. reading

c. I read

d. have read

e. having read

28. “My heart is in... shreads”

a. fifty

b. thirty

c. forty five

d. forty

e. twenty

  1. Have one’s hands full’ means......
    1. demand that something be done in a particular way
    2. make an embarrassing or tactless mistake in speaking
    3. be completely occupied
    4. get out of control
    5. cost an excessive amount; cost much too much
  2. Some scholars have suggested that the.... death of Shakespeare’s father (he died in 1601) was another emotional shock that contributed to the.... of Hamlet.
    1. approached, written
    2. approaching, writing
    3. to approach, to write
    4. approaching. written
    5. have approached, writing



Блок 2

Variant 1

Choose the right variant

1. Water______at 100 degrees.

a) boils с) will boil

b) is boiling d) will have been boiling

2. The weather hotter and hotter.

a) gets c) is getting

b) has been getting d) get

3. The first modern Olympics______in Athens more than a

hundred years ago.

a) were taking place c) have taken

b) took d) had taken

4. We______20 new buildings this year.

a) built c) had built

b) were building d) have built

5.1______always______if the service is bad in restaurants.

a) -, complain c) will be complaining

b) am complaining d) will complain

6. I______to the news on television at nine o'clock last


a) was listening c) have been listening

b) listened d) had been listening

7. After they______they cleared the table.

a) ate c) have eaten

b) had eaten d) were eating

8.1______for a whole hour!

a) am waiting c) have been waiting

b) was waiting d) had been waiting

9 I ______John's mobile phone because I left mine at


a) use c) used

b) was using d) have been using

10. This juice______good.

a) is tasting c) has been tasting

b) tastes d) is being tasted

11. Long ago they______most houses out of wood.

a) built c) were building

b) have built d) had built

12. We still______life on other planets.

a) didn't discover c) won't discover

b) hadn't discovered d) haven't discovered

13.1______when my friend______.

a) slept, called

b) was sleeping, was calling

c) was sleeping, called

d) slept, was calling

14. Those potatoes______for an hour.

a) have been boiling c) are boiling

b) were boiling d) had been boiling

15. You______always______money!

a) —, borrow c) will borrow

b) has been borrowing d) are borrowing

16. They______for four hours before they______the top

of the mountain.

a) climbed, reached

b) had been climbing, reached

c) was climbing, reached

d) climbed, has been reaching

17.1 think it______a difficult game.

a) is going to be c) have been

b) will be d) had been

18.1______ to you ever again.

a) don't speak c) hasn't spoken

b) am not going to speak d) will have been spoken

19.1______him tomorrow, he is expecting my call.

a) phone c) am going to phone

b) am phoning d) will have phoned

20. The boat______the island on Friday.

a) is leaving c) is going to leave

b)leave d)leaves

21. His grandfather______from his job a year ago.

a) has retired c) retires

b) was retiring d) retired

22. The backpacker knew there was a lake because they ______ it earlier in the day.

a) have seen c) had seen

b) saw d) hadn't seen

23.______he______about the opera before?

a) had spoken c) has spoken

b) was speaking d) did speak

24. What time______it______?

a) did happen c) had happened

b) has happened d) was happening

25. Tomorrow at five he______football.

a) '11 play c) plays

b) '11 be playing d) play

26. This time last year he______in London.

a) lived c) '11 live

b) was living d) has lived

27 I______for you for more than one hour.

a) has waited c) was waiting

b) have been waiting d) was waited

28. He______it for an hour before I came.

a) have been doing c) had been doing

b) had been done d) did

29- —_____he already______the doctor by that time?

a) has seen c) was seeing

b) did see d) had seen

30. She______her work already.

a) hasn't finished c) finished

b) has finished d) is finished

Variant 2

Choose the right variant

1. She______her exam by two o'clock.

a) passed c) has passed

b) have passed d) had passed

2. A plate slipped out of my hands when I______the wash­ing up.

a) was doing c) had done

b) did d) was done

3. It's nine o'clock. The pupils______a lesson.

a) will be having c) have

b) are having d) have had

4. He______ill twice so far this year.

a) is c) was

b) has been d) is being

5. By summer you______English for two years.

a) '11 study c) '11 have been studying

b) have studied d) are studying

6. What______you______at this time yesterday?

a) was doing c) did do

b) have done d) were doing

7. We're late. The film______finished by the time we______

to the centre.

a) is finished, get

b) will be finished, '11 get

c) will have finished, get

d) finished, '11 get

8. The documents______by the time I come.

a) '11 have been typed c) '11 be typed

b) '11 have typed d) will be typing

9. Last year 1______ill only twice.

a) was c) am

b) have been d) has been

10. By the 8th of April my mother_______at school for

twenty years.

a) '11 work c) has worked

b) '11 be working d) '11 have been working

11.1______these sentences for one hour.

a) am writing c) have written

b) 've been writing d) was writing

12. We______it for half an hour when the teacher entered.

a) have discussed c) discussed

b) were discussing d) had been discussing

13. It______for three hours.

a) was snowing c) is snowing

b) snowed d) has been snowing

14. My sister learns French and she______very well.

a) does c) is doing

b) do d) did

15. My nephew is at college now, and my son______to col­lege next year.

a) is going c) '11 go

b) is going to go d) goes

16. His friend______two English articles into Russian.

a) translated c) has translated

b) have translated d) translates

17. They______us several telegrams lately.

a) send c) sent

b) 've sent d) are sending

18. Don't worry! The child______better.

a) get c) have got

b) gets d) is getting

19. He______under treatment for two months but there are

no signs of improvement.

a) 's been c) was

b) is d) is being

20. Doctor Ivanov______people for heart trouble.

a) is treating c) treats

b) has treated d) treat

21. This dictionary______much and is very valuable to me.

a) costed c) cost

b) is costing d) had cost

22.1 wonder why John______a job yet.

a) finds c) didn't find

b) hasn't found d) found

23. The company______now for building workers.

a) advertised c) was advertised

b) has advertised d) is advertising

24. The hard work______on his health.

a) tells c) is telling

b) is told d) was telling

25. Peter______up photography as a hobby.

a) took c) has taken

b) was taken d) takes

26. When I______it______yesterday.

a) wake up, was raining c) woke up, was raining

b) woke up, rained d) 've woken up, was raining

27. Will you______the bank when you go out?

a) be passing c) have passed

b) pass d) to pass

28. Last night I______home at 11. I______supper and

then______to bed.

a) have come, had. went c) came, have had, went

b) came, had, went d) came, had, have gone

29. ______ you ______ many cities when you were in


a) did visit c) are visiting

b) have visited d) do visit

30. They______for 20 minutes when his mother came in.

a) talked c) have talked

b) were talking d) had been talking

Қорытынды бақылауға арналған материалдар

1. Culture аnd mass media

2. What are economic, social and cultural rights – Human rights

3. What is mathematics?

4. The Internet is changing higher education

5. Mechanical engineering as a future profession

6. Kinematics

7. The language of computers

8. Operating Systems

9. Probability of occurrence

10. Descartes’s and P.Fermat’s coordinate geometry.


8. Электрондық дерек көздер:


1. МОН РК //

2. Articles & Research Papers //

3. Audio and video clips to help you improve your English //

4. Audio English net: on-line Dictionary //

5. Centre for Independent Language Learning //

6. Daily life in Britain // http://www.woodlandsjunior

7. English as 2nd Language //

8. English club //

9. English Grammar //

10. English Language Tests and Games //

11. English teaching and learning resources //

12. ESL Desk - Learn English as a Second Language //

13. English Wordgames /

14. Games, handouts, and worksheets for English study and teaching // http://eslgrammar.

15. Learn English Basics //

16. Learning English through movies //

17. Math printables / jokes //

18. Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

19. Recourses for English as 2nd Language

20. Video exercises /


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