Translate these international words, pronounce them property with the help of dictionary. 

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Translate these international words, pronounce them property with the help of dictionary.

Vegetation (n), alley (n) architecture (n), reservoir (n), fountain (n), terrace (n), sculpture (n), water cascades (n), plan (v.n), nature (n), regular (a), irregular (a), decorate (v), geometry (n), proportion (n), imitate (v), Renaissance (n), Babylonian (a) suspension gardens.


3. Put the verbs"to have" and "to be '' into the proper forms. Translate these sentences.

A park (to be) an area with either planted or natural vegetation.

Parks (to be) of two types: regular (or architectural) and irregular.

Regular parks (to be) planned in geometrical proportions.

Parks (to be) built already in very ancient times.

In the Middle ages parks and gardens (to have) their own deco­rative design.


4. Match the Russian equivalent with the English one.


1. People have been building cities 1. Они сажают парки и оставля since very ancient times. ют большие территории леса

2. They have always been trying... без изменения.

2. Люди строят города с очень

3. People have been surrounding давних времен.

their stone and wooden houses 3. Они всегда стараются...

with gardens. 4. Люди окружают садами свои

4. They have been planting parks каменные и деревянные

and leaving large areas of fo- дома.

rest unchaged.

Read and translate the following text.


People have been building cities and are living in them since very ancient times but they have always been trying not to sepa­rate themselves from nature too much, as nature gives rest. That is why they have been surrounding with gardens their stone and wood; wooden houses in cities and towns. They have been planting parks and leaving large areas of forest unchanged.

A park is an area with either planted or natural vegetation, roads, alleys, water reservoirs and various things to help people to rest and to spend their free time usefully.

Parks are of two types: regular (or architectural) and irregu­lar. Regular parks are planned in geometrical proportions of alleys, roads, gardens and waters, they are usually decorated with fountains, sculptures, etc.; in irregular parks trees, roads and waters imitate natural landscape unchanged by man.

Parks were built already in very ancient time. We know of won­derful architectural park of ancient Egypt. Everyone heard of the Babylonian suspension gardens. Beautiful landscape type parks

are known in ancient China. In ancient Greece special gardens were built with space to train the youth in sports and sport games. In Middle ages parks and gardens in Eastern countries had its own decorative design. In Europe of Renaissance period a new type of parks appeared. They consisted of a series of terraces and supporting walls and were richly decorated with sculpture and water cascades.


Put the following verbs into the sentences, using them in Present, Past or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate these sentences.

To surround, to be, to rest, to plant, to appear, to design.

1. The famous architect... this beautiful garden in 1876.

2. There... different species of plants in the park.

3. My sister... when she is walking along the alleys of this park.

4. Every student of our group... a tree next year.

5. A new type of park... in Europe of Renaissance period.

6. Old trees... the wooden house of my parents.


Choose the proper word and put it into the sentence. Translate the sentences.



1. People have always been trying not to... themselves from nature as nature gives....

2. A park is an area with either planted or natural...., roads, alleys and water....

3. Parks are of two types... and....

4. Regular parks are usually decorated with...,..., etc.

5. In irregular parks trees, road and water imitate natural... unchanged by man.

6. In ancient Greece special gardens were built with space to... the youth in sports and sport games.

7. In Middle Ages parks and gardens in Eastern countries had its own decorative...

Sculptures, Regular, vegetation, fountains, to train, to se­parate, rest, irregular, reservoirs, landscape, design.


Read and translate the text without a dictionary.


People made parks in cities many thousand years ago. They always wanted to have some nature in the city, to come to the park, to have a rest. But the first city parks were open only for rich people. Now all people in all countries use parks.

Today there is no city without a park for public recreation.

There are different types of parks in the world. Some parks are very small with only a few trees and flowers. Others- such as Hyde Park in London or Sokolniky in Moscow - have very large territories.


Make up a dialogue, following this instruction.

A. You are a student at the Landscape Gardening Department. You've learnt much about parks and their history. You are ready to answer your friends question's on this problem. В» You are fond of nature. You like to go to the forest, to have a rest in the parks. As your friend knows many interesting things about parks and their history, you'd like to ask him a few questions such as:

1) What the park is;

2) Why the people have been planting parks and leaving large areas of forest unchanged;

3) What types the parks are of;

4) What way regular parks are planned in;

5) What landscape trees, roads and waters immitate in irregular parks;

6) When and in what countries parks appeared;

7) What the parks of Renaissance period consisted of;


Compose the retelling of the text, finishing the following sentences.

1. As nature gives rest to people, they have always been trying..., they have been planting..., and leaving....

2. A park is an area with....

3. Parks are of two types....

4. Regular parks are planned in....

5. In irregular parks trees, roads and water....

6. There were different kinds of parks in ancient countries. For example, in Egypt there was...:

in ancient China there were...;

in ancient Greece special gardens were built with the space... and in Europe of Renaissance period the parks consisted of...»

Lesson 2

Parks(part 2)

Read and learn the following words.

in accordance with (prp) - в соответствии с

feature (n) -черта

make (v) -делать

several (a) -несколько

grow (v) -расти

know (v) -знать

take part -принимать участие

order (n, v) - приказ, указ; приказывать

meet (v) -встречать

found (v) -основать

slope (n) -склон

cover (v) -покрывать

occupy (v) -занимать

wash (v) -мыть

seashore (n) -побережье

painter (n) -художник

famous (a) -знаменитый


Read and translate the sentences. Pay attention to the participle II and its functions in the sentence.

1. The peculiar feature of Russian parks has always been most harmonious union of man - made design with the surrounding land­scape. 2. "Summer Park" occupies a little piece of land washed by the Neva, Moika, Fontanka. 3. The park in Petrodvoretz is known for its fountains whose number is more than 250. 4. Their construction and foundation was started in 1934 in accordance with a special government order. 5. Usually these parks are re­gularly planned or both landscape and architectural styles are combined. 6. Examples of such parks are the Moscow Recreation Park named after Gorky, Sokolniki park and others.


Read and translate the text.


The peculiar feature of Russian parks has always been most harmonious union of man-made design with the surrounding lands­cape. Famous world over are old Russian parks in Petersburg and near it. "Summer Park" in the centre of the city was founded by Peter I. It is a geometrically proportional garden with several dozens of sculptures of Italian masters. The park occupies a little piece of land washed by the Neva, Moika, Fontanka. Large old trees grow here. Krivol, Pushkin, Shevchenko and many other poets, writers and painters liked to rest here. The park in Petrodvoretz is known for its fountains, whose number is more than 250. It founded by Peter I on the seashore. Such brilliant architects as Rastrelly, Voronikhin, Shubin and Martos took part

in its construction. People come here to have a look at it and to rest. Not less beautiful are the parks in Pavlovsk, Lomonosov and Pushkin.

In our country there are many old and new Recreation (Public) Parks. Their construction and foundation was started in 1934 accordance with a special government order, and now there are such parks in nearly all the cities and towns of Russia. The aim of recreation parks is to give the population all the opportuni­ties to spend their free time most usefully. In such parks you may listen to a lecture of a well-known scientist, to meet famous people, to listen to a concert, to go in for sports, to see a film, etc. Usually these parks are regularly planned or both lands-cape and architectural styles are combined. The centre of the park is usually architecturally planned while periphery is often left as natural landscape with narrow irregular roads, little

lakes and tree-covered slopes. Examples of such parks are the Moscow Recreation Parks named after Gorky, Sokolniki park and others.



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